

    “Triple, venti, non-fat latte, extra hot,” I tell the barista, giving her my phone to pay for my treat.

    Surprisingly today, the wait is minimal. Tasting my drink after I stir in a packet of sugar, my phone rings. I smile, it’s Alex. Wait, am I still pissed at him?

    “Hey lover boy, how is spring break?” I ask…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago

    Top Characteristics for Attraction

    Luis’ point about cooking is well taken. What are the top 6-12 characteristics that make a person attractive for you?

    • 1. Passion, whether sexual or a great love of what they do.
      2. (Justified) confidence. I admit that at times I mistake arrogance for confidence, but there is something sexy about someone who is spectacular at what they do and knows it.
      3. Vulnerability. When a guy tells me something that I know very few, if no other people know, I find that it…[Read more]

      • These were interesting to read and think about Ellaria, well done. I am almost the opposite on number six though. Yes to willpower, but I am more turned on by people who can not resist me, and will not go without what they want, than those who can and do πŸ™‚

    • My dozen, not in any particular order.
      1. Maturity
      2. Balance
      3. Confidence about who they are, what they are about
      4. Ambition and work ethnic
      5. Generosity
      6. Articulation
      7. Responsibility
      8. Decency
      9. Hands
      10. Eyes
      11. Scent
      12. Reasonable fitness

    • Alright, I’m going to write mine before I read the other answers, it is a little convoluted cause something’s are different with women than men, I’ll see if I can sort it out as I go.
      1. Depth – being interesting is very much about being interested. The broader the context and experience and possible approach the more I seem to be intrigued.
      2.…[Read more]

      • I lost my train of thought, but I think you get the idea. Ill add one more cause its important.
        9. Hunger – Drive wrapped with creativity and extraordinary vision gets extra points
        10. Physicality and sensuality, wrapped with kinky and extraordinary desire gets extra points.

    • I really liked this Luis, ” thus she’s not begging for anyone’s attention.
      These are features from people with strong personality.”

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Sex and LiteratureSex and Literature 10 years, 4 months ago

    The DIRTY LETTERS of James Joyce to his wife, Nora Barnacle

    To NORA

    Dublin 2 December 1909
    My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or fling you down under me on that softy belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the very stink and…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsErotic Collaborations 10 years, 4 months ago


    I am soliciting any ideas and requests for what you might like to read next in the story.

    I already got a request from lake, who would like to see more character development for Rachel as perhaps, a segue to greater involvement with Nicole. I have ideas along these same lines, deeper relationship between Rachel…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago


    Well that was awkward.

    We talked about a few other mundane things. He got up, walked around the barrier of desk. He stood behind the chair I was sitting. Then he bent his head, I felt him at my profile. I turned to look up at him. And he kissed me.

    Soft and strong…his mouth was so soft, but he left…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago


    I confessed. About wanting to grope his hand. He said no one ever admitted that before. What can I say? I want unusual things.

    Days and weeks passed. I sat across from him. His hand was on the desk. I looked at it. I put my hand on top of his. He didn’t move.

    “There,” I said. Warm, solid, he let me feel. He didn’t move.…[Read more]

    • I love everything about this. What a fantastic moment. You must be walking on air! I am so excited about the way you went for it and created this.

    • And the woman in Luis’s story too! I love the courage and the directness, the will for adventure and best of all the result!

    • Luis, for me, the “alarms” went off way before, but I know exactly what you mean.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 4 months ago


    A decade and more have passed since I yearn so fervently for the touch of someone else. I wanted to reach across the small round metal table, amid the public space, and touch his hand as it shifted through my papers, as he read and concentrated on responding to my question. I wanted to feel the texture of his…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 5 months ago

    The First Kiss [of the relationship]

    What did it signify?
    Where did it lead?

    • Don’t we all LOVE the first kiss?!? The first kiss is ‘I like you’, ‘I get you’, ‘I want you’. It is possibility, it is heat, and energy, and connecting to another person. It is putting the idea that you may one day go deeper into each other on the table. My last fist kiss was Tuesday. It resulted in another date Wed πŸ™‚

    • I can’t capture the link, but go to “Amalie first kiss” on YouTube

    • My last first kiss was last Monday. I am still speechless. It was the culmination of a very long sequence of flirtation, discovery, and “getting” each other.

    • Ooolala… You know I want to know more! This is very exciting.

      What did it signify?
      Where did it lead?

      I am assuming man, is that correct?

    • Ummm…I know I haven’t been active recently, so I will assume you have been saving your story until it might be met by a sufficiently ruptured audience!!! Consider me fully engaged not THIS development…

      I believe at least a little background and a few more scintillating details are in order. I would gladly share my own evolution were it…[Read more]

    • See more recent post above for a little more detail.

    • Anything of mine pales in comparison to your awesome adventures.

    • Agree that we want to know more, we are very interested… Come now don’t tease us πŸ˜‰

    • Oh and by the way, while we are all confessing… Luis, you’ve also been quiet/distracted lately… Is there anything you might be needing to share with us? :). I am big on hearing about all types of adventures! Seems there is always something new or old to be experienced or revisited from the inspiration and provocation!

    • Yeah, James. Come now…

    • I actually meant that for you Mallory, but when you put it like that… Well, I want that for everybody!


    With Nicole’s luggage in tow, Alex follows Nicole and Rachel and several other guests into the hotel elevator.

    Rachel slyly whispers to Nicole, “Alex has naughty uses of elevators.”

    Nicole chuckles, “I think that’s actually my fault, I ADORE elevators. You are right, he is wicked, but in ways you have not…[Read more]


    “Looks good. On time. About half an hour, she’d be here.” Alex takes Rachel’s hand and guides her awkwardly toward some seats near the gate. Rachel fidgets quietly until he pulls her close to him. His arm around her waist, her hand on his torso. Their heads close. “I’ve got you,” he reassures her.

    From…[Read more]

    • “hammering of heart beats and heaving of labored breathes” indeed, you have ratcheted up the emotion to a truly torturous level. Merciless tension makes me squirm.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 6 months ago

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