
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 2 months ago

    I was in the park a couple of weeks ago, and found these very dark wrap around sunglasses. I have started wearing them. They look terrible on me, but I’ve found that I love them anyway. You see, no one can see my eyes at all. I basically, can walk around and just stare at anything I want for as long as I want as blatantly as I want. I realize…[Read more]

    • And what was the man spying that got him semi-hard?

      • Lol, I was being I total tease. Something about the glasses makes me feel like I can get away with ridiculous things. Standing too close, with my head phones in, head turned as if I am oblivious, but staring right at him, slowly subtly just barely moving with the feel of the music. Arm up holding the bar, so my stance is very open.

    • Exactly! I’m betting you have a related story, are you holding back on us?

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 3 months ago


    If you have watched the 50 Shades trailer, you might have noticed that elevators are featured quite heavily.

    I got to fantasizing about an elevator shaft, in a building with say….42 to 50 stories, with a man who exercise control in all things…. okay, just capable of controlling the elevators.

    What have you fantasized about doing…[Read more]

    • You know I loved this!!

    • You really are a Casanova, Luis!

      This makes me wish to be in a tall building and frequent the elevator in some pattern in sync with someone hot and flirtatious.

    • Yes. Did you read my other fantasy related to an elevator?

    • I could not figure out how to do a link, so I copied it for you here:

      His Scent, Ephemeral yet Etched Deep in Memory

      Funny how the mind protects us from trauma and stress by shutting off memories and emotions. I did not understand why I have been so on edge about the MRI my doctor ordered for the pain in my shoulder. They gave me earplugs,…[Read more]

    • Now, THAT would have been Trouble.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 3 months ago

    How do you give (or receive) the most mind-blowing blow job? Let’s make a list…….

    • 1. Like doing it, want to be doing it, best of all get off yourself when doing it.

    • Google: Klixen the queen of handjobs……its slow teasing intensely erotic cock play…. including what obviously are “mind blowing” blow jobs. This woman should win an award for the hottest and most arousing cock play I’ve ever seen on screen or between my legs. In less than 24 hours my secret discreet sexual partner in crime will reward me…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 3 months ago

    I have finished this, but what the heck, at least I started it…

    Weekend Getaway

    The strokes were long and smooth, I could hear only the inside of my own head. I could feel my body stretched, reaching. I felt strong, was doing only flip turns at both ends, no long open breaths, no breaks in rhythm… Swoosh, swoosh, breathe, glide, tuck,…[Read more]

    • Last night was the first this week I finally got into the water. It is in that water, I think about things to do, strategize, write, fantasize. Last night, my thoughts go to how to build the bridge to make three work. We must have been in the same intoxicating waters!

      • Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy.

    • Oh, I think you just wrote the first paragraph of the next bit!

      As I walked away, he turned to you and cheerfully said, “shall we take a dip ourselves?”

    • Thank you, I couldn’t agree more, and exactly what I was going for… I’ll double your wistful sigh šŸ™‚

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 3 months ago

    Finish your choice of one of the following sentences:

    Older men…
    Younger men…
    Older women…
    Younger women…

    For example:
    Older men give better compliments.

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 3 months ago

    You are in a room, prepared perfectly to accommodate a ravenous orgy. The room is filled with as many people of whatever sex, shape and size you desire, and they are all at your beck and call, waiting to do scandalous things with you / to you and with one another.

    So all I ask is: who’s there? What do you want them to do to you? What do you…[Read more]

    • So this admittedly is not an orgy scene, but lately this is the ‘multiples’ scenario I’ve been thinking the most about and have become increasingly desirous of having. I also realize you were probably hoping to have lots of hot young girls thrown in, so it will likely disappoint on that level as well, but this is my fantasy right now.

      Whoā€™s t…[Read more]

      • I love your bookends.

        I had some recent conversations about the guy guy responses in this scenario which set off some interesting level of curiosities.

        • Lol, Master’s bookends.

          If you think about the possibilities, I mean it is staggering, but you have to get past so much to get to where it works.

