
  • Fun and then some! Great Follow-up to the first story.

  • I really like her determination to capitalize on this newly discovered aspect of his sexuality… and to such great effect! One has the feeling he is a very lucky man 🙂

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    “What a man can be, he must be. He must be true to his own nature.” ~Abraham Maslow

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 11 months ago

    We’ll Call it a Good Night

    I make sure I’m in early for this week’s sketch class since it’s the end of the month and we’ll have a live model tonight. On these nights, I like to pick a seat near the front, but where I can still watch the door well enough to see the model when they arrive. Something about waiting…[Read more]

    • Love this! Love the setting, love the twist, and again, you write beautifully. Would love to post this up on the blog as a Friday Fantasy if that’s alright with you.

      • …and I love your feedback 🙂 Thank You. Absolutely yes on the post.

        • Well written…unexpected (on a number of levels!)…deliciously irreverent…and very, very arousing! It seems to be too detailed to be entirely fictitious. Care to share any of the “reality” behind this “fantasy”? A particular art class?, A particular stairwell?, A particular man?, A particular mutual masterbation session? Anything that might…[Read more]

          • Thank you, I’m delighted to know you enjoyed the story, and happy to try and answer your question. As for what it ends up telling you… well, lets see 🙂

            The first story I posted “And I Didn’t Wash My Hands on the Way Out” was entirely ‘real’ and current – just a total brain dump of the end of my day. With one exception; the message I received…[Read more]

    • Like the men I love the absolute surprise of the whole thing. I can picture it all in my mind, and the funny thing is in the beginning I would have thought the artist was a male, the switch is a nice way to get our attention and focus off of the are a wonderful writer hun.

      • Thank you 🙂 I journal, but its unexpected to be finding myself ‘sharing’ like this, and even more surprising to find how heady reading people’s reactions to the writing feels. I hadn’t even realized my gender was not explicit from the beginning, but now that you’ve noticed it, I too love that little ‘quirk’.

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    All I want, is someone I absolutely can not resist…

  • Every morning I park my car in the underground parking at my building. Every evening I return to my car, however these days the sun has set …

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 11 months ago

    And I Didn’t Wash My Hands on the Way Out
    Sitting on the exam table while Dr. Wagner mixes the injection, the back is high and the padding is too firm. I’m only feet from the window and the view is beautiful. The blue of the sky is hypnotizing me… or is it his voice? It’s steady, confide…[Read more]

    • Thank you kristye. I didn’t anticipate being as anxious as I was about posting that… I hope that gives you an idea of how much I appreciate the comment. Also i have read some of your statuses and will confess your post gave me an unexpected twinge… has me wondering more about being the one in control of another persons orgasm from afar……[Read more]

    • Totally fascinating. Didn’t get the needles at first – thought it was some sort of sci fi, and I liked it for its strangeness – then got it and liked it for its vivid reality. Very hot.

      • Thank you for the comment, the site, and the experiment on the whole. I am enjoying all of them. I agree the beginning was cryptic, I realized it a bit late… The memories from the second half of the story were coming back in a bit of a rush 🙂

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    Swept up in the currents underpinning another person’s existence, I find that I am most buoyant when I avert all urges to swim.

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