lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart. Then in living – I have made my mark.”
Thomas L. Odem, Jr
Some things really are just simple.
Happy Sunday Peoples -
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Fuck! I was going to be late again, and possibly late enough to lose the reservation. I wanted to text her so she would know to talk to them and ensure they held the table, but I was having a hard time admitting to myself how late I was actually going to be. It was also just a crappy way to kick off the date, so I only wrote, ‘on my way, not…[Read more]
I read that and it made my nipples hard and tight and tingling. Nevermind elsewhere….
Funny…it wasn’t my nipples that got all hard and tight and tingling reading this! But I can definitely relate to your point about “elsewhere”!
Yes that lake is an alluring seductress!
You took the words right out of my mouth!
Speaking of your mouth…
Never mind elsewhere is not really in the realm of my possibilities.
Oh my word…. its exactly how I imagine it would be.
More please…-
I read your response and I was excited to see lakes story resonate for you and then I realized that there are more than one way to interpret what “exactly” you “imagin[ed] it [to] be”!
Were you imagining what it would be like when lake met a submissive woman for dinner?
Were you imagining what it would be like to take a submissive woman to…[Read more]
Well before anyone gets too invested, I have to warn you, our odds are long on this. She is genuine, sensual, earnest, beautifully non-judgemental, very much of her own mind, proud, lots of self respect, accomplished, smart, has high integrity, an adventurous spirit, and even if she is confused by how she responds to me… She clearly does…[Read more]
As Mallory suggested…the slow build-up can be as equally rewarding as the abandoned “all-in” approach…
One thing is certain…if she gets comfortable and does ultimately choose submit herself under your conditions, then it will undoubtedly also allow her to give herself over as thoroughly and completely as she really longs for. That fact alone…[Read more]
I have developed an appreciation for the slow build up, but there comes a point when there is no longer any point in not getting what one wants…
There comes a point when giving in is the only thing that does make sense.
If all the pieces are in place, and she still chooses not to be comfortable, and the moments that are there, I have to…[Read more]
I’m smiling at the thought of that myself!!! Thanks for the response. Although you have to admit there is something inherently submissive about being so passive in allowing another woman to slowly taunt and tease you until you have been taken don’t you think? Another thought that brings a smile to my face!!!
I am searching through my history trying to recall ANY woman who was not into being slowly taunted and teased and eventually taken…
closest I can think of… I did get slapped in the face once, but I don’t count that because, I was just trying to pick her up, I had not established any connection or gotten to anything physical yet (I’d had a…[Read more]
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Okay think of something you need that over the course of your life has proven to be difficult to get or difficult to get enough of.
Now think of a time when you did… Write a bit to describe it to us… Including how you were affected.
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Okay we’ll play fair, now
Women need men…
Do you think it is more difficult to recognize and acknowledge exactly what it is that most women really do need to get that only men might provide…
Or do you think that it is harder to actually just come right out and say it?!?
Either way, I am still waiting for SOMEONE to comment on this!!!
I have to admit I did not have a ready answer for this and I have no idea why! Therefore at your prodding I will give this more thought.
James are you suggesting that women are hesitating to admit that they want and need to get drilled by their man?
To hold doors open for them. Haha…. I’m just kidding.
With the advent and selection of various “toys”, one could assume that women wouldn’t really need men for sex. But to quote someone “nothing feels like the real thing”. So there is still hope for us men lol
Women need authentic men who can offer their full, undivided presence. It is anchoring and affirming to women.
At a global level, women need men to sacrifice themselves so that others can live and honor that sacrifice.
Women need men who have balance, who know what they want, honest with themselves if they don’t, who have courage, who can do the right thing, who are generous, and who can put someone else ahead of themselves.
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Complete this sentence:
Men need women…
Mallory replied to the topic
Untitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago
I don’t know what it is with me and airports and sex. Maybe it goes back to that shameful teenage stunt I pulled on what-was-his-name. I have a standard airport travel uniform: short pleated skirt and my high top Vans. If it is cold, like today, I would wear tights, or the thigh high socks I got on now. If it is…[Read more]
Amateurs is right! Way to go Nic!!!
