Mr. X

  • What is On Your Fantasy List?
    Extra Naughty Middle of the Night

    Sometimes he comes home very late after work and dinner with clients. I awaken as he slips into bed and I ask about dinner. He proceeds to tell me it was mundane but that he flirted with an attractive woman across from him at the next table. I start undressing him. He…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 8 months ago

    Ha! Catching up on everyone’s fantasies, and love the charm of this one.

  • What is On Your Fantasy List?
    Dessert Anyone?

    Have you ever seen those mimes on the street that put out a box, strike a pose and then just freeze? No matter what you do they don’t flinch or even shift their eyes. I’ve always had the fantasy of being like that naked a center piece on the dessert table at a large gala. Tiny little pastries and…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 8 months ago

    Wow. Love that.

  • “I want to do with you what the Spring does with the cherry trees.”
    ~ Pablo Neruda

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 8 months ago

    So hot. Love the daily boredom as the background, then love your daring, and how far you go. Would love to publish it up on the blog as a Friday Fantasy, if that’s alright with you. The title would have to be that fabulous line: “The scream that had been there from the start.”

    • Two things that are very dangerous for me; boredom and jealousy… I am almost always going to push some limit when I hit either one of those.

      Love that title… It’s yours do with as you please.

      • “It’s yours to do with as you please?” Hmm…

      • By “by pushing some limits” when you ate jealous, are we to presume that to mean “competitive”? My first thought was that that I couldn’t imagine there being a much more sexual creature on this planet so its hard to believe that there would be all that much for you to be jealous about… My second thought was “My oh my how much I would love to…[Read more]

        • James! How nice to hear from you 🙂

          Still not missing a thing I see. I think I shall answer your question with a short story/example/reveal. I once received one of those phone calls… You know the ones where it is another woman calling to tell you she is sleeping with your man (this back when I still did real monogamy) I asked her to meet me.…[Read more]

  • Thought this one went well with MrTinkertoys’ story below

    Sitting at a bar stool in a café. Watching the drone of New Yorkers walk by through the window one foot in front of her face, she is feeling bored; she is feeling irreverent and disconnected. She needs a distraction. She straightens her back and lets her knees fall open. Her skirt is…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 8 months ago

    Love this, Andrew. Very sexy, and particularly love the sense of humor: “I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or her actual asshole.” Would love to post it up on the blog for others to see if you don’t mind. Let me know, and in any case, please give us more volleyball!

  • So this fantasy is pretty long and intricate, but I’ve been playing out this scenario in my brain for some time now. It’s also completely unrealistic, but isn’t that what a fantasy is supposed to be?


    We had just finished our final game of volleyball. Despite being 6’4, I was…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 8 months ago

    Fantastic Mallory, and I hope there’s some grain of truth. And beautifully written. Particularly loved this: “We spent the rest of the morning rediscovering sex in this slightly more crowded context, developing our own new triangular language.”

    Would love to publish this up on the blog for others if you’re not opposed. As you wish (always as…[Read more]

    • Thanks, Mr. X. Yes, a good number of grains of truth.

      Would be delighted if you wish to put it up on the blog.

  • Adding Lexi

    It figures that when I finally get to live out my top-of-the-list fantasy, my flight was delayed. It was after two in the morning when I arrived at the hotel. I quietly entered the one bedroom suite. Exhausted slumber filled the stillness. The inner bathroom light gave a slight illumination as my eyes adjusted and focused on the…[Read more]

  • Saw these & immediately thought of The Neighbor Experiment!

  • Adding this pic with myself in the act of saying “Thank You” and “I love You” to my man…

  • What Is On Your Fantasy List?

    I thought it might be fun to just swap some fantasies and give us some new ideas. I will go first.

    My lover and I have a pet. We decide that she is perfect to offer up as a drinking companion for an executive from overseas. She is to dress a part, display her charms, entertain him however we see fit. Will it…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Oh yeah, and voyeur way up there, maybe at 2, or at least 3.

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    OK, I think I’m beginning to understand. But it’s all so hard, isn’t it…? And all these numbers…? And the vocabulary! Uh, could I maybe stay after class so maybe you can help me some more with this?

    As for the survey, not going to go through it all again. but submissive was in the low teens, if not single digits. Dominant was in the low…[Read more]

    • Oh yeah, and voyeur way up there, maybe at 2, or at least 3.

    • [lake rolls up sleeves]

      Oh yes, I can see you are definitely going to need some special attention and lots of hands on experimentation if we’re going to make this tutoring stick. But have no fear, I am sure we cam structure these lessons so as to be ‘memorable’! hmmm, but where to start…

  • Mr. X posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    89% Experimental, which seems appropriate. Naive question: what\’s \”Switch\”. That\’s #2 at 67%.

    • lake had me show all of mine, so you gotta too!

      • oh yes you do indeed ‘gotta too’!!… please Sir 😉

        If you switch or are a switch it generally (there are variations on the nuances) means at least some aspects of your prefered role are dependent on the context or situational… so you may be/feel/play Dominant/sadist/Top OR submissive/masochist/bottom dependant on the person, the situation, or…[Read more]

        • Using a D/s example), if Both of the following activities seem equally applicable it would bode well for your ‘Switchability’ vs leaning strongly toward one or the other. If your heteroflexible or bi and want to have fun with it, flip the genders and see if that changes anything.

          1. After being given permission you greedily bury your face between…[Read more]

          • OK, I think I’m beginning to understand. But it’s all so hard, isn’t it…? And all these numbers…? And the vocabulary! Uh, could I maybe stay after class so maybe you can help me some more with this?

            As for the survey, not going to go through it all again. but submissive was in the low teens, if not single digits. Dominant was in the low…[Read more]

            • Oh yeah, and voyeur way up there, maybe at 2, or at least 3.

            • [lake rolls up sleeves]

              Oh yes, I can see you are definitely going to need some special attention and lots of hands on experimentation if we’re going to make this tutoring stick. But have no fear, I am sure we cam structure these lessons so as to be ‘memorable’! hmmm, but where to start…

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