
  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 13 years ago

    I’m hesitant to ask this, but I figure this is the best place for it. I’d appreciate it if some women came up with experiments for guys. I’m 23 years old, and very inexperienced sexually (I’ve given oral once, but that’s the limit of my experience), so I’d enjoy the chance to ‘come out of my shell’ as it were and hopefully gain some sexual…[Read more]

    • Ladies, here’s your chance to have someone do your bidding somewhere in the world! Trust me. It’s fun.

    • I am new here but I have an idea, next time you get aroused in a somewhat public place, do not hide it. Show the bulge in your pants with pride

  • mintpint posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    Tonight I’m setting an experiment for myself. It’s a friend’s Halloween party and I’m going to take the idea of a costume to a different level. I’ve been trying to force myself into more situations (partially inspired by this blog and community) and I think part of what’s held me back is this idea of “self” and the image attached to it. So I’m…[Read more]

    • this sounds like a lot of fun. I can’t wait to hear how it goes.

      • Well, unfortunately it didn’t end up as I hoped – in bed with someone dressed as the slutty version of something that isn’t slutty. I was misinformed on the nature of the party and the pickings were few and far between. The lovely ladies that were there were either not my type or already spoken for. Alas, but the night was not wasted. I still had…[Read more]

    • Well put, MP. The more I think about these things (or: everything), the more I believe that the “self” – the story we tell about ourselves, or the definition we willingly assume – is a trap.

  • naughtymeggy1001 posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    I want to do an experiment tonight, but I’d like some suggestions. I have to pick up my husband at the airport late this evening. What can I do to ramp up his arousal? Naked under the trench–that’s been done. He’s not quite ready for public sex yet. I’m looking for something in between. Ideas?

    • Henry beat me to it. When I was dating my wife, she did this to me. When we got in the car, she straddled me and I could smell her arousal…such a turn on. Unfortunately, it didnt go any further at that point as the parking lot got busy…but we did continue the fun at home.

      Nothing as exciting as being slipped your lover’s panties…

      • Thanks, fellas. I’m totally doing this one. I’ve already sent him a picture of the panties under the skirt.

        Great idea!

        • Perfect opportunity to be the first picture in the gallery. 😉

          Damn…did I say that out loud?

        • Fantastic! I’m excited by this on about five different levels. Please do report back, Meggy.

        • replied 13 years ago

          How did it go?

      • I am going to show this to Taniel for the next time I fly home and she picks me up…

        • Sorry, fellas–it was a rather busy weekend.

          He didn’t really respond to the picture–he’s used to getting naughty pictures from me. I greeted him in the terminal and dragged him to a secluded place for his welcome-home kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and I slid the panties into his pocket. When he put his hand into the pocket, his face lit…[Read more]

    • Sorry, fellas–it was a rather busy weekend.

      He didn’t really respond to the picture–he’s used to getting naughty pictures from me. I greeted him in the terminal and dragged him to a secluded place for his welcome-home kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and I slid the panties into his pocket. When he put his hand into the pocket, his face lit up.…[Read more]

  • Byron posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    I recently found out, strictly by accident, that my wife is interested in making a sex video. We had some very rare alone time a couple of weeks ago when she broached the topic.

    “You have video on your iPad, right?”

    “Yes, why, what are you thinking?”

    “I’m thinking we should use it. Can you password protect it?”

    Since I told her I wasn’t sure…[Read more]

    • I love discovering you don’t really know someone. Definitely sexes things up. And “emailing it to myself”? Well you know mine…in case you need it.

  • mintpint posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    I was going to post this on Craigslist based off Mr. X’s suggestion, but then I thought of a better audience – all of you. I don’t want some stranger to read this and potentially benefit, I’d rather show all of you. So this is my experiment: show you all my current fantasy.

    I want to fuck you in a parking garage. It’s cold, oddly lit, compl…[Read more]

    • I’m not the man to validate it, but I love that you posted this here. Will be curious to see who joins you in the parking garage.

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 13 years ago

    Friday night. Chilly night. What’ll you do to heat the blood?

    • rub up against my husband and coyly say “light me a fire”. Then we’d settle in under a blanket, totally naked, in front of the fire.

      • replied 13 years ago

        Nice one. 😀

        • replied 13 years ago

          I was thinking a packed dance floor where we can’t move freely; just bounce like rubber balls. Not quite sure how the mechanics of it will be like though.

          • Well as much as I love a cool bed in the summer, in the cold nights of winter it’s not my cup of tea. Which is why I like to warm up the bed with a quick round of fooling around. Sure, it’s cold at first but her goosebumps feel great against mine. And the cold makes me even harder, her nipples the hardest. By the time all is said and done – the…[Read more]

  • mintpint posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    I haven’t really had the nerve to start experimenting, until now. Any suggestions on a good one to get started?

    • I think that Craig’s List challenge we had during the Group Sex Game (link above via the “Blog Table of Contents”) is a fun one. The most difficult step is sometimes just articulating what a fantasy might be, I think. So write it, then maybe send it….

      • Sounds easy (and fun enough). Now of course, I’ll be spending the rest of the afternoon crafting my specific fantasy. Should be rather fun, I’d imagine.

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    I think I’ll always be curious to hear if you’ve had adventures related to the current adventure on the blog in here. Right now I’ve been posting something called “The Pornography Experiment”, which tells about my wife being dared to be discovered watching porn. Is that a turn-on? If not, are there other of the “Experiments” that you’ve risked…[Read more]

    • I think my favorite part of that one was the point where you two decided to end up making your own, always a good time… I must say I’m intrigued by the pictures taken 😉

      • Yes, I’m giving those photos some serious thought as well (as well as those that have come since, too). Not really sure I want to compromise the mystery here, though. Thinking….

        • You can always hop into Photoshop real quick and crop out faces if you need to O:-) I don’t think anyone here would complain

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