Bet they aren’t traveling somewhere to fuck the brains out of their husband, some 20-year old hottie and themselves for the weekend!!!
Interesting to think that your display may be the highlight of their sexual day, whereas however daring it may have seemed, it will almost surely be forgotten by Nicole by the…[Read more] -
I love how you’ve made this a completely erotic ride and all she did was go to the airport :). Really liked this, it conveyed the fun and flirt, and spirit.
I love how you’ve made this a completely erotic ride and all she did was go to the airport :). Really liked this, it conveyed the fun and flirt, and spirit.
I love how you’ve made this a completely erotic ride and all she did was go to the airport :). Really liked this, it conveyed the fun and flirt, and spirit.
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Best reasons to take a risk?
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Favorite sensations against your skin?
Sunshine on my belly
Being in the water
Swimming makes you horny right? Or is it all of the exposed skin?
Oh yes swimming makes me horny. I guess it’s a feeling of being free. Skinny dipping is better though 😉
Definitely…something about the sensation of the pressure and sensation of the water flowing across your skin how it creates a variety of different swirling vortices along different parts of the body as it moves through the water is very stimulating to the skin which combined with the effects of weightlessness and how it affects the blood flow m…[Read more]
I swim almost every night under the summer sky. The water wraps me while music fills my ears.
I have a couple of other ideas about how to wrap you.
Lips kissing skin. Especially the backside of any part of the body.
I love lips right on the side of my eye, slow and soft, so I can breathe him in when he does it.
So many favorites…but come on…as a man…there is no greater “sensation on skin” that when your cock presses through the tight smooth entrance of a woman’s pussy for the first time when having sex (not just the first sexual experience, but the first penetration on each separate sexual experience same woman or not)! There are more intense…[Read more]
Cool grass on bare feet
Feet in the sand
Mallory replied to the topic
Untitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago
I wake up, momentarily confused by the strange sensation of delicate soft curls around my fingers before my eyes could focus and see Rachel’s low snoring features. I wonder if she could possibly be more exhausted than I am. I smile as I inventory all the different ways we fucked yesterday, starting with what we thought…[Read more]
Very rich, very provocative, it started great and only gets better and better.
Yep…his mind is definitely reeling and a bit all over the place! But can you really blame him! Isn’t that at least some part of what such an experience should be about? Just total and complete expression of ones wants and desires? I see all of the things that such an experience might which are positive as much as the risks and potential…[Read more]
One Eyed Willie joined the group
Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago
Mrs. Kitty joined the group
Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago
One Eyed Willie posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Another date night cumming soon lol. We are thinking of going out to a bar and mingle some, and who knows from there. ….
Mrs. Kitty joined the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
One Eyed Willie posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Last night my wife and I had a date night. After reading the blog, I got some ideas (thanks X). I challenged her to wear a skirt and low cut shirt, which is kind of daring for her. The kicker was that she was to wear no panties and show off as much cleavage as possible. She pulled it off like a champ but I guess the twist was that I don’t…[Read more]
I’d say we call that one a win win.
Indeed lol
Now I must know… Exactly when is the next date night?
Soon hopefully
Soon…. My third favorite answer, after very soon, and now! 🙂
Unfortunately date nights take some planning. Our most recent one prior to this last one was quite a while ago. I am going to have to start taking some more vacation days from shift to make then cum more often 😉 maybe next weekend 🙂
Looking for new ideas and things to try
Surely you have found plenty of ideas here on the blog, Your Experiments, Your Fantasies, Erotic Collaboration, and all of our comments.
I have gotten some great ideas from here. So glad we found this place. I’m sure we will come up with something fun and interesting to try. It seems we push boundaries and expand ideas and experiments each day.
