
  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 10 months ago

    I’ve always been told not to approach a woman like a thing; I’ve been taught and expected to treat a woman as a fully-fledged human being complete with ambitions, emotions and frailties. And there is a beauty in the complexity of a female soul, a complexity which is a perpetual mystery in the male mind.

    But there are times where I relish the simplicity of viewing a woman as an object.

    I pictured here there, in my bedroom, standing with a composed, seemly posture, with her wavy brown hair pulled back behind her shoulders. I stand close to her, so close that I can almost feel her, but I stop short.

    I avoid looking at her eyes – the eyes, after all, are the window to the soul and when trying to view a woman as a thing it is important not to connect her spirit to its physical conduit – and instead take in her naked form with my own eyes.

    Her neck is long and stately. I put a single finger to it, and begin tracing a line down her. Her skin is soft and supple, but as I slowly, gently move my index finger along it she shivers, and goosebumps begin to form. Is it nervousness? Cold? Is she excited by my touch? I pay no heed to her response, and continue tracing her outline, always being sure to never make eye contact.

    My eyes follow my finger as it brushes down her front. I stop briefly as I run my finger down her left breast, pausing to feel her perky nipple. With my index finger resting gingerly on the top of it, I touch my thumb to the bottom of it. Had I pressed them together I would have pinched her, but instead I smoothly yet intently massage her. She elicits a surprised, breathy gasp, in a tone heavy with lust. I pay no heed, continuing my investigation.

    My index finger runs down her belly, which is soft, yet determinedly firm from her frequent cardio workouts. As I reach her navel I stop and get on my knees, pressing my nose towards her midriff. I inhale deeply through my nostrils, reveling in the mixture of scents I encounter: her natural body odor, her coconut body wash and just a hint of her citrus-y perfume.

    My finger continues downward until it reaches her vagina, the outline of which it traces circularly and lightly. I feel the flaps of her pussy, and she inhales suddenly in response, her thighs tensing up and her hips unconsciously pushing towards my finger. I smile and lean forward, burying my tongue in her with one decisive lick. The taste was mild, slightly tart, but made all the more delicious by her ensuing moan.

    I continued traveling down, putting both of my hands on her waist and running my palms downward along the outside of her legs. I could feel her whole body tensing up, and her pussy moistened visibly. I grinned.

    Then, it was on to her feet, She had painted her toenails red – a safe choice, maybe, but exciting nonetheless – and she had obviously given much care towards cleaning them up. I knew how ragged feet became as a result of extensive running, but to look at her feet you would be hard-pressed to figure out that she ran track.

    I then moved on to her posterior, but by now I had begun to grow hasty. My cock throbbed as my eyes soaked in her unclothed perfection, and I found it harder to concentrate as I continued my exploration. Rather than beginning at the nape of her neck, where I had intended, I started directly at her ass, which I placed my head in greedily. I sniffed deeply, unsure of what I would encounter, only to realize that she had been extremely thorough – her ass smelled delicious, and her soft, pliable asscheeks felt wonderful on my face.

    I stood up, off of my knees, and circled around so that I was facing her front again. At last, I allowed myself to look in her eyes. As I did I nearly came right then and there. Looking into those deep, brown, luscious, sensual, sexual, liquid eyes I saw her… not simply her beautiful, naked body but her gorgeous, naked soul. That turned me on more than anything I had examined thus far.

    Unable to contain myself any longer, I gave in to my primal urges. I thrust my cock frantically into her, feeling her lusty pussy juices running down onto me as I rocked my rock-hard shaft in and out of her at a rapid pace. I raced my hands desperately along her, trying to grab as much of her as I could. I felt the small of her back, tensed up as she shoved herself onto me. I grabbed her malleable breasts, each one adorned with a pink, solid nipple. I felt her lithe, soft arms, and held her delicate hands in my own, all the while still thrusting into her madly.

    In no time at all we were both gasping, bodies covered in a layer of sweat, feeling as if all of the oxygen was being drained out of the room. Finally, I pulled myself out of her, a jet of warm, thick, sticky cum up onto her stomach. I forced her back up against a wall, engulfing her mouth in a deep, desperate kiss as my body released itself with my orgasm.

    After I had finished her with my fingers we both slumped on the ground, tangled up together, eyes staring into eyes as I considered what I would discover next time I decided to explore her.

    • Don’t approach me like a thing. I am a woman grown, I expected to be treated as a fully-fledged capable human being complete with ambitions, emotions and frailties. I know the beauty and complexity of my soul, and though it may be a mystery to the male mind at times, do not fear or shy away from it… else you’ll never learn to truly master me.

