Active 12 years, 7 months ago-
Mr. X likes Mallory‘s activity 11 years, 8 months ago
What is On Your Fantasy List?
Extra Naughty Middle of the NightSometimes he comes home very late after work and dinner with clients. I awaken as he slips into bed and I ask about dinner. He proceeds to tell me it was mundane but that he flirted with an attractive woman across from him at the next table. I start undressing him. He…[Read more]
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 8 months ago
What is On Your Fantasy List?
Dessert Anyone?Have you ever seen those mimes on the street that put out a box, strike a pose and then just freeze? No matter what you do they don’t flinch or even shift their eyes. I’ve always had the fantasy of being like that naked a center piece on the dessert table at a large gala. Tiny little pastries and…[Read more]
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 8 months ago
“I want to do with you what the Spring does with the cherry trees.”
~ Pablo Neruda -
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 8 months ago
Thought this one went well with MrTinkertoys’ story below
Sitting at a bar stool in a cafĂ©. Watching the drone of New Yorkers walk by through the window one foot in front of her face, she is feeling bored; she is feeling irreverent and disconnected. She needs a distraction. She straightens her back and lets her knees fall open. Her skirt is…[Read more]
So this fantasy is pretty long and intricate, but I’ve been playing out this scenario in my brain for some time now. It’s also completely unrealistic, but isn’t that what a fantasy is supposed to be?
We had just finished our final game of volleyball. Despite being 6’4, I was…[Read more]
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 8 months ago
Mr. X likes Mallory‘s activity 11 years, 8 months ago
Adding Lexi
It figures that when I finally get to live out my top-of-the-list fantasy, my flight was delayed. It was after two in the morning when I arrived at the hotel. I quietly entered the one bedroom suite. Exhausted slumber filled the stillness. The inner bathroom light gave a slight illumination as my eyes adjusted and focused on the…[Read more]
Mr. X likes Doris‘s activity 11 years, 9 months ago
Adding this pic with myself in the act of saying “Thank You” and “I love You” to my man…
Mr. X likes Mallory‘s activity 11 years, 9 months ago
What Is On Your Fantasy List?
I thought it might be fun to just swap some fantasies and give us some new ideas. I will go first.
My lover and I have a pet. We decide that she is perfect to offer up as a drinking companion for an executive from overseas. She is to dress a part, display her charms, entertain him however we see fit. Will it…[Read more]
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
Mr. X likes jayrob82‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
Mr. X likes A. James‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
My ability to “contribute” has been limited of late, but make no mistake, I do check in as frequently as I can, and patiently await discover…
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
Mr. X commented on the post, Virtual Sex: her response to the Internet Sex Experiment 11 years, 10 months ago
Oh, to you I’ll say please, or any other word, just as often as you like.
Mr. X likes luis‘s activity 11 years, 10 months ago
This is a sex experiment.
The girl gets to read the book and someone is under
the table doing he… -
Mr. X commented on the post, Virtual Sex: her response to the Internet Sex Experiment 11 years, 10 months ago
Please do include yourself immediately, lake. Say the word, describe your fantasy….
Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago
Dearest X,
It has been sort of a dry spell (though never, ever dry down there, I promise!) so your dare was a perfect little change to the routine. I was a little nervous about another one of your technology […]
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