osted an update in the group Your Experiments 11 years, 6 months ago
[Explanation/lead up to the experiment]: I recently stumbled onto the ‘pizza dare’ on porn sites. For those who are not familiar with it, it involves ordering something for delivery (pizza, chinese, etc.) and when the delivery person shows up, the woman is either entirely nude or just wearing a towel. In the latter case, at some point during the delivery (while taking the food, or looking through a purse for money), the towel ‘accidentally’ drops (for the delivery person it looks like an accident, for the person doing it it’s deliberate). I find them sexy as anything to watch, probably because the woman is either confident or daring enough to show off her body – be an exhibitionist.
The concept for this experiment is loosely based off of that, as well as a few other things.
Here’s the setup – find a bra you wouldn’t mind if it disappeared (i.e. it’s not one you wear all the time, it didn’t cost a fortune, it is a little too small for you now, etc). Put it on, then over it put either a sheer shirt or a shirt with a deep enough cleavage so your bra is visible.
Now go out someplace – a mall food court, a barnes and noble store, a movie theater, starbucks – some place with people, but not an isolated place where you are the center of attention. Either in public (which there are some pretty sexy videos of as well) or in private, like a bathroom, remove your bra. Then go back to where you were and whatever you were doing. When you get ready to leave, you are going to leave behind the bra – if you’re in a movie theater, just leave it in the seat, at the food court leave it on the chair, at barnes and noble leave it in one of the chairs they have scattered through the store where people sit and read. You get the thrill of both being somewhat ‘visibly topless’ in public and the thrill of imagining the reaction of whoever finds your left behind bra – is it a hot guy who works at the movie theater, is it that barrista who you have a girl-crush on and fantasize is bi? The possibilities are endless.
If you are still interested in doing the dare, but want a bit of a ‘safety net’, you can wear a jacket. That way, you can leave the jacket open, but cover your nipples from obvious view (but you’ll still know that beneath the jacket and sheer/cleavage revealing shirt, you’re not wearing any bra.
And, somewhat selfishly on my part, I’d love if you do this experiment if you could post a before and after picture – with bra before you walk out of the house, and no bra after you return.
Motivational photos to be certain.
I dare say that lake’s latest photo qualifies as a very motivational “Before.
Ah good point! Score one for me! I suppose then ‘afters’ should be worth at least two.
It absolutely does – care to give this challenge a try, lake? Makes me wish I lived in NY to see the results first-hand