      But there are times with you my love, when I relish the simplicity of being viewed as an object… a sexual creature every bit as hungry as you to be used, emptied, laid bare… Will you set me free? Destroy me with your need, so that nothing remains of either of us but our primal bliss.

    • I love this story a lot. In many ways it parallels my own “upbringing” and the conflict that I have at times experienced when trying to “manage” my more primal wants and needs and urges (and of course the considerable guilt that goes with them). I also appreciate lakes response for the same reason, although I would add one other thought to both…

      Objectification…even to the point of fetishism…isn’t really a problem for me in the least, so long as it is either entirely self contained (doesn’t harm others) or is consensual by and between the two (or more) parties. That is a hard to understand or at least rarely discussed truth. I have grown to realize that many of us are programmed to really hold back or filter the vast majority of these hard wired reactions. Hold back because we are taught that they are disrespectful and degrading (especially towards women), because we are told they are deviant and that having such thoughts might mean something is wrong with us for having them, repressed for fear of being judged or ostracized (or even just rejected by the fairer sex when all we really want to do is impress them and be accepted by them), etc., but there comes a point in our lives where…if we would just be willing to rethink all of our adolescent and young adult “lessons” on this topic, we might realize that it can be a beautiful and impactful and inspiring way if relating…it can in fact deepen our understanding of who we each are and be used as a way to connect on a whole new and more meaningful level.

      One of my great personal disappointments is that I have rarely ever heard anyone say that it is ok…or suggest how such things might be used by people to connect in such a positive and rewarding way…or even suggest that only by recognizing and understanding these things that we repress or stifle I. Ourselves may actually be doing all of us more harm than good!

      lake hits the nail on the head…I see my partners as grown women, worthy of all the respect and admiration and awe that they most assuredly deserve, but I love the fact that I have been able to express and explore and have my desires and wants and needs to objectify certain things as being OK. More than that, I have been fortunate that they often adore and appreciate BEING objectified in many if the same ways. They not only let me do it, they get off on it in much the same way (even if in an opposite manner), and are themselves not ashamed or afraid of their own less than socially taught norms in this regard.

      I guess the whole point of this post is to say that we should all work harder to learn how to objectify without being degrading or disrespectful AND equally importantly learn how to BE objectified so that our partners can indulge and explore and become the most complete and fulfilled and expressed versions of themselves that we all seem to expect them to become (but so rarely allow them to be)!!!

      PS: I consider myself a sexually dominant man…someone who has a sense and intuition and concept about what I want to happen and how I want it to happen and then in making it happen if it doesn’t happen on its own. But I can also assure you that there are certain women…certain looks, physical traits, certain attitudes and intelligence and creativity and openness and beauty which I have seen in a very small handful of women over my lifetime and I am largely convinced that IF the situation arose, I would literally do almost anything they asked me to do. I would most certainly be vulnerable to being exploited by them and I damn well know it. I have never had the pleasure of having any of them make a sexual advance towards me or found myself in a relationship with someone who really pushed those button, but I must say to those who doubt the power of the emotions and desires which we hold within us (logically or not) I ask them to stop and think if they have ever encountered anyone who not just took their breath away in the moment (like you suggested elsewhere @lurkinglady) , but literally would make them seriously consider dropping everything else in their life and serve that other person however they might ask. Let’s just say that I seriously doubt that almost everyone hasn’t encountered a person who did that to them, and how incredible would it be if instead of not acknowledging it, it were on the table and – within the on-exploitative bounds of consent – were explored and used to the maximum effect for all involved!!! Oh my!!!!

      • A. James- this moment I experienced had submissive thoughts running through my head that normally aren’t there. I had even questioned myself where this was all coming from. Would I have uprooted my life for this practical stranger? Probably not but don’t doubt for one second the thought didn’t cross my mind. My reaction was that overwhelming.

