
  • Mr. X posted an update 10 years, 9 months ago

    How’s the new reading experience in the new design for you iPad people? Any problems clicking on links? On this site, when you press, or stroke, a button, it should take you someplace nice. So please let me know if it doesn’t.

    • Oh boy, maybe it is just me… I’ll have to work on my touch… Maybe I’m not rolling it quite satisfactorily… Hmmmm

    • Okay I have another clue, the links only stop working for me on certain pages. This one for example:

      NICOLE AND ALEX – PLANNING ABOUT RACHELAlex finishes dressing, putting in the notch to his belt, and then putting his jacket back on. Still staring at the naked body sprawled across his office floor, he playfully whips his tie across her ass. She moans. He bends down to turn her over. She winces and moans again.“Did I hurt you?” he looks…[Read more]– Mallory (@mal8899) January 20, 2014

        • I can’t for the life of me reproduce this. You mean any links in the right Activity column off those pages? Whatever the case, I’m sure Mallory’s up to mischief, and something needs to be done….

          • Well of course I am. And something really should be done.

          • Yes indeed, we must focus on what we know, on what must be done… On what’s needed for Ms Mallory! I am thinking its time for a tease… All this talk of threesomes, and women who kiss women, and sex ting… When you are right you are right! Something must be done indeed!

            How about this proposal for our dear muse… Starting now. First one on the site to perform one of the above acts and share stimulating evidence (as judged by @Mallory of course) of the adventure, gets to request a photo from her with a prescribed pose and requested garb.

    • I am beginning to take this personally!

    • Ah, good point, I have been getting prompted to do an OS upgrade. I tend to pass on updates, because I go crazy when they rearrange everything! But I’ll go ahead and bite the bullet. If it goes awry, just remember you prompted for the crazy!

    • Oh and for the record… Mr. X’s page was wonderfully responsive… Perhaps one of the most responsive I’ve EVER seen! I clearly am going to have to keep coming back.

      • You’re an angel, lake. Very flattered. But even a responsive page does nothing without the right touch.

    • When the reward is one of you… I would be more than willing to evolve my touch, perfect it, personalize it, take it to a new peak. Inf act find it very hard to think of anything I want to do more right now.