    • I am with you, but this also points at part of the challenge. If it was me, and I am doing this, the head space I would be in, is not one where I would want to be controlling the scene. I feed off of his lust and need and fulfilling it, being the object of desire, being at the mercy of my physical yearning. I would need to be focused on…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 3 months ago

    Okay here is the game: Person gives a name. Assume this person is in bed next to you. Next person responds by indicating whether they would ‘sleep’ or ‘f…fornicate’, then they name a new person.

    First person is: Joan Jett

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago

    Her [with a wry smile]: “We are going to get thrown out”
    Me: “I’m okay with that.”
    Her [laughing]: “Well should we be worried about them?”
    Me: “Group of adults drinking in a bar late at night… Nope”
    Her: “I’m beginning to think you would just let me take my shirt off right here.”
    Me: “I wasn’t going there, but now that I’m thinking about it, the…[Read more]

    • All I can see right now is that last photo of the series Luis posted most recently in Erotic Photos, but your hands, her tits.

    • Speaking of running, I’ve been meaning to say thank you to all the hard, glistening men running with their shirts off these days. Distracting indeed,

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago

    What things have made the biggest difference in the way you now think about and live your sexuality?

    • Attention to details to see what is inside.
      Developing great trust.
      Age / experience/ knowing myself better.
      Appreciation for “what else?”

    • Every time I learned something that I thought was so, was only something I thought, that it in fact was not so.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago

    Top Characteristics for Attraction

    Luis’ point about cooking is well taken. What are the top 6-12 characteristics that make a person attractive for you?

    • 1. Passion, whether sexual or a great love of what they do.
      2. (Justified) confidence. I admit that at times I mistake arrogance for confidence, but there is something sexy about someone who is spectacular at what they do and knows it.
      3. Vulnerability. When a guy tells me something that I know very few, if no other people know, I find that it…[Read more]

      • These were interesting to read and think about Ellaria, well done. I am almost the opposite on number six though. Yes to willpower, but I am more turned on by people who can not resist me, and will not go without what they want, than those who can and do šŸ™‚

    • My dozen, not in any particular order.
      1. Maturity
      2. Balance
      3. Confidence about who they are, what they are about
      4. Ambition and work ethnic
      5. Generosity
      6. Articulation
      7. Responsibility
      8. Decency
      9. Hands
      10. Eyes
      11. Scent
      12. Reasonable fitness

    • Alright, I’m going to write mine before I read the other answers, it is a little convoluted cause something’s are different with women than men, I’ll see if I can sort it out as I go.
      1. Depth – being interesting is very much about being interested. The broader the context and experience and possible approach the more I seem to be intrigued.
      2.…[Read more]

      • I lost my train of thought, but I think you get the idea. Ill add one more cause its important.
        9. Hunger – Drive wrapped with creativity and extraordinary vision gets extra points
        10. Physicality and sensuality, wrapped with kinky and extraordinary desire gets extra points.

    • I really liked this Luis, ” thus sheā€™s not begging for anyoneā€™s attention.
      These are features from people with strong personality.”

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago

    Ok. I think that the statute of limitations has passed and I am significantly “over it” to the point where I can finally post the once-hinted “Bicycle Experiment 3.0.”

    The Bicycle Experiment 3.0

    You know how sometimes someone rides up behind you so quietly that you donā€™t even notice until the breeze blows your hair into your face as they pass? T…[Read more]

    • That made my heart cry. To have a full first taste and then no more due to schedule and emotional unavailability.

    • So glad you came back to us with this story. I love your writing and your adventures. That kiss in answer to your half asked question was wonderful! If I was 20 years younger, I’d just have to find a way to join you in one of these races! I expect you have us all intrigued with this passion of yours.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago


    Well that was awkward.

    We talked about a few other mundane things. He got up, walked around the barrier of desk. He stood behind the chair I was sitting. Then he bent his head, I felt him at my profile. I turned to look up at him. And he kissed me.

    Soft and strong…his mouth was so soft, but he left…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago


    I confessed. About wanting to grope his hand. He said no one ever admitted that before. What can I say? I want unusual things.

    Days and weeks passed. I sat across from him. His hand was on the desk. I looked at it. I put my hand on top of his. He didn’t move.

    “There,” I said. Warm, solid, he let me feel. He didn’t move.…[Read more]

    • I love everything about this. What a fantastic moment. You must be walking on air! I am so excited about the way you went for it and created this.

