
  • Anyone cares to unwrap the present?

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago

    \”Domination is not an act of abuse and degradation of women. It is an act of great caring and love of a woman. Only a man who truly loves, cherishes and appreciates women could unleash them sexually.\”

    I copied this from someone on another site, but unfortunately did not grab the source – so my apologies for not properly crediting this one.

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago

    \”And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, rest assured the fault is in yourself.\” ~ Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee Indian Chief

    • Indeed my friend, indeed… Half the time toddlers won’t even stop to eat, to pee, to rest… they are so busy celebrating 🙂 its where we start… And the creamy middle we cannot lose.

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago

    \”Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.\” ~The Buddha

    • Mine too, care to discuss? Tell me what it means to you? How are you different when you live this way?

    • Beautifully said, I do so love it when you wax poetic. Me thinks there is much more to you than meets the eye.

    • Layers and Layers of Surprises and Adventures and Joy Rides!

    • Question is; will you go as far as you can? Or only as far as you are asked or invited?

    • This is one of those things that has been evolving my whole life, and to varying degrees will always be a challenge. My open state is literally almost without boundaries or limits or judgement, I love everything, want to try everything, feel straight through to ecstasy, give till I’m obliterated… but as you allude to open has its challenges. I…[Read more]

  • more on the “pussy eating” banter…


  • We may call this picture \”Pussy eating techniques #3\” 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!
    Shared from

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago

    “Feel lust. Feel what it really is, in its totality. Your lust reveals your real desire to unite with the feminine, to penetrate as deeply as possible, to receive her delicious light as radiant food for your masculine soul, and to give her your entirety, losing yourself in the giving, so that you are both liberated beyond your selves in the…[Read more]

  • It’ll only require an invitation… but i can think of other uses for the magic we’ll have saved 🙂

  • Love it! and from the very first paragraph, so many word pairings and phrases, that I delighted at and am still smiling about as I repeat them to myself. I felt like I was sure i had been in that club at one time […]

  • His Scent, Ephemeral yet Etched Deep in Memory

    Funny how the mind protects us from trauma and stress by shutting off memories and emotions….

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 8 months ago

    “What\’s the good of living if you don\’t try a few things?”
    ― Charles M. Schulz

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 8 months ago

    Master in his suit and coat whispers, “Take care of me slave” and closes his eyes. I am nude and we are both standing. I am drowning in a thousand emotions. ‘BREATHE’, I have to remind myself as my hands gingerly slip under his coat. It’s heavy and I cringe when the hangers clatter as I reach in to pull one out.

    Looking at him, studying…[Read more]

    • Thank You MrT, I really do appreciate it. I was nervous about trying to pen this at all, so the feedback feels good… and I would say; he is a very inspired and inspiring man 🙂

      • He is fortunate indeed! To have a slave capable of being so unflinchingly present, so skillfully driven, with such a relentless single minded focus on HIS pleasure. This reminds me of my (admittedly limited but highly rewarding) experiences with tantra, where two people are able to become so thoroughly connected – their souls literally…[Read more]

    • This is an excellent example of what I meant by “tending to,” a remarkable demonstration of generosity, in addition to affection and desire.

    • Tantra is always on my list of things to learn more ‘officially’ about. I have organically picked up a few techniques over time, and I very much buy-in to the underlying premises. I believe elements of tantra (or at least something similar) are to some degree already parts of some of my experiences, but at the same time know that there is alw…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 8 months ago

    Alright, I want to borrow from your collective imaginations.
    Let’s say you are owned, you are married, and you are interviewing a male submissive because your Master is interested in exploring some of the ‘opportunities’ that such a person might offer for your play and exploration. You have never had a male submissive before.

    1. In order to ge…[Read more]

    • I know next to nothing on this subject but I can comment on how to get to know someone better. I have a few suggestions for starting points in the following order.
      1. Have him respond in writing to the questions of “What draws you to being a submissive and what is in it for you.” You are here like many of us on SE because you care about the…[Read more]

      • Food for thought indeed. Thank you Mallory, number 4 makes me wish it was time to head out the door right now!

    • Just for clarity is this for YOU, or for your Master, or Both? I actually like all of Mallory’s suggestions, but regardless of the setting, #1 and #3 strike me as the most relevant parts.

      If you are both going into this knowing what your dynamic is going to be – or it sounds like in this instance NEEDS to be if you are going to be satisfying…[Read more]

      • That is more than helpful. It actually causes me to ‘re-think’ more than a few things.

        I like to connect, and my instinct is to just do whatever is needed to get everyone there. For example if I’ve given 40% and someone else has given 40%, I am quick to give the extra 20% and never look back just to close the gap. This is not a bad thing, but…[Read more]

        • It is much more difficult to assess “tending to,” which for me, is based on an underlying spirit of generosity. When I tend to my lover’s desire and pleasure, I feel like I would do anything to achieve them. Do anything, give anything, be anything. And I do so with my own hands, both of them, with self awareness of value, and anticipation of his…[Read more]

          • Well said Mallory! I appreciate all of your more aggressive/assertive/alternative/provocative thoughts and expressions equally well, but it is knowing that at your core you possess both the capacity, the knowledge and the will to become THIS person – that all of your willingness to pursue any and all avenues of sexual expression are based on THIS…[Read more]

        • I think that you understood my points (and Mallory’s) quite well, what I want to make sure that I followed up on was the notion that you do NOT have to be some cold heartless, relentlessly selfish bitch – some porn version of a dominatrix constantly belittling and humiliating her slave for seemingly pointless reasons. To me it always feels like…[Read more]

  • lake changed their profile picture 11 years, 8 months ago

    • Your not going to stop there now are you? 😉

    • Ha! You caught me I am shy about that… Perhaps we need a week where everyone has to show or share something they never have here before.

      and oh yes, I MUST know 😉

  • lake changed their profile picture 11 years, 8 months ago

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 8 months ago

    “All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed.
    For after all, he was only human. He wasn\’t a dog.” ― Charles M. Schulz

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