
  • They reclined lazily in bed wrapped in their warm, soft red sheets. With the shutters opened, the brilliant late afternoon sun slashed in rays that fell across the bed in parallel angles. Each felt the effects of the wine they had consumed with friends on the patio of a local winery. They had dined and laughed with their closest friends, but…[Read more]

  • I titled this picture simply…Mallory’s release…


  • As I sat on the couch in the same room with Mrs. Barrister, watching Masters of Sex, my phone buzzes. I look down to see that it is a message from her. I look across the room at her and see a mischievous grin in return. I unlock the phone and open the message from her…a picture of a hot blonde, nude from both the front and back. She has full…[Read more]

  • Naughty wife

  • lake posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago

    \”It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.\”
    Oriah Mountain Dreamer


    Their meals arrive and present gloriously in front of them. Seduction meals. Plated and presented beautifully. They admire the bold, seductive colors and the abstract form and sexy silhouette with which the components are arranged. The two of them take a long moment to take in the vision before them. Adam watch…[Read more]



    It seems like half an hour before I flag down a cab and another half an hour before I get to my office building. I probably needed however much time that was; I think I am breathing normal again. Get a grip. I push the plans I had with Nicole out of my mind. Never mind the images of how…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    Okay, I have another game for us 🙂
    Everybody and anybody is invited to play.

    List four things about yourself. Three should be true. One should be a lie. Others have to guess which is the lie 🙂

    • 1. The No List: humiliation, real pain
      2. ISTJ
      3. Total number of lovers: 6
      4. Commitment weary

      • I’m picking number 3 for Mallory. Even if I thought it was 4, I wouldn’t pick it just to keep the dream alive.

    • 1. I once screwed up a date with a supermodel, by going to the wrong meeting place.
      2. I’ve been shot with a BB gun more times than you have fingers.
      3. I was a straight A student and a virgin when I entered college.
      4. I minored in bible.
      5. My mother once beat me in an archery tournament, and I’m still mad about it writing this.
      6. I was a live…[Read more]

    • Okay, how long do we wait to reveal the real answers Mallory, I am very curious. Maybe we should only tell the real answers in private to the people who post so that there are some stakes…

      • Um, we have to do that. If by Friday, it’s just you and me, you and I can exchange a private message to reveal answers!!

        Come ON, PEOPLE!! Where are the gamers???

  • lake posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago


    These are fabulous. He is dreamy, and so are YOU! It’ll be a lucky man, he who does hook into your high-spirit, delicious curves, and romantic mind.

    I have no doubt I would love this sport. I did a fair bit of trail riding, when I was in my early thirties, if I had found this then, I’m sure I would have become completely…[Read more]

  • The Bicycle Experiment 2.0

    So, almost exactly a year since the original bicycle experiment, I’ve found a new object of lust (the subject of the conversation experiment did not return my feelings, as it were). My odds of ensnaring him are rather low, but he is rather flirtatious online.

    I’m getting ahead of myself.

    As a result of a few dri…[Read more]

  • I was naughty last night and I am still naughty this morning.

  • Yes…the cool crisp air has made me restless. Last night I was bothered relentlessly for several hours with the most aching arousal…it would not be denied and this was taken at approximately 2:15am…and was quickly taken care of…

    Ahh…but to have one of these delectable women present to have taken care of it for me…

    Some…[Read more]

  • You girls have a way (rather successful I have to admit) of making me feel well…
    Oh! I just come to realise that, this chair has some well placed hole on its back!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    Cult of Personality

    I was horny this (Thursday) morning. Master has been a particularly entrancing devil and what he’s done to me I can not even begin to describe. It makes me bolder when I am like this. Always, awed by the power of our innate sexuality… our deepest forms of being. I take risks, I grab what I want, set backs and…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    Same question for the men:

    1. What melts you ?
    2. What arouses you?
    3. What wins your devotion?

    • Come on guys… I want you to spill it! I’ll even put some skin in the game, if three people answer, I’ll post a new pic.

