
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago

    A Twist on the Valentine’s Day Experiment

    Legend has it that although Abraham Lincoln ate sparsely, he was particularly fond of a white cake made by his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln. Historians say she often made this cake for the president while they were courting and he always commented, “Mary’s white cake is the best I have ever eat…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago

    Valentine Experiment

    Saint Valentine’s Day was originally (and still is) a Roman Catholic feast day, commemorating the life of a certain Valentinus, who was martyred in Rome some time in the 3rd Century A.D. The story is, while he was imprisoned for serving as a Christian priest, he healed the jailer’s daughter from blindness and apparently, fel…[Read more]

    • Good experiment; time to walk the walk… And I do depend on y’all to push me along this path of being ever more romantic (there is a lot of room to grow!)

    • Thank you, Luis. I am very happy it brought you intense emotions.

    • Ah but you did still share so much… I enjoy so much expressions of excitement and adoration and arousal, but also of course love. This made me feel so warm and happy.

    • My life means much more.
      Most important aspect of my life.
      My encouragement and courage.
      Kept me in the game, made it possible for me to hope, become better.
      A dominant force in how I define myself.
      Because of you, I have passion to fuel my will to keep going.

    • Alright, I wasn’t going to share, cause I’m shy about this (I don’t consider myself particularly poetic or romantic), but I’ve really enjoyed the way others have gone for it, and reading what’s been shared… and I’m nothing if not a joiner… so… here goes nothing.

      I keep a small notebook in my purse, at times when I have a particularly…[Read more]

      • First of all, how you can keep and fill the content this notebook, and do not consider yourself romantic is beyond me. It is incredibly romantic and more importantly, memorializes and cherishes those fleeting moments and those significant memories.

    • I stole the idea, #5 did it for me, that book is own of my most treasured possessions. We should all steal the idea.

    • They may not be writing it down Luis, but i know you too well not to know there are women out there filling their book on you in their minds.

    • Sorry I’m late (as usual), but how could I resist the challenge of expressing myself within limits (particularly when I’m prone to being verbose)? Context: long-distance writer friend I’ve had warm feelings for over the better part of a decade, but for whatever reason (long distance or either/both of us being in relationships with other people)…[Read more]

      • How I love when all you can do is dance and your mind go crazy imagining what it would be like for more.

      • Loved it Ellasaria! Reminded me of one of my long time favorites:

        “In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”
        ― Rumi

        • Rumi always says it much better than I ever could. 😀

          I’ve admitted to this person that I would be glad to assist him with his involuntary celibacy problem, but I suppose it speaks to his character that he turned me down due to our history (and the fact that we’re too far apart for it to go anywhere).

          • You are a Diva Ms EllariaSand… I have a hard time imagining there are not true fans gathered near you. Do you turn your gaze on these poor devoted souls? Let them a turn to court you as well? Is it always the huntress in you that chooses?

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago

    Word Game
    Instructions: You can give a new word (tag it with ’New Word:’) or respond to another’s word. Responses can be no longer than four words.
    For example: if the New Word: is ’First Date’ a reply might be something like ’opportunity to impress’, ’smile and be present’, or ’A dance of desires’

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago


    “According to WebProNews report titled “Valentine’s Day: What Women Really Want,” women want flowers, weekend getaways, jewelry, and favors. “If there is one thing women love, it’s watching their man clean. ”

    A man after all women’s hearts said to me yesterday: ” my plans are aside from the chore…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 8 months ago


    I swear to God I want to start one. I need to start one. I can not settle, I can not push everything I want and need and desire aside. I require it be part of every day. I want to cry and be moved and reach so deep inside another that we both tremble with fear and power and bliss. Every day! What I know is, it can be done. It…[Read more]

    • So come now tell… Did you? There is still time you know.

    • Yes, I did. We pushed aside a week’s exhaustion. He gave me his time; he stayed. He came for me. I took a bath. I came for him.

    • Thank You Mallory. This makes me very happy. I love to know as a species, we are out there living this life, not just bearing it, not just surviving it, but really living it, it makes all the difference. I know what a struggle it is, but we have to fight for this level of inclusion. Savor those nights. I found my moments… too short and…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 8 months ago

    Talk about parties I would like to attend…I came across this photo recently and said to myself…yup…something DEFINITELY cool is going on at THIS party!!!


  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 9 months ago

    Word Game
    Instructions: You can give a new word (tag it with ’New Word:’) or respond to another’s word. Responses can be no longer than four words.
    For example: if the New Word: is ’First Date’ a reply might be something like ’opportunity to impress’, ’smile and be present’, or ’A dance of desires’


    I hate packing. I look at the suits, the shirts, the ties I set aside with frustration. And casual clothes, I need some more of those. I look around the closet and give up. I think I’ve got most of it together. Where is Nicole anyway? It is almost 9pm. I need her to do this for me. I search for my…[Read more]


    Alex finishes dressing, putting in the notch to his belt, and then putting his jacket back on. Still staring at the naked body sprawled across his office floor, he playfully whips his tie across her ass. She moans. He bends down to turn her over. She winces and moans again.

    “Did I hurt you?” he looks…[Read more]

    • Luis-
      I think you have touched on something with your comment, but I would like to give it a slightly different spin…what I would like to believe is a responsible “dominant mans” view of pushing Nicole to meet Rachel. Apologies in advance to @Mal8899 for attempting to deconstruct her beautiful story in a way that may be less than tittilating,…[Read more]

    • Fair enough…you are absolutely correct. I guess the honesty partcomes into play when trying to MANAGE how to pursue those…well…primary…motivations!

