lake likes ‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
lake posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago
“Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.”
― Khaled Hosseini, A Thousand Splendid Suns -
lake likes luis‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
Continuing One more from Cabo Verde periodSee part one
On that time probably due to my naïf nature I didn’t get any wind of how or why African music could be so erotic for Lydia and Helena I knew it well, every day, but it wasn’t no more erotic than any other across the world, so this detail passed me imperceptible.
I’ll continue with this s…[Read more]
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago
Word Game
Instructions: You can give a new word (tag it with ’New Word:’) or respond to another’s word. Responses can be no longer than four words.
For example: if the New Word: is ’First Date’ a reply might be something like ’opportunity to impress’, ’smile and be present’, or ’A dance of desires’-
New Word: Slut
Double standard.
orally aligned or compromised?
I meant to say Morally aligned or compromised? … But actually the other way is probably better!
New Word: Alive
Infinite Possibility / Moments Capitalized
But if I had a cock, then I would have just said ditto 🙂
New Word: Trust
….gives you freedom.
Opening to Being
New Word: Heartbreak
Wanting something else.
Give Up Fearing
New Word: Pussy
…..launch a thousand ships.
Planet’s most irresistible place.
New Word: Bite
Scratch that… Make it YES PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
New Word: Patience
Am I worth that?
Arrrrggggghhhhhhh!! Stomps feet
Most Detested Virtue!
New Word: Risk
Without which, possibilities unrealized.
On the right track
As essential as water…
Changes everything.
That is your answer or my four words, if it’s not your answer lie, because you’ll like what think it was did to me.
I don’t hole with minuses, we need to clear this slate
My greatest frustration… The ultimate finite restriction (yes I used more than four… I’ll take the punishment… Gladly :))
New word: Unstoppable
Prefer perseverance
Our truth’s…
mmm…that would nice…very nice indeed. I AM looking forward to the day when I might get to indulge this long held desire (@lake). @Luis – I would like to relate a funny story about your post…when I got an e-mail notice saying that I had been “referenced” in your post, I could read the post, but had no context about what your comment was in res…[Read more]
You can lie buck naked on my lap while I do things to your bare ass for hours with my nails.
Before I get too far ahead of myself, I did want to know whether you were agreeing to the other part as well?
I am thinking of this great skin-tight latex mini-dress with cutouts that would undoubtedly do a great job highlighting those beautiful tits of yours…
If you are still interested, we can talk about those “accessories” later!
I hate latex. Can I just wear something black and tit-enhancing.
Official Scorekeeper: Our Mortality
@James, you really must give Mallory a crack!
@Mallory, if he’s. to stepping up for that ‘punishment’ I sure as hell am!
This is starting to sound like an S&M version of the contest I was proposing the other day. All I have to say about this idea is…
Hell Yeah! -
Uh guys I got two hands and can multitask. I will wedge myself between you and administer the punishment.
I can handle that…@lake? And no worries, I have LOTS of other attire ideas…give me a little while and I will post them to the Erotic Photos section for your consideration (wait a minute…I thought I got to dress you however I wanted…you aren’t trying to top me from the bottom are you Mrs. Mallory! You KNOW that will never fly with me!!!)
I don’t know how to top anyone. I didn’t even know what that is until I asked. But I still won’t wear latex. Darn it, I had all kinds of visions of trying different sensations on that bare ass of yours.
I can’t get the reply to go in the right place here, but I think I have the solution. I can wear the latex and Mallory can wear ME!
I can go for that.
Most gripping foreplay.
ravished by expectation/imagination
swirling, crackling, humming energy
lake likes Mallory‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
I hate packing. I look at the suits, the shirts, the ties I set aside with frustration. And casual clothes, I need some more of those. I look around the closet and give up. I think I’ve got most of it together. Where is Nicole anyway? It is almost 9pm. I need her to do this for me. I search for my…[Read more]
lake posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago
If you could have anything you wanted in your mouth right now what would it be?
Creme brulee?
Is it still creme brûlée now?
I just want to hear you describing it like that against my ear when I do slide it in past my lips.
I am not big on delayed gratification, I bought the box on first mention… And have been savoring one each day thinking of punta Cana and where you would be while I salsa as it melts into me… Now if you could send me YOU this experiment could indeed evolve into the most interesting places
Be careful what you sign up for, I have quite the penchant for chocolate… Deep, dark, rich, smooth and melting on my tongue. Once, and again and again, i doubt I shall ever get enough.
