
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    “I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared. Even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood.” ~ Audre Lorde

  • In response to Ms kristye’s “Sensation Play,” I mentioned an experience with deprivation of senses that she requested I share. I commen…

  • 14 days until Christmas… No longer a believer in Santa!!!
    Oh how i have dreaded this day, just another piece of innocence lost. I suppose …

  • The task was simple, the circumstances less than ideal, and the result…well judge for yourself!

    I had been missing my slave. Work and pe…

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    What the material world values does not shine the same in the truth of the soul. You have been interested in your shadow. Look instead directly
    at the sun. ~ Rumi (he is too much of a favorite not to go for two)

  • lake commented on the post, 11 years, 10 months ago

    Such a fun ride all the way through, top to glistening bottom!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 10 months ago

    So lately I keep starting stories, but not finding the time to go back and finish them, so I’ve decided to just post the beginning of this one as part 1 to put some pressure on myself to go back and finish the ending. We’ll see how it works, here goes…

    I was a hot, swirling, unsteady mess. Master had worked me to a froth over and over, but…[Read more]

    • We want more! And I want to understand the relationship to E much better.

      • The relationship with E is long-term (multiple years) and just sex… oh and the sex is only vanilla.

    • Thank you for the prodding… ahem, I mean supportive engouragement 🙂 I had not planned to be such a tease about this, but oh well, that is sometimes the way things go. Here is part 2 of what is apparently going to take at least one more part to finish.

      Our mouths were once again probing hungrily, tongues slipping in and out over glistening…[Read more]

      • May I have two scoops of vanilla ice cream please?

        • I am not sure which I love more…the vanilla portions or the still not entirely clear and decidedly NOT vanilla aspects of this story?

          I am choosing to withholding revealing my “taste preferences” until I read the last installment, but I can say that I find this to be a really interesting development!

          As for YOU, Mrs. lake, it seems as if…[Read more]

          • Oh I do indeed savor a rich, creamy vanilla… of course if the option to add hot fudge, banana, nuts, strawberries, and whipped cream is also there… well then my answer is yes, yes, and oh yes.

    • Now you know I want to know what’s happening when you get to the last sentence of part deux below!

    • ooohhh I did enjoy these questions 🙂 and YES I made the time (whew!!)

      While Master does sometimes enjoy watching, it is not part of things with E. To my knowledge Master does not directly know and has never seen E. Of course he knows beforehand where and when I am meeting him and has access to my contacts, so I can’t say that as an absolute…[Read more]

      • Hmmm… Am I the only one who finds the fact that every detail of your escapades are “scrib[ed]…promptly” for your Master a very… promising … revelation?

        I am willing to bet a fair chunk of change that I am not the only one who would enjoy seeing those;)!

        No pressure…

        • I second that.

          • you two ganging up on me for this prompt did make me smile a very big smile… and that your interested is indeed titillating… but there is too much of me in those scribes, too much that belongs solely and exclusively to Master.

            I do promise to finish the story however… and Yes M James, I have remembered that when I do, you owe us some more…[Read more]

            • James, you are an unbearable tease who on rare occasions lets loose on a fascinatingly vivid glimpse into your “taste preferences.” I’m in agreement with lake!

              And Nicole is now ever more panting with longing as she sits and waits for you.

              • Okay i FINALLY finished this story. Thanks for the ‘push’ everyone. I hope you enjoy. I am going to publish the whole thing in one new post, because going back through it, i don’t think it makes sense if you read the parts seperately… though I warn you, it does end up being a bit long.

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    “There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” – Rumi

  • 19 days until Christmas…. Nutcracker.
    I was surprised with (3) tickets to watch the Nutcracker in our local theatre. Such a lovely surpris…

  • Actually this is a raunchier version of mutual masterbation with each taking care of their own business… I found it hot to imagine doing …

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” ~Yogi Berra

  • So tomorrow brings us 21 days ’til Christmas…well for the last few years i have ALWAYS had to indulge in a 20 day count down to Christmas…

  • I can’t remember precisely, but it was a point at which I had been out of practice for awhile, and was taking the class to help me start drawing regularly again. So I was working back to being able to draw from […]

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    i unlock the door to myself from the inside. Follow as you step from room to room. Come to myself in myself, in our bed of fire.

  • Staying on task.

    As i had posted previously, i was given a set of specific instructions on how i would be preparing for the Thanksgiving Da…

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    “When she closed her eyes she felt he had many hands, which touched her everywhere, and many mouths, which passed swiftly over her, and with a wolflike sharpness, his teeth sank into her fleshiest parts… Shivers passed through her body.” ~ Anais Nin

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    “We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise last but a few minutes.
    But its beauty can burn in our hearts eternally.”
    ― R.A. Salvatore

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    What do you know about yourself… that you were never told was true about you, that is not something people expect of you, that is not a capability you developed to avoid an undesireable state?

    • On reflection, his is actually much more challenging to do that it appeared when I first read it. I don’t know if you were just hoping to instigate thought in others or actually have people respond with their “answers”, but this is a really interesting, inspiring statement. Thank you for sharing it!

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