PoMC joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 5 months ago
osted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 5 months ago
September Rain
The movie had just ended, and it was raining outside the theater. The air carried with it the fresh and exhilarating scents of autumn, albeit with the slight foreshadowing chill of winter. Our group stood on the sidewalk, laughing and smiling as we recounted memorable quotes from the film we had just seen.
Eventually, we all…[Read more]
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 5 months ago
sexy kitty joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 5 months ago
Miss Clitty joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 5 months ago
Miss Clitty posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 5 months ago
Mechanics. There is just something so damn sexy about a man who can fix stuff. My current fantasy involves being out on the road with the boys from Top Gear UK. They have a policy where if one of them has a breakdown, the other two drive off and leave him to sort it. I am obsessively attracted to Richard Hammond, but he’s married so I…[Read more]
What makes a mechanic guy hot for you?
I think its a MacGyver throwback. Plus there’s the whole… half under a vehicle and half accessable to me. lol.
There is something to be said about a man who can fix something and is accessible.
Most definitely! It’s a good thing I don’t drive, or I’d be constantly pulling wires loose or other such components, just as an excuse to take it in for a service. *pun intended*
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 7 months ago
If you have watched the 50 Shades trailer, you might have noticed that elevators are featured quite heavily.
I got to fantasizing about an elevator shaft, in a building with say….42 to 50 stories, with a man who exercise control in all things…. okay, just capable of controlling the elevators.
What have you fantasized about doing…[Read more]
You know I loved this!!
You really are a Casanova, Luis!
This makes me wish to be in a tall building and frequent the elevator in some pattern in sync with someone hot and flirtatious.
Yes. Did you read my other fantasy related to an elevator?
I could not figure out how to do a link, so I copied it for you here:
His Scent, Ephemeral yet Etched Deep in Memory
Funny how the mind protects us from trauma and stress by shutting off memories and emotions. I did not understand why I have been so on edge about the MRI my doctor ordered for the pain in my shoulder. They gave me earplugs,…[Read more]
Now, THAT would have been Trouble.
Mallory posted an update in the group
Sex & Music 10 years, 7 months ago
Did someone say rumba?
Slavik Kryklyvvy & Elena Khorova Rumba WSSDF2007 – YouTube -
lake posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 7 months ago
I have finished this, but what the heck, at least I started it…
Weekend Getaway
The strokes were long and smooth, I could hear only the inside of my own head. I could feel my body stretched, reaching. I felt strong, was doing only flip turns at both ends, no long open breaths, no breaks in rhythm… Swoosh, swoosh, breathe, glide, tuck,…[Read more]
Last night was the first this week I finally got into the water. It is in that water, I think about things to do, strategize, write, fantasize. Last night, my thoughts go to how to build the bridge to make three work. We must have been in the same intoxicating waters!
Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy.
Oh, I think you just wrote the first paragraph of the next bit!
As I walked away, he turned to you and cheerfully said, “shall we take a dip ourselves?”
Thank you, I couldn’t agree more, and exactly what I was going for… I’ll double your wistful sigh 🙂
osted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 7 months ago
You are in a room, prepared perfectly to accommodate a ravenous orgy. The room is filled with as many people of whatever sex, shape and size you desire, and they are all at your beck and call, waiting to do scandalous things with you / to you and with one another.
So all I ask is: who’s there? What do you want them to do to you? What do you…[Read more]
So this admittedly is not an orgy scene, but lately this is the ‘multiples’ scenario I’ve been thinking the most about and have become increasingly desirous of having. I also realize you were probably hoping to have lots of hot young girls thrown in, so it will likely disappoint on that level as well, but this is my fantasy right now.
Who’s t…[Read more]
I love your bookends.
I had some recent conversations about the guy guy responses in this scenario which set off some interesting level of curiosities.
Lol, Master’s bookends.
If you think about the possibilities, I mean it is staggering, but you have to get past so much to get to where it works.
I am with you, but this also points at part of the challenge. If it was me, and I am doing this, the head space I would be in, is not one where I would want to be controlling the scene. I feed off of his lust and need and fulfilling it, being the object of desire, being at the mercy of my physical yearning. I would need to be focused on…[Read more]
Jimmy joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 8 months ago
Londoncouple joined the group
Sex & Music 10 years, 9 months ago
ellariasand posted an update in the group
Sex & Music 10 years, 10 months ago
A reminder of all the times I raced across town in the middle of the night on my bicycle to meet or chase down a tryst. For all the names I whispered, sighed or shouted as idolatrous prayers late at night.
One Eyed Willie joined the group
Sex & Music 10 years, 11 months ago
wcbiff joined the group
Sex & Music 10 years, 11 months ago
One Eyed Willie joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago
Mrs. Kitty joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago
Mrs. Kitty joined the group
Sex & Music 10 years, 11 months ago
fearless1975 joined the group
Experimental Books 10 years, 11 months ago
jessehsr joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago
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