Oh yes, let’s go with taking a vacation day love they Idea of being truant and free. Maybe have her arrive where you two will meet ahead of you, again dressed in way that she feels exposed. Have her pick a spot to stand and wait for you, then close her eyes and be still, not to open them until she is told to. Obviously, you then have a…[Read more]
This is a great tale about how the simple unseen things can make all the difference in the world for a couple to get themselves in the right….well…mindset! I also love your choice of words…”the twist”! I simply love the art and craft of creating palpable sexual tension , pushing and pulling and twisting and turning in all the predictable…[Read more]
One Eyed Willie joined the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago
Let’s make a list called ‘These are a few of my favorite things’
Give up the goods folks!
I’ll start.
When I can smell him on me for the rest of the day after we’ve fucked.
Sexting all day and fu $#@*g all night
When his eyes drop with that little nod then come straight back into mine, signaling it’s time to get on his cock, and I am instantly in motion.
The way she smiles and bites her lip as I gently tease her pussy
That my fantasies don’t freak him out.
When he pulls my panties back up for me.
The way she quivers and moans as I nibble at the back of her neck and behind her ears. Mmmmmm
The way her entire body goes stiff and her breathing catches and her eyes flicker and her face goes expressionless and all intentional communication stops cold for a brief moment at my first touch – EVERY SINGLE TIME WE MEET!
-James -
The way that even after we have greeted one another and settled into whatever conversation or activity, how there are certain spots that I touch…trigger points…that cause the whole process described above to happen all over again…only progressively more intensely. When I take her hand…when I wrap my arm around her waist and rest my hand on…[Read more]
My, my James what have you done to this girl! 😉
I have been myself with her and let her know exactly who I am and what I want most not just from her but from life.
As for her, I have accepted her…ALL of her!…and she knows that I will never hold or use any aspect of the beautiful sexual creature that she is against her or use her offerings in a way that would be inconsistent with what I…[Read more]
TW joined the group
Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 12 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 12 months ago
Question for the guys: What’s the biggest mistake women make when courting?
What do you consider “sloppy?”
hmmmmm …. assume that the relationship which hasn’t yet deceloped will be exactly like the one they implicitly imagine; or, conversely, assume that the person they’re courting with has specific attitudes and desires about the developing relationship which they don’t share …
Ah good one prance, this does SO get in the way of having the actual relationship that might otherwise be available.
So in other words, you like LOTS of things standing at attention! 😉
Don’t be fake. Be yourself.
No being themselves… It sounds counterintuitive, because we DO live in a world which seems to expect people to present themselves as “favorably” as possible, but the truth is that while giving a favorable impression may land someone the partner they have always dreamed of, the insecurity and inability to actually become something that you are n…[Read more]
Authenticity may indeed be the biggest turn on of all in the long run, if you ask me.
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 12 months ago
Fast turn around this time, turns out this one wrote itself.
He kissed me good night before he got into the car. I walked back into the Hardee’s thoughtful. It was four in the morning and of course, my girlfriends started in immediately on how gorgeous he was when I got back to the table. It had been a fun night, and I was…[Read more]
Fantastic! Filled with all the raw and uncontainable excitement and enthusiasm which we all feel during our first prolonged and utterly revealed moments. Actually I am struck by how much BETTER than perfect your experience actually sounds than many imperfect partners in imperfect setting, with imperfect/incomplete/less than satisfying results…[Read more]
Well James, knowing you the way that I do, I can’t exactly say that I am at all surprised by this revelation. Makes me think of buying stocks in some condom company.
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 10 years, 12 months ago
What’s your favorite place to be touched when you still have all your clothes on?
Naked shoulder or collarbone…. Shivers
Legs. What can I say? After the bicycle experiment(s), I’m definitely a leg girl. Whether it’s over denim, nylon or nothing at all, a brush of fingertips at the thigh or calves just does it for me.
I’m a particular fan of thigh-high pantyhose… and having assistance in removing it. The only stipulation is that he may not use his hands.
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