      See…I knew that my trying to analyze this story would miss a few marks…I guess the central question I would have for you Luis is about the differences in social attitudes and mores in…[Read more]

    • Well, the term “sexual colonialism” is just something I made up, so the fact that you had no idea what it meant has nothing to do with any language barrier, but I think that the rest of your response is very helpful in illustrating the concept that I was trying to put forth in using that term. Follow the heart and override oneself is an…[Read more]

    • @luis and @A.James, may I ask you gentlemen to use the Comment button instead Reply at this point because the truncated format is getting too difficult to read.

    • It occurs to me that when we watch movies we often do cheer for exactly this Luis, that the leads ‘should follow their hearts and mortify’. In movies we value and demand romance and courage, expression and passion.

      But in real life, so often don’t we do the opposite? Value and encourage being in line, doing what is expected. Building…[Read more]

      • P.s.s. I think it’s quite obvious where I was going to land on this part, but I’ll go ahead and state it, if she is not there in Chicago with him and Rachael, I consider it an absolute requirement that she see Adam.

      • In real life, consequences also requires summoning courage and passion, perhaps a different type of courage and passion than that of the heart.

    • @alix-james, @luis, @lake : okay I will try to give everyone what they want.

    • I think what we want most is just for you to not to stop!! 🙂 Whichever way you go, I’m confident it will grip, and squeeze, tease, and please one way or another as it always does.

      The subtle building tension for me in this one has me holding my breath. It feels like those moments in the theatre when you know something big is about to…[Read more]

    • Perhaps trust (
      1.reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
      2.confident expectation of something; hope.)

    • @luis you are too funny!

    • I have a feeling I know what the feeling was that Luis was feeling 🙂

    • I’m not sure I can handle all this pressure!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 9 months ago

    This is a challenge that @lake inspired over in the Erotic Photos section (and that is an open wager between us right now) and I liked the overall idea so well, I am reposting it as an actual experiment for others. There is a photo I posted in erotic photos which has a suit wearing mans hand and fingers delicately (or not so delicately depending…[Read more]

    • You may have to keep reminding me that I am not eligible to volunteer for this!

      • Well…..
        I guess that you COULD volunteer!

        I might be able to figure out SOMETHING as to how to bring the “contest” into such a situation…

        Or we could just self assess the response that we were able to create in one another…

        Let’s see if we can get the volunteer, but if not, I would have to think long and hard about accommodating such an…[Read more]

    • I vote for lake volunteering and james demostrating long and hard.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Then there are a few moments that I apparently didn’t know existed…or at least I am friends with the wrong people!

    • Hmmm… I do still have my wedding dress… Of course it is not white, so I suppose it wouldn’t be the same. C ant help but feel I missed opportunity here… And now I can’t believe I didn’t think of getting at least one kind of naughty picture that day, these are so amped!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    And then of course…there is the Honeymoon Suite!

    • Apparently there are a few highly popular pics men like to take of their new brides these days. I can’t really blame them, can you!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    And then things get sloppy…

    • It sounds to me like you are saying that she is the type of bride that you could see yourself really looking forward to be the one she was leaving the reception with…
      Were you the groom of course!
      I can get behind that notion.


  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    The Reception…where everyone lets loose!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Photographers must see the darndest things…

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Keeping with the “wedding” theme…a few of my favorites…sorted by sub-genere!
    Getting Ready…

  • Doris posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    lake – instead of recreating the sofa pic we were talking about, I share another one: it’s an opening from another perspective; hope you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

    • He’s out for an errand. Will tell him when returning. Thanks for loving the perspective. 🙂

    • I love more than the perspective and am very open to your sharing! You always have such clever ideas for making the photos new and fun.

      I just bought some maroon tights of my own, but I haven’t worn them yet…. This makes me think maybe I need to make that happen tomorrow. All this perspective is definitely giving me some ideas 🙂

      Thank you!

      • Most ideas come from hubby and I “approve” only the ones on my liking. 🙂 Glad that you love this perspective. Cannot wait to see your ideas about it 😀
        Thanks and hugs,

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Admittedly, not as stylish, but there can be no mistaking what it is about this “expression” that I like as well after my last comment below – think everything mentioned but with a cock instead of a finger…


    there are more than a few similarities to this view (even though it is not me…or at least not until later this afternoon, if at all p…[Read more]


    Nicole flips over her wet hair, giving it another towel dry, and puts it up in a quick ponytail. Putting a little moisturizer on her face, and she finishes with a little lip stain. Then sitting down on the locker bench, wondering if she should head home to make dinner or make other plans, she…[Read more]

    • What do you want to be next?

    • I’m still sitting here picturing Nicole, naked wrapped in a towel with freshly stained lips on one of the benches at the locker room at the gym… Just within reach…

    • OMG and now I’m picturing me in the office, it’s been one of those days, it’s ten I’m still there, I never got out for lunch, have had maybe a handful of almonds all day… and she’s on my lap feeding me peekytoe crab, and its savory and warm and it starts to restore my being I am starting to feel like a human being again and I’m pissed I’ve spent…[Read more]

      • Yes, yes, the rest will have to wait.

        • Come and taunt me, enchant me, distract me, feed me… Come focus me… Let me shed my skin, and stand in all ways naked before you, pour myself into you and be accepted… I will not miss such a moment, I will not hesitate, I will not take your offering for granted… Have mercy on me, let my gratitude wrap you in ecstasy.

          • It is difficult to decipher if there is any difference between acceptance and ecstasy.

            • Indeed dear Mallory indeed. If the gift is appreciated by both for what it is, they are indeed difficult to distinguish.

          • I’ve come to taunt you, lake, to tell you I’m working on the long await conversation between Alex and Nicole.

            • Your timing is impeccable, Sunday is my long run miles and miles to let my mind travel over any idea we can manage to set it to before I head out.

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