
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    Let’s make a list called ‘These are a few of my favorite things’

    Give up the goods folks!

    • I’ll start.

      When I can smell him on me for the rest of the day after we’ve fucked.

    • Sexting all day and fu $#@*g all night

    • When his eyes drop with that little nod then come straight back into mine, signaling it’s time to get on his cock, and I am instantly in motion.

    • That my fantasies don’t freak him out.

    • When he pulls my panties back up for me.

    • The way she quivers and moans as I nibble at the back of her neck and behind her ears. Mmmmmm

    • The way her entire body goes stiff and her breathing catches and her eyes flicker and her face goes expressionless and all intentional communication stops cold for a brief moment at my first touch – EVERY SINGLE TIME WE MEET!

    • The way that even after we have greeted one another and settled into whatever conversation or activity, how there are certain spots that I touch…trigger points…that cause the whole process described above to happen all over again…only progressively more intensely. When I take her hand…when I wrap my arm around her waist and rest my hand on…[Read more]

      • My, my James what have you done to this girl! 😉

        • I have been myself with her and let her know exactly who I am and what I want most not just from her but from life.
          As for her, I have accepted her…ALL of her!…and she knows that I will never hold or use any aspect of the beautiful sexual creature that she is against her or use her offerings in a way that would be inconsistent with what I…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    Question for the guys: What’s the biggest mistake women make when courting?

    • What do you consider “sloppy?”

    • hmmmmm …. assume that the relationship which hasn’t yet deceloped will be exactly like the one they implicitly imagine; or, conversely, assume that the person they’re courting with has specific attitudes and desires about the developing relationship which they don’t share …

      • Ah good one prance, this does SO get in the way of having the actual relationship that might otherwise be available.

    • So in other words, you like LOTS of things standing at attention! 😉

    • Don’t be fake. Be yourself.

    • No being themselves… It sounds counterintuitive, because we DO live in a world which seems to expect people to present themselves as “favorably” as possible, but the truth is that while giving a favorable impression may land someone the partner they have always dreamed of, the insecurity and inability to actually become something that you are n…[Read more]

    • Authenticity may indeed be the biggest turn on of all in the long run, if you ask me.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    Fast turn around this time, turns out this one wrote itself.


    He kissed me good night before he got into the car. I walked back into the Hardee’s thoughtful. It was four in the morning and of course, my girlfriends started in immediately on how gorgeous he was when I got back to the table. It had been a fun night, and I was…[Read more]

    • Fantastic! Filled with all the raw and uncontainable excitement and enthusiasm which we all feel during our first prolonged and utterly revealed moments. Actually I am struck by how much BETTER than perfect your experience actually sounds than many imperfect partners in imperfect setting, with imperfect/incomplete/less than satisfying results…[Read more]

      • Well James, knowing you the way that I do, I can’t exactly say that I am at all surprised by this revelation. Makes me think of buying stocks in some condom company.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    What’s your favorite place to be touched when you still have all your clothes on?

    • Chest

    • Naked shoulder or collarbone…. Shivers

    • Legs. What can I say? After the bicycle experiment(s), I’m definitely a leg girl. Whether it’s over denim, nylon or nothing at all, a brush of fingertips at the thigh or calves just does it for me.

      I’m a particular fan of thigh-high pantyhose… and having assistance in removing it. The only stipulation is that he may not use his hands.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    “For a few moments, attune your mind to the idea of harmony and peaceful coexistence flowing among all peoples and nations. The source of this idea is deep within your heart. As you calmly breathe in and out, picture it radiating from you like a fine, colored vapor gradually covering the face of the earth.
    See it enter the hearts of everyone, e…[Read more]

    • I’m still seeing the “Post Update” button, sexy? You still not? Anyone else having the problem. In any case, meditating on the world and Mickey Mouse.

      • I have the button.

      • There’s only one solution as I see it, your just going to have to come over here @Him, once and for all, there really just seems to be more way around it.

        • Yes, it seems that’s our only solution. Now why don’t you come over here with that computer and sit on my lap while we figure this thing out.

          • I so like it when you are reasonable Sir, there seems to be a lot going on, and I have a few requests that I might sneak in… This could take some time.

    • Inspired by lake, and by her panties.

      • Okay, I am officially ‘warped’ the whole time I watched that I kept waiting for him to point the video at his lap, where we would see the back of his wife’s head bobbing steadily there. .. And this was such a favorite of mine as a kid… How far I have fallen.

    • @luis – kiss

      No Minnie, but if you’ll wear them I’ll find them! and if we’re doing that, I think I should get waxed in the shape of mouse ears? 😉

    • Thanks, Luis. Yeah, that makes those options permanently visible. But is anyone else not seeing them when they start typing? How are you posting, @lake-on-my-lap?

      • First I click my name. Then I type into the box that says, ‘what’s new lake?’ Then I go to click the post button, but alas, I only see the attachments and the permissions controls. Then my mind starts to wander, and I can feel the hardness of your thighs under me, it’s so very distracting, I start leaning in, wanting to feel the heat of your…[Read more]

        • Oh man. Please do keep wiggling like that. And I’m afraid this situation may require the best and brightest over here at tech support. We may have to take you over to the factory. Until then, please keep wiggling.

    • Oh yes much better idea, and it already know how you feel about oiling up the rest of me 🙂

    • Ah Luis, such a sweetheart – thank you!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    Slightly overdue…
    My Fourth Love

    She said she was floored by me from the first time she saw me. It was a staff meeting, she was new. I was leading the meeting… and apparently I was wired that day, which means I was much more Steve Balmier than Sheryl Sandberg. We quickly became friends, but it was a close group, and almost everyone there…[Read more]

    • That is so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes.

      • Omg, thank you for feeling that with me, it is a bit of a journey to write these… I keep surprising myself by what bits I find that want to push themselves forward.

    • Luis is absolutely correct…there really is something so incredibly fearless about the way that you live and love and are able to WRITE about them afterwards! Reading this it is hard to overlook the relentless determination and resilience and sincerity and intention that you bring to your day-to-day interactions. Based on some of the other…[Read more]

    • Just because I know what else I want from lake…. so we now know about # 2, 4, 5. I wouldnt mind knowing more about #1, 3, 6. And I wont even mention #7 and #8 for now.

    • Thank you both for this. I had no intentional message with this, but if that is what comes across, i am thrilled!

      I think I learned the lesson that I can ‘pass thru’ my fear and or pain, and that there are incredible and transformational discoveries on the other side of it (even if getting there is hell at times) very early on, and then just kep…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 10 years, 7 months ago

    Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don’t mask or deny your vulnerability: it is your greatest asset. Be vulnerable: quake and shake in your boots with it. the new goodness that is coming t…[Read more]

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