        • Ahh…those intense, bewildering, breathtaking, confusing, scary (or downright terrifying), outrageously illogical but exhilaratingly visceral, crazy moments where EVERYTHING that we thought we knew and understood and had worked so hard to figure out about ourselves and believed that we wanted above all else and with absolute clarity is completely thrown into question! Whoever this man was, and whatever the circumstances or depth of your interaction, all I can say is DAMN! I don’t mean to make light of how disruptive such an experience can be, but anyone who would deny that there isn’t some real and essential meaning to be taken from such an occurrence is in my mind delusional. I guess all I can say is welcome to the club – and in case you are getting blank stares from any of your closer confidants that you may have casually mentioned “this man” (even if you significantly filtered and downplayed the depth and strength of your reaction for your audience), get used to it! Seriously, it has been my experience that most people NEVER experience anything close to what you describe so they have no context to relate to it much less understand it. It took me a while to realize this (most of my life), but the insanely intense and raw unfiltered chemistry thing is rare – not because it can’t and/or shouldn’t happen, but because most people shut themselves down (both consciously and unconsciously) to the point that it just can’t register. By way if example, I have met a surprising number of women who are wildly sensual, but not particularly sexual. More specifically, they were really open minded and free spirited and up for just about anything, but bizarrely not overly interested in exploring or broadening their sexuality or the vast oceans of sexual expression.

          This was really confusing to me. It seemed illogical (more like impossible!) for someone to so distinctly isolate those two, in my mind, inextricably linked characteristics. Needless to say, only over time, what I came to discover was, that despite being active and enthusiastic sexually (as any highly sensual person most surely would be), it became clear that they had never really had amazing orgasms. They scratched an itch, gave a good release and that was that…the end of the story so time to move on. Despite having had a variety of boyfriends and partners and lovers over the years, and having great vanilla sex (with some VERY mild explorations into kink here and there), and regularly and repeatedly orgasming from those activities, she had never been particularly impressed by what an orgasm was capable of. She placed a fair level of significance to orgasming and enjoyed it, but there were LOTS if things that she enjoyed equally well and a few that she even enjoyed more. MORE?!? Now I was really confused, I mean there is a very wide range of pleasure and joy which can be achieved through having an orgasm, but there is is very little in this world that I find even close (much less BETTER) than a really good orgasm, and nothing even in the same ballpark as an incredible orgasm. The more we talked about it and she relayed her lifetime if experience and conversations with her female friends and confidants about their orgasms, she was convinced that her perception of the importance and value of an orgasm was absolutely commonly held by many or most of her friends. Now, we were having a sexual relationship and it was really good, and there were lots of other “interesting and promising” dynamics (lets just call it good chemistry coupled with intelligence and maturity and similar outlooks and adventurous spirits) and I was 100% clear when we met that I had all sorts of interests and desires and areas of my sexuality that I wanted to explore, so this situation was ripe for one of us to learn the truth. Maybe I was unusual in my beliefs. Maybe I had deluded myself into over valuing the frequency and intensity of sexual activity as a measure of success and worthiness in a relationship. Maybe all of the other things ARE more important. So fast forward a week or so, and we had finally gotten to the piping where I was no longer going to nudge around the edges on pushing her where I wanted to go, and she had grown comfortable and confident enough with me and that I wouldn’t hurt her (at least not unintentionally) to give me the room to let me take the lead. Needless to say, we each had one of the most remarkable sexual experiences of each of our lives together. The details are insanely HOT to be sure, but not really the point I am trying to make here, but it was without question a mind-blowing, transcendental experience. I can recognize it as such and be in awe of what happened, but I had experienced something along these lines before (and plenty of insanely good if not transcendental experiences/orgasms), but she had never experienced ANYTHING even remotely close to this before in her life. I actually wrote about it here on this site under the title of SuperNova Sex.

          It’s not about that particular sexual experience per se, but the inspiration to write it up definitely occurred after this experience (and there is a fair bit of “examples” given which paint a pretty good picture about what happened!), because of how profound and impactful it was for HER. [If you can’t find it, send me a message, and I will try and find it and forward it to you] The point I am trying to make, is that until you have experienced just how earth shattering and profound and essential – something which literally makes you feel as if you had just been plugged in to the core life force of the universe and had 1 trillion volts of electricity coursing through your body – then you can not possibly fully appreciate just how relevant and essential our sexuality is to our health and happiness and well being (or how far we really might elect to go in order to find another of those Supernova Sexual experiences)! Long story short, she finally experienced something that made it clear what others, who to her at the time seemed so misguided in their focus and attention and importance that they seemed to place on sex and sexuality, must have been talking about. That they might have known a hell of a lot more than her all along, and that she finally realized, No…this IS really important and I WILL commit more of my time and attention to exploring it. And explore it we did!!! She literally would well up with tears or joy just thinking about it for WEEKS afterwards…and don’t even get me started on how many times we tried to reconstruct the events from our foggy recollections of what had happened at her insistence. I was more than happy to participate in such a recap/review exercise with her however many times she wanted, because it really was so awesome, but deep down I always knew that it wouldn’t lead anywhere…it was a fools task…because there was NO WAY to actually make sense for any of it….to this day, I couldn’t tell you more than a few snippets if what happened and what I thought it meant…from where I sit it absolutely happened, it was incredible, it was a culmination of each of us opening ourselves up as fully and completely as possible and allowing it to occur, much more than anything else. It was one of thousands of things (sexual and non-sexual alike) that have convinced me that we really do know so little and any perception or belief of real control or mastery that humans have over the universe really is deluded, so the only reasonable conclusion is that we are better served by letting go of a lot of those temporal aspects of control and opening ourselves up experiencing the wonder and awe of the universe (while being as thoughtful and practical and considered about how we live our day to day lives in a way that might also make us happy and fulfilled in the meantime. I was just so grateful enough to have had that experience and others like it (they are never the same…FYI!), and to have confirmed what I had always felt in my heart and in my soul was MY TRUTH, even if it isn’t shared by anyone else.

