• Mr. X wrote a new post 9 years, 2 months ago

    We’ve begun a new series of dares with extraordinary women all over the globe. Readers Sweet Soumise in Paris and CC in Los Angeles have each asked for a monthly dare, and we’re posting their responses on Fri […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 9 years, 3 months ago

    CC is a bold young woman living in Los Angeles. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her first experiment from Mr. X.



    It’s a hot and humid day here in Southern Ca […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 9 years, 3 months ago

    Sweet Soumise is an adventurous young woman living in Paris. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her first experiment from Mr. X.

    Dear Mr. X,

    I am writing this from the scene […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 9 years, 4 months ago

    Today we’re excited to begin a new series of dares with extraordinary women all over the globe. Readers Sweet Soumise in Paris and CC in Los Angeles have each asked for a monthly dare, and we’ll post their res […]

    • Okay, Mr. X, I cannot be left out of this so very aptly named experiment when I will be spending several days up in the air flying over vast bodies of international waters. No bra? No problem. No panties, no worries.

    • Yes, endless intrigue possible when you’ve got me roaming around airports and on international flights and up in the air for over thirty hours. I have already spent hours today thinking about what to wear over what I am not wearing.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 8 months ago

    If all the relationships were different, but open, and equally healthy, and rewarding.


    Have one, two, three, or five partners?

  • <aProfile picture of href=”http://www.thesexexperiment.com/members/pierre19/”>pierre19 and are now friends 9 years, 8 months ago

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago


    7. If you could have both, but only repeat one, which would you repeat, the best oral sex or the best intercourse of your life?

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago


    6. Would you rather, walk down the block with no panties, and your skirt lifted and tucked into the waistband in the back. Or have heavy pda to orgasm without nudity in public?

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago

    Would you rather love with all your heart, and lose them, or manage your heart, meter your love, and lose them?

    • I would rather manage, meter, and lose. The lost may hurt just a little less because I THINK I had a little control.

    • I would rather love with all my heart, and lose, knowing I did everything I could, knowing how much I can give, learning the lessons and habits that align best with the life I want most to live. There are things worse than heartbreak, and nothing better than loving with everything you’ve got.

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailReader Mallory sent me an email asking for some dares to fulfill on a business trip. I responded with a few ideas, and she used those ideas as inspiration to create quite an erotic adventure for herself. Here’s […]

    • Seriously, you two can write! You make me drool five different ways to Sunday. Funny how minds do sometimes go to the same place. I remember a conference where I had to leave cunt dipped pens, only so e of them I had to dip right there in the restaurant or conference center… Wow, how reading this has brought back that whole experience for me, how wonderful! Thank you both so much for sharing, and keeping the juices flowing my friends! Kisses

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago


    Sexy, longtime blog reader Mallory wrote to me a while ago looking for adventure. She’s written here before about her sexy fantasies, so the thought of having the chance to dare her into some unspeakably […]

    • Wow now that I read this again, I am anxious to go on another business trip and get into some more unspeakably hot waters.

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks to oh-so-sexy @mal8899 for organizing what has become an impressive list of 100 hot foreplay activities. I may pull them all into a blog post at some point, but for now you can read them here: http://www.thesexexperiment.com/members/mal8899/activity/18266/ The deal was that if you hit 100, we’d post a private dare I made to Mallory, and I’d…[Read more]

    • Dare for @him Mr. X:
      I dare you to tell us a yet unfulfilled fantasy, the one that is on top of the list if there is a list. Describe the sexual, sensual, emotional nature of that desire. If you can make it happen, what is the extent of the yearning that would drive you to fulfill that fantasy and accept all the consequences.

    • My part is already written. I am sure Mr X will do a proper backdrop on it and maybe add his point of view too.

    • It appears I may be the one interested in seeing Mr X quaking in his boots. Part 2 of dare:
      Hand write the fantasy and slip it between the pages of a Henry Miller book at the local library, requesting the finder to replace your fantasy with one of their own. Go back to library in a few weeks to check out the progress.

      • Hmm. Up for the library bit, but in none of the places where I spend most of my time is English the principal language, but I write in English, so the odds of finding a bi-lingual Miller reader are incredibly slim.

    • I dare you for the next month to write your full and unfiltered comments, answers, or responses to all posts.


      I dare you to post a picture of yourself (retaining your anonymity of course is fine), that gives us a strong sense of more than one aspect of your appearance, and style.


      I dare you to tell us one of the most interesting…[Read more]

      • Naughty girl…. I could get up for some of these. Obviously the book signing appeals most. What fun that would be. Already dreaming up my special dedication for you, lake….

        • Mmmmm now THAT gives me an idea for another dare option… Write up the book signing scene with us there. I’m already dreaming of it, maybe this will send me right over the edge… Problem is once I’ve thought about it that much, I’ll just have to have it for real.

    • I’ll let this ride for a few more days in case others have comments, and then I’ll get down to fulfilling a dare (gulp).

      • How is it that even just your ‘gulp’ gets me riled up?

        • Because you’re imagining that situation where, face to face, I gulp?

          • EVERYTHING about the thought of you face to face makes me squirm. As for the gulp, I think the thought of you pensive, even thousands of miles away makes me feel you more… Yum…

  • pierre19 posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 9 years, 11 months ago

    Oh, my …. what a honey pot …..XX
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years ago

    ‘Fuck me’, she whispered into the air above my head as my mouth edged along her throat. I squeezed her ass harder and with both hands, lifting and spreading as I did. Her chin dropped, and between pants she whispered into my ear, ‘I live close by’. I slid my hand up to the top of her shirt, and scratched a line down her chest as I pulled it…[Read more]

    • lake replied 10 years ago

      We would have been dangerous together in our twenties Luis

    • lake replied 10 years ago

      I was reminiscing of the olden days. I was ‘a bit’ of a player once… But a very nice one!

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years ago

    Sexy Mallory and her lovely legs (I’ve just come from the Photo Orgy), along with the help of a few creative friends, is getting close to a master list of 100 daring foreplay ideas here: http://www.thesexexperiment.com/members/mal8899/activity/18266/

    Check them out, get inspired, and add your own!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years ago

    Reposting as mentioned…

    My Second Love

    I was 22, in grad school, 6% body fat, and poor as a church mouse. I lived in a rented room in an apartment with three girls. I had a mattress and a stack of books in my room. Some clothes in the closet, not much else. I worked in a lab 9 to 5 part paid, part sponsorship doing research for my thesis.…[Read more]

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