    • I meant three guys have to answer this question… However, since I find the two of you completely irresistible and I love Duke’s answers, AND I am horny now… I will go and post. Note, this game is not over, if we still get to three, I will… shall we say… up the ante on what I post… Either better focus or less clothes… we shall see how…[Read more]

    • 1) Melts me…witnessing the shudder of a woman as a wave of pleasure momentarily overwhelms her and she relaxes into it…accepts it…embraces it and allows it to course through her body and take her deeper into her head…more into the moment and less concerned with whatever else is going on around her

      2) Arouses me…glimpses of unfiltered…[Read more]

      • One and two are so very you James, three surprised me, not that it doesn’t fit, but that it was your response to that particular question. At first it seemed too passive, but then I realized it is all about acceptance and being or authenticity, and that fit well with your comments about separating or not associating love directly with someone’s…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    For the women :

    1. What melts you ?
    2. What arouses you?
    3. What wins your devotion?

    • I will answer the easiest first. Aroused most by anticipation, variety, sensuality, intelligence, generousity, attention to detail.

      • I’m gonna go out on a limb here Mallory and say… I think you would find me very arousing… Now if only I could get you to let me test this theory!

    • Devotion–
      Relentless desire to maintain discovery process.

    • What melts me?

      I don’t know.

    • You know 😉

    • What Melts Me
      Guys are wonderful at saying they are going to savor every inch of your body. I melt when I am with someone that makes me feel this… experience every inch as a wonderland and reminds me of it all the time, not just when we are making love. Hands slowly moving down the full length of my waist and over the top of my ass when we…[Read more]

      • Check…Check…and…Double Check!!!!

        Well then…it is settled…at least in these regards it seems that we might be a perfect match!

        Considering that I am one who is always ready willing and able to celebrate good fortune (others as much as my own!), it seems that all we have left to do now is consummate our incredible luck in having found…[Read more]

        • Well then if it’s settled 🙂 … And of course you are going to need someone to take pictures for you to satisfy Mallory… It almost seems like fighting destiny to resist at this point, and I definitely wouldn’t want to do that.

    • What Melts Me?

      I thought about this one a lot. I really did not have a ready answer, lake. I think what could really get to me is the rare occasion when someone sees with great clarity, a part of me that no one else bothers to understand or uncover.

      • I can’t yet claim to have a complete picture of you just yet Mrs. Mallory (you are a complex one – but you already knew that didn’t you!), but I do believe I have already formed a a pretty exceptional insight in you and SEE many parts of your true (and often hidden) self much more clearly than you are probably ready to admit! I guess I say this…[Read more]

    • To instill trust, to be trustworthy, to protect and nurture and respect those thoughts, feelings, and wants of another person that make them feel most revealed, most vulnerable… What more powerful way is there to build a heartstopping, unforgettable bond and to cultivate a dynamic infused with reverie?

    • Thank you barrister, your participation is absolutely counted, enjoyed, and anticipated. I shall attempt my upload again… See if it works.. Then I have to run to dinner!

    • I love this, I am sure you have made everyone quite jealous of Mrs Barrister!

    • Oh, there is much Mrs Barrister has to be thankful for, but my jealousy tends more towards Mr. Barrister! One would think that having someone so unselfishly devoted to them in the ways Mr. barrister has described as the ideal, but it actually works both ways…I am jealous of his having found a woman who will let him inside to such a degree…to…[Read more]

  • As those who have read my earlier post regarding my fantasy of my desire to see my wife dancing at a strip club while on vacation, you may know that I am incredibly turned-on by the thought of her realizing the power of her beauty and sexual appeal.

    Recently we spent time at a small manor house in a European country. It was incredibly intimate…[Read more]

  • I’m affraid this one goes out of topic but if it does surely won’t hurt.

    The idea here, is just to try amazing you with a “boring” music performance and maybe catch your attention to something that you couldn’t ever expect.

    Probably Mozart isn’t at you current music playlist or ever was part of your CD’s collection.
    Everyone knows the guy…[Read more]

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