    • And the woman in Luis’s story too! I love the courage and the directness, the will for adventure and best of all the result!

    • Luis, for me, the “alarms” went off way before, but I know exactly what you mean.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago


    A decade and more have passed since I yearn so fervently for the touch of someone else. I wanted to reach across the small round metal table, amid the public space, and touch his hand as it shifted through my papers, as he read and concentrated on responding to my question. I wanted to feel the texture of his…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 5 months ago

    Score one for the millennials šŸ™‚

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 5 months ago

    The First Kiss [of the relationship]

    What did it signify?
    Where did it lead?

    • Don’t we all LOVE the first kiss?!? The first kiss is ‘I like you’, ‘I get you’, ‘I want you’. It is possibility, it is heat, and energy, and connecting to another person. It is putting the idea that you may one day go deeper into each other on the table. My last fist kiss was Tuesday. It resulted in another date Wed šŸ™‚

    • I can’t capture the link, but go to “Amalie first kiss” on YouTube

    • My last first kiss was last Monday. I am still speechless. It was the culmination of a very long sequence of flirtation, discovery, and “getting” each other.

    • Ooolala… You know I want to know more! This is very exciting.

      What did it signify?
      Where did it lead?

      I am assuming man, is that correct?

    • Ummm…I know I haven’t been active recently, so I will assume you have been saving your story until it might be met by a sufficiently ruptured audience!!! Consider me fully engaged not THIS development…

      I believe at least a little background and a few more scintillating details are in order. I would gladly share my own evolution were it…[Read more]

    • See more recent post above for a little more detail.

    • Anything of mine pales in comparison to your awesome adventures.

    • Agree that we want to know more, we are very interested… Come now don’t tease us šŸ˜‰

    • Oh and by the way, while we are all confessing… Luis, you’ve also been quiet/distracted lately… Is there anything you might be needing to share with us? :). I am big on hearing about all types of adventures! Seems there is always something new or old to be experienced or revisited from the inspiration and provocation!

    • Yeah, James. Come now…

    • I actually meant that for you Mallory, but when you put it like that… Well, I want that for everybody!

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 5 months ago

    The Bicycle Experiment 2.5(?)

    When I told my therapist about this and wondered why he would come out of the woodwork after an extended period of radio silence, she simply stated “Guys like him ALWAYS come back.”

    I was nursing yet another case of heartache (aka The Bicycle Experiment 3.0, which I really don’t think I can write about just because…[Read more]

    • I’d also like to add that I have a fantasy where I have him bent on all fours and ask him if he even remembers any of the names of the 50-60 girls he supposedly “banged” in college. Then I would hit him with the riding crop for each one of them (if he can’t remember/stumbles on a name, I hit him progressively harder).

    • I read about your Bad Lad here and he just symbolizes so much of your rides and races. The obstacles that pop up. You know you can’t win all the time. But crossing the finish line is always a possibility. And the occasional win is so incredibly seductive, you keep going for it.

      • Sadly, I have yet to actually win a race, so this metaphor is accurate in a sad way.

        One of my teammates interjected with “it’s not a game” when I talked about sabotaging my relationships by trying to look ten moves in. I should have replied with “Well, if romance/sex isn’t a game, then why do I always feel like I’m losing?”

        Also, yes, double…[Read more]

    • From the bit you’ve written about him, he sounds to me like he is an ‘opportunist’. A guy who wants whatever the situation or the girl will allow. He takes what comes easy and via his ‘usual’ methods and he cares for it as something that is usual and came easy. I would ask you, if you actually do already know this or feel this to be true? And if…[Read more]

      • Oh I am well aware that he’s a trap and his interest in me is most likely proportional to how much attention he is or isn’t getting from others.

        Very astute observations. I told a friend of mine the story of one of my gym teachers in high school. I loathed this guy since he had the stench of failed college athlete wafting of of him in waves.…[Read more]

        • Got it! And sounds like you do too. Agree completely with the last paragraph.

          P.s. Nothing wrong with tenderness, sometimes it is in fact just exactly what we need. There is not one of us that is invulnerable nor should we be. šŸ™‚

          P.s.s. Keep the adventures coming!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 6 months ago


    Ask a true or false question.
    Next person answers all previous questions then adds a question. So I\’ll start the first two:

    1st: Dark Chocolate is better than Milk Chocolate
    2nd: True
    Kissing is Better than a Massage
    3rd: This should be you… Comment below

    • alright, I’ll go third too

      I’d rather be in love, than be loved.

    • Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: FALSE

      TRUE or FALSE: The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex.

    • Oh wait! This one got skipped!

      Iā€™d rather be in love, than be loved.

    • Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: TRUE
      I’d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
      The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: FALSE
      People are finite, there is only so much that is new to discover or explore – true or false?

    • Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: FALSE
      Iā€™d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
      The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: TRUE
      People are finite, there is only so much that is new to discover or explore. FALSE
      Sex is made hotter by mental means and mind games. True or False

    • I’m not sure I’m interpreting ‘mental means’ correctly so I’m weighing the ‘mind games’ part more heavily.

      Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: TRUE
      Iā€™d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
      The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: FALSE
      People are finite, there is only so much that is n…[Read more]

    • Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: FALSE
      Iā€™d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
      The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: TRUE
      People are finite, there is only so much that is new to discover or explore. FALSE
      Sex is made hotter by mental means and mind games. TRUE
      Sex is made hotter b…[Read more]

    • Dark Chocolate is better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: TRUE
      Iā€™d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
      The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: FALSE
      People are finite, there is only so much that is new to discover or explore. FALSE
      Sex is made hotter by mental means and mind games. FALSE
      Sex is made h…[Read more]

    • Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
      Kissing better than massage: FALSE
      Iā€™d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
      The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: TRUE
      People are finite, there is only so much that is new to discover or explore. FALSE
      Sex is made hotter by mental means and mind games. TRUE
      Sex is made hotter b…[Read more]

    • I recommend masturbating at least four times a week. TRUE

      When i hear ā€œwet mountā€ i think of a microscope. FALSE (but I am definitely adding this to my vocabulary… Just not for the microscope reference)

      I am turned on by myself (my own body, mind, actions) not just I can get myself hot or jerk myself off, but literally what is turning me on…[Read more]

      • Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
        Kissing better than massage: FALSE
        Iā€™d rather be in love than loved: FALSE
        The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: FALSE (I believe this has more to do with presuming that we really know each other well enough to stop trying to discover (or uncover) more and the complacency t…[Read more]

        • This is difficult, most of my answers would be “depends on the situation” except that’s clearly not an option so I’ll have to pick one.

          Dark chocolate better than milk chocolate: TRUE
          Kissing better than massage: FALSE
          I’d rather be in love than loved: TRUE
          The closer and more intimate you become, the less hot the sex: FALSE
          People are finite,…[Read more]

    • I am turned on by myself (my own body, mind, actions) not just I can get myself hot or jerk myself off, but literally what is turning me on is thoughts or a view or a perception of myself TRUE

      I Would prefer insanely intense, sparingly hit… Over lifetime: TRUE (to me this was too easy to answer the way you posed it, cause it was restricted to…[Read more]

    • I am turned on by myself (my own body, mind, actions) not just I can get myself hot or jerk myself off, but literally what is turning me on is thoughts or a view or a perception of myself. TRUE
      I would prefer an insanely intense, searingly hot, unimaginably wild and fulfilling transcendental sexual affair which lasted for one summer, over a steady…[Read more]

    • I would prefer a relationship I know I can succeed in, that is sanctioned, that makes sense, that affords me comfort, security, and tremendous rewards; over one I have no idea what will come of it, that is controversial to say the least, and that most others will not understand, that affords me challenge, freedom, potential humiliation, great…[Read more]

    • Your own sexual freedom is more important than your duties to others. FALSE
      The dog should not be allowed on the furniture. TRUE

      Real people do not talk in porn clichĆ©s: “Suck it, bitch. That’s right, take it all the way down.” True or false?

    • The dog should not be allowed on the furniture. FALSE (however my husband disagrees so he is not allowed šŸ™ and I have to sit on the floor all the time!)

      Real people do not talk in porn clichĆ©s: ā€œSuck it, bitch. Thatā€™s right, take it all the way down.ā€ Mostly FALSE (Ummm, bitch not so much, just cause I’m not a bitch, but if it were some other…[Read more]

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