
  • Mr. X posted an update 12 years, 11 months ago

    Dying to post another chapter of The Known Experiment to hear what you think, but I’m sticking to the rules, dammit, and we need three more people in there. Join us!

    • How many people have registered on the site and how many have joined that group? Is it the same number?

      • 114 new members since the update, and 58 in that group right now. That’s a pretty great start…. I’m just eager to get the book out there and get reactions to it.

        • That is a great start! God Damn people, sign up! LoL
          Any way to make a list of all members on the side bar so we can see who is here..perhaps click on the name to get to their profile? Just a thought. ‘Cause if we dont know if they are here, we can’t friend them, invite them or even interact with them.

          • Thanks! And yeah, I’ve been trying to figure out an elegant way to do that. For the moment, this works:

            • Can you add a box in the profile asking if people want the profile “publid” which would put it on the side?

              • Not opposed, but what would “public” vs. “private” really mean? What’s the point of being “private”? (I’m not talking about general “privacy” – emails, etc. – which is 100% here.) That /members list will get unwieldy soon, though, so I’m very happy to keep up a discussion here of better ways to connect people.

                • Public would put your icon on the sidebar with a link to the profile. private would keep it off the side bar. So if I want to see who is a member I can just look to the side, click and go to the profie. I really had no idea there were so many members. I thought the number of members under the “The Know Experiment Group” were the only members on the site.

                  • Yeah, that’s the problem. I’m afraid (happy) that soon enough the sidebar would go on for pages. I’ve put a new widget over there that will suggest friends based on friendships. Let me know what you think.

                    • I guess you are right about that list becoming an issue. Friend suggestions is good. Is there a link to the member page that lists all members that you could add to the side bar? Similar to the link above?

                      and btw, great work.