Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
You make me so horny, and I love your whole mystery man thing, but I also hate it, because I really want to fuck you. I want to take off all my clothes for you slowly, not all at once like that night […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I can’t tell you how much I miss gazing upon your naked body. Could we maybe make it a weekly thing? Say, I come around to the clump of palms beneath your balcony every Tuesday at 11 P.M., and you […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
A few days after Mona conspired to have herself masturbated through sheer pantyhose at a party, my wife and I went to a party, too. I will admit that I was hoping to find Mona there: for a glimpse of her fabulous […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Dear Sultry Shaven Seductress,
I dream of you from many directions now – I dream of you naked on your balcony in the night, and I dream of your shaven pussy being adoringly licked through your pantyhose. You’re a […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Dear Sultry One,
I’m still spending quiet moments contemplating the hot fantasy you spoke aloud during our walking experiment. I like to think of you being taken in sleek bathrooms. I’d like to take you as you […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
My wife speaks the truth when she says that she’s entirely at ease in the nude. As the weather gets warmer, she flashes more flesh, and I get hornier. Of course Spring always gets me buzzing for sex and bikinis a […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I am attaching my résumé, since after your office fantasy I don’t think there’s anyplace I’d rather work. You will notice that I have no previous experience at “Ravaging the boss on her […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
First off, I thought a lot about your e-mail. I mean your idea that my sex fantasies usually involve anonymous partners and that this means I don’t really fantasize about men or women I know. That’s not […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Recently I’ve been lucky enough to have an exciting correspondence with a woman named Liza, who writes a sex blog of her adventures at alwayseachother.blogspot.com, and she eagerly requested a dare. Here was my […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
A charming reader named Liza, who has a sex blog of her own, wrote to me asking for an erotic dare set on an amusement park ride. I had no idea that she would become a sex machine herself. This is her daring […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I continue to be awed by the enterprising women who e-mail me begging for naughty experiments of their own. Yes, a man asks from time to time, but I’m forced to consider the previously counterintuitive possibility […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I caught my wife looking at porn. I knew I would catch her looking at porn because I have an alter-ego named Mr. X who had told me so. He’s like Superman to my everyday Clark Kent, but despite all the nifty t […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Dear Intrepid Voyager,
You want to know who that lone stranger in the basement of the sex shop was in your last experiment? It was me. And I’m still there, waiting, waiting, passing time by imagining all the a […]
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