Let’s go somewhere new for both of us. Somewhere warm and vibrant, where there is music and open air. Flavors that scintillate, people that titillate, and vast…[Read more]
lake likes luis‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
Hold Still
Seeking for each other knowing it’s going to be perfect. -
lake posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago
All from the movie ‘Some Like it Hot’
Jerry: Will you look at that! Look how she moves! It’s like Jell-O on springs. Must have some sort of built-in motor or something. I tell you, it’s a whole different sex!
Junior: [Kissing] I think you’re on the right track.
Sugar: I must be. Your glasses are beginning to steam up.Junior: Look, if all…[Read more]
lake likes Mallory‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
Alex finishes dressing, putting in the notch to his belt, and then putting his jacket back on. Still staring at the naked body sprawled across his office floor, he playfully whips his tie across her ass. She moans. He bends down to turn her over. She winces and moans again.
“Did I hurt you?” he looks…[Read more]
lake likes A. James‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
lake likes ‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
lake likes ‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
lake likes Barrister‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
@ElizaC said:
“All of my fantasies involve watching or being watched. Recently, I can’t stop thinking about how hot it would be to watch a couple fuck right in front of me. I wouldn’t even have to join (except to masturbate a little). Watching porn on the internet is not the same. I want the full sense experience of sex taking place only inc…[Read more]
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago
All this talk about magical moments… found myself reminiscing during my run, ended up writing this
My Fifth Love –
The first time I saw him, it was like looking through a magic window that didn’t exist to anyone else but us. We looked at each other laid bare, from the first; as if every want, need, struggle, raw emotion we’d ever had was…[Read more]
My memory fails me some but I think lake did a Second Love? I agree with Luis, I think this calls for One, Three, Four if I am correct. Now we want the whole timeline but catching up to Fifth would do for starters. PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE!
Yes, I have also posted ‘My Second Love’ here.
You know I want to give you what you’d like, but I don’t even know how to approach this. These two just struck me in the context of what we were talking about. I am a much better conversationalist than writer. I have no where near the creative sophistication and sensual imagination that you…[Read more]
Yes, the 6th is now my platonic (mostly) best friend. The 7th is my husband. The 8th is M.
How about just a few words to answer:
1. What caused First [Love] to end.
2. More than anything else, what did you love about Third.
3. How were you different as a lover with Fourth than with Fifth.
4. Why didn’t love survive with friendship with Sixth.And I cannot begin to ask about 7th and 8th.
Good questions
One and four are both about why love ended. With both of them, it didn’t. I love them both today as much as ever. The first I believe feels the same, but other than facebook we are not really in touch, it’s certainly not explicit. The fourth, I know does feel the same. Not everybody you love with all that you have, is meant…[Read more]
lake replied to the topic
test in the forum Erotic Collaborations 11 years, 1 month ago
I am assuming the question is what city do we live in?
New York
lake likes A. James‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
lake posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago
The legs, ass and package of the waiter made me wish I was his jeans as I watched him walk across the room, and back, and over… and basically everywhere he went! He was gorgeous, flirty, light skinned, Italian accent, devastating smile, and I was all dreamy at first… but he continually missed opportunities to shine and I found the service to…[Read more]
Yes, unimpressive service would diminish, if not totally remove, all attraction for me.
This got me to remember something. I added it to your after xmas count-up, lake.
Lol… This is exactly why I posted this, I had a feeling things would split along these lines. And now it has me thinking (I hope you don’t mind me teasing you a little here Luis).
This is going to be stereotypical, but I can’t resist starting a little debate men against the women (I’m really so bad… Oh, and I am throwing in with the women…[Read more]
I will take a bite knowing that I might not be able to spit out the hook I am about to swallow…
My first reaction to your question was that “it depends…”
Undoubtedly competence is attractive whether it is a man or a woman, Conversely, real incompetence is decidedly unattractive…but real incompetence is a pretty low standard!
So the sim…[Read more]
lake likes ‘s activity 11 years, 1 month ago
lake likes Mallory‘s activity 11 years, 2 months ago
Nicole quietly tiptoes over to the side of the bed, leaning over, giving a snoring Alex a peck on the cheek. He shifts immediately and blinks a little.
“Ummmm you want more already?” he whispers.
She chuckles, “Maybe tonight, Sweetheart. I am leaving. I’ve got a case.”
Alex groans, “Oh. Thursday. You got a…[Read more]
lake likes Barrister‘s activity 11 years, 2 months ago
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