
  • Grimm Perrault and Profile picture of Mr. XMr. X are now friends 13 years, 3 months ago

    • Very nice to see the famous Grimm Perrault around. Missed you!

      • Aw, thank, Mr. X! I have been quite busy with my life, both in sexy stuff as in work-related matters. I will be travelling until Sunday and will get back in touch. Oh, and I fell i love with somebody in the meantime, too, and I haven’t wrapped my head around if I want to go on leading a promiscuous life or not. For starters I turned it down a notch đŸ˜‰ Still have to read most of your chapters, although I must admit that I am even more intrigued by the wife and Mona developments… ***gp

        • Glad to see you’re well, GP, and glad to see you’re in love (again). Will be curious to hear more over time….