Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I loved reading your sexy e-mail, and I hope I’m not going too far if I say that I am one of the many men you’ve made hard over the past few days. I didn’t know what to expect from this experiment, […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Dear Mr. X,
Bastard! I really didn’t think I could pull this experiment off, and I almost fainted trying. You’re not going easy on me, are you, mister? Ha! I half-wondered whether when the delivery man showed […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
So my wife has turned out to be an exhibitionist, and I’ve turned out to really like it. I’ve always liked the looks she gets from men when we’re out together – they undress her with their eyes, just as I occasio […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Dear Little Exhibitionist,
How I would have liked to see you taunting your delivery boy. I can imagine that he’s still masturbating to the memories of the sight of you, and the extended sex fantasy the m […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
This challenge actually turned out to be harder than the last one (but then you probably knew that). Letting my tits pop out of my robe for the delivery man somehow just seemed like a game, but there […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
My wife still had Mona’s cell phone when she came home that evening from rendezvous to reveal her sexual fantasy. I had no idea how the meeting had gone, or even whom she’d met, because she hadn’t yet written to […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
The other day I got a sexy e-mail from a reader named Lisa, and I most definitely have a new obsession (can you have too many?). Here’s her (sexy) e-mail:
To Mr. X,
Your stories excite me beyond the point o […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Several days ago I received a sexy e-mail from a fearless reader. We hit it off, both got horny in the process, and then she asked if I would give her an experiment of her own. I was happy to oblige, and now she’s […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I heard my wife come in. I even heard the zip of her dress as her clothes fell to the floor. I was listening closely. I knew she had come in from my fantasy.
I sat for a while in my office, listening through the […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Well you’re certainly getting creative! It’s always the little twist to your dares that makes them difficult (as I’m sure you know). I give my business card out to strangers every day (and now I’m worried […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Did you miss me? I missed you. I wanted to send a postcard, or a sex toy, but then I don’t have your address, do I? So instead I thought of you and walked into a sex shop.
My chance to meet your sex […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Beware a woman with a mohawk fetish. Do everything in your power to get her into your bed, but beware. You’re in for a wild ride, particularly if her name is Alice – particularly if she’s shown a penchant for […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
There is news from Alice. I only wish you were all at sex café the afternoon she walked in with her notebook to fuck a stranger with her mind and write it all down for her five-word experiment. I imagine she was […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Alice’s erotic adventures this week have only reaffirmed my belief in the vast untapped potential of the sex-crazed among you, by which I mean all of you, assuming you’re human and breathing. So in honor of your […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
I promised a Third Round of the Group Sex Game this week. We lost quite a few nobly, horny souls in the Second Round. May they all continue on towards future sexual glories. Happily, though, there are nine […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
The Group Sex Game has a winner. You sent off your sex fantasies to strangers, you stripped for the camera, but only one of you rose to a more mathematical challenge of phone numbers. Her name is Tori, she is […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
For those of you just tuning in: we had a round one of the Group Sex Game in which sixteen fearless readers suited up and posted their deepest, darkest fantasies to Craig’s List; nine of those competitors rose to […]
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
We’re playing a game called The Sex Experiment Relay, and here’s how it works:
1) I post an experiment.
2) You post your experimental results in the comments section, as well as a new experiment […]
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