          That is part of what gives me the strength and confidence to pursue this part of who I am without reservations…and I am very glad that I no longer have to wonder and guess as I did when I was younger.

          You have to make your own fully informed decisions about what you want or need to do to explore your own sexuality and how important it is to you, but I will say, if you already know how good and beautiful and amazing really incredible sex can be, then you are probably in the distinct minority (since I am convinced most people have never had a truly great sexual experience!) and that should give you a great perspective to make your call. On the other hand if you have not had that “blown wide open” sexual experience and you are STILL struggling with lingering thoughts and urges and concerns that it seems like your sexuality is much more fundamental and important to providing you the happiness and fulfillment that you want (or need) out of life, then you have a much harder decision to make, because IF you explore this and IF you find that incredible sexual connection/experience, you most certainly will find it VERY hard to ever ignore your deeper wants and needs again.

          Now, that could be a good realization or a bad one depending on your outlook on life. Personally, I am a rip off the band-aid quickly person…rarely dwelling on the past and steadfastly working to not have regrets. I believe that for better or worse, whatever happened and whatever the consequence, in all likelihood it was for the best (even if I would like to believe that I handled myself in as respectful and honorable way as possible in the process because I do believe I am a good person). But it could be that impactful…


          PS: God help you if you were to have a transcendental sexual experience during your explorations BEFORE making any final decision about which direction you want your current relationship to head!!!

          PPS: I certainly wouldn’t judge if you happened to be lucky enough to have an experience like that that made your decision that much more clear and unquestioned!!! Just say’n…

        • @lurkinglady – In my life there have been two times I had this immediate and overwhelming feeling (much as James has described… utterly compelling, irresistible, profound) and where it evolved into relationships. Both relationships did have a heavy BDSM dynamic, but here is the interesting part; these are the only times I have had that type of relationship, and both times we met in a vanilla context. Neither of us were aware the other had this type of interest (in the first I had no real idea I had this interest), yet the dynamic was there from the very first interaction, and both times we both knew immediately. There was 12 years between the end of the first and the start of the second. Both changed me forever. I have theories on what it is, what it means (at least for me) but certainly don’t know, however I do believe there is something that is sometimes just inexplicably there, it is real, and when it is there it is unmistakable.

          @alix-james, Thank you for your amazing sharing on this, this is an incredibly personal topic and one that is very challenging to articulate. One of your more subtle points (and please forgive my crude paraphrasings of your writing) on finding balance between sustaining a fundamental level of expression, freedom and discovery, and managing a successful, stable day to day existence is a major focus for me right now, as I have never had so much to maintain or so much potentially available to me on both sides of the equation at the same time before. Lets just say, I do understand your, ‘be careful what you wish for you just may get it’ innuendo.

          Related to that note, I have a personal question for you (should you be inclined and choose to answer). You’ve mentioned this has become something that is fundamental for you, something you desire, even need to have in your life. How do you balance the fact that you now have this need, but may not always have what sates it without letting that introduce negative energy? For example a fear of losing it? Do you escape the negative by staying focused on the positive? Do you find your peace with it by resisting attachment (i.e. perhaps philosophically, as in something like ‘what will be will be, if I no longer have what I need it will be because I no longer need it’ or maybe via confidence perhaps something like, ‘I know I can and will do what’s required to get what I need and therefore I will always have it in one form or another’)? or do you allow for specific attachments and just trust your partner\s to be there? or something all together different?

          By attachment here, I’m not talking about love or affection. I mean attachment in the, ‘if a butterfly lands in your hand let it go if it comes back to you its yours if it doesn’t it never was’ kind of way. I hope I am still making sense… it is getting late.