
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago


    Find a spot wear people are sitting. Find the person you are most attracted to there. Catch there eye, when you do stand up and start walking toward them. They shoul do now you are coming toward them. You should be dressed well, feel not, be open all grace and confidence think Lestat. When you get up to them I don’t…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago


    Name or describe a sexual activity you have never done, but are most curious about.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago


    Find a way to take a picture that has both a total stranger and your bare ass, genitals, or breasts in the picture. The closer they are the better. They can be in on the challenge, oblivious or anything in between.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago


    If you could have one thing done to you every morning for five minutes, what would it be?

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago


    Go to a library or book store. Browse the readers or books till you are feeling spry. Find the spot of your choosing and masturbate to the brink (under clothes, through clothes, fully exposed – your choosing, dress appropriately). To to the brink and stop, you score DARE points. Share a picture your score DOUBLE DARE poi…[Read more]

    • Score five for the gals. Went to the New York public library and masturbated in public to orgasm. i did say thank you lake, but i only whispered it. i’m not counting that, but i still get the extra points for the pictures i’m about to post.

    • I went into a bookstore to get a notebook and thought to myself what would get me to even consider this dare? There was one copy, Alice Hoffman’s White Horses. I must have read this 20 years ago. Took me 15 minutes to find the part to read again. Yeah, still makes me hot. I couldn’t go through with anything else. Sorry, ladies. No score for me.

      • No score, but full credit and much fanfare for being in the game. It’s an ‘experiment’ after all and all outcomes teach us something and set up new possibilities. It takes a while to be able to wrap your head around doing something totally outside of your comfort zone. Afterall we are playing with fundamental instincts here: shame, humiliation,…[Read more]

    • Chapter 2, Chapter 3, hell, read the whole book! I went to the library and took it out; I am going to read it again. End of Chapter 3: “…..she watched as Silver’s car made a turn in the road and disappeared. When she closed her eyes she could still see him, she could see him more clearly than any relative who gathered in the driveway to throw…[Read more]

      • Ah this book will be quite the emotional jerker i see. This excerpt has just reminded me of another regret.

        Thanks for looking it up Mallory, I shall seek to find it and create an adventure of my own with it.

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    DARE CHALLENGE – Lake Four

    Go to a library or book store. Browse the readers or books till you are feeling spry. Find the spot of your choosing and masturbate to the brink (under clothes, through clothes, fully exposed – your choosing, dress appropriately). To to the brink and stop, you score DARE points. Share a picture your score DOUBLE…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago


    If you could have one thing done to you every morning for five minutes, what would it be?

    • The touch and smell of bare, warm skin.

    • I’m torn between an over the lap spanking and soft touches and caresses up and down my whole body, neck, face using hands, finger, mouth, skin, thighs, etc. maybe I split it?

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    If you could have one thing done to you every morning for five minutes, what would it be?

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago


    Find a way to take a picture that has both a total stranger and your bare ass, genitals, or breasts in the picture. The closer they are the better. They can be in on the challenge, oblivious or anything in between.

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago


    Name or describe a sexual activity you have never done, but are most curious about.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    Guys if you win the truth, dare, double dare challenge, what do you want from the ladies?

    Ladies if (really when) we win the truth, dare, double dare challenge, what do we want from the men?

    • Umm depends on who the men players are, might want different things from different men. Is that allowed?

      • I’ll be honest with you, I am craving a full out game-on, so i want the ”prize’ to be as motivating as possible. i say to everyone, negotiate for what you want, and what will get you in the game… then see if you can take it!

        i’ll tell you right now, i am convinced the girls are going to kick the guys asses and I’m ready to put my assets…[Read more]

    • Gentlemen you are seriously falling behind… Come on get in the game… You know you want to. I promise it will hurt so good!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    I don’t want to think about summer coming to an end, so I’d like to propose a game to distract us all.

    Everyone is invited to play. I propose men against women.

    If you are playing post as many of the following types of challenges/experiments as you can invent in separate status posts on your profile. Then reply to this experiment, to let…[Read more]

    • I’ve posted! Whose up for a challenge?

    • To be a little more clear about the scoring. For every man that replies to any challenge that gets posted, the men get the points. For every woman that replies to any challenge, the women get the points. It has nothing to do with whether the person posting is a man or a woman. It’s about the volume of replies overall.

    • Love this, and can’t wait to see what you all come up with. (May even steal a few dares for my own use!)

      May the best sex win.

    • CHANGE OF RULES – I like what Mallory did better, post the truths and dares HERE like she did NOT on your profile like I did. I will move mine (sorry Mallory you will need to repost your replies after I do)

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    Friday my heart was so pinched and tight. I could not cum, I could not lust, I could not fill. I could not give.

    I ran 18 miles this weekend… Saturday i ran twice. Sunday I ran again even though my body already hurt. I wrestled the kids till we were flush and sweaty and laughing hysterical on our backs. Walked into the ocean and gave all…[Read more]

  • Variations on a theme… Enjoy…

  • Not really a pickup line, but after that first tentative kiss back in a dark corner in a club I ask, \”Wow, do you make love like you kiss?\” It works most of the time.

  • Despite my extremely long silence, I’ve been keeping an eye on this site whenever I get the chance. Nice to see that there has been plenty of, ahem, action in the time since I lasted posted. Now that I’m back, may I present my humble offering to the group, including a bit of tan line-age as was requested a little while…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    \”Man\’s main task in life is to give birth to himself.\” ~ Erich Fromm

  • One more ’cause… Why not…

  • Mr BrandSpanks Childish Office Crush (one of many over the years)
    Today she wears dark blue jeans.
    They are painted on.
    She wears them very well.
    They fit her very well.
    The heel of her black knee high boot is very tall and thin.
    It accentuating the length of her lovely shapely legs
    Her light brown top is overtly tight and finishes where her blue…[Read more]

  • Some random images that piqué my fantasies…

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