americanorgy posted an update in the group
Sex and Literature 10 years ago
So @sexykitty ‘s short story reminded me of the book by Alissa Nutting, “Tampa.” Not to mention all the hot English teachers in orange jumpsuits that seem to be gracing the pages of our newspapers.
“Tampa” is “Lolita” with the gender roles reversed, without Nabokov’s lush and dense style and Nutting’s prose has an in your face — aggressive female sexuality. I found it interesting that both Nabokov and Nutting fell upon early adolescent sexual experiences as the place where their anti-protagonists got stuck sexually.
I’m not so sure that the arrested development hypothesis is the best explanation of the predator’s sexuality. The answer feels too pat, too simple for something as complex and varied as sexual attraction. All of us have extreme sexual awakenings in adolescence — that is what adolescence is by definition. I’d be interested in anyone’s thoughts on this.
I haven’t thought a lot about the predator aspect, but I have thought about it in regards to kink. I do agree with you, it is far to ‘easy’ to generalize and offer a pat answer.
Relative to the kink side, a friend wrote of it this way to me once. I am pasting his words;
“…we are animals who want to be free, but are born into a world of socialized bondage in which we are pressured to accept the proper/necessary level of inhibition required for a cooperative civilization (a variation on Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents) . Believing that you need to inhibit yourself because you are bad, or believing others are bad for inhibiting you may promote a tendency to think about sex in shameful/masochistic/or sadistic ways as we try to resolve the conflict between our sexual inhibitions and our desire to be free of them. Repeatedly thinking about sex in this way helps resolve this conflict by turning uncertainties into a harmonious, albeit escapist sex-story in which feared authority figures fall erotically in love with their victims, transforming pain into pleasure as all are bound to be free. Thus ones sexuality may have more to do with the way problems are resolved as a child, and less to do with the particular problems faced as a child.”
I don’t believe this is quite the way it evolved for me, but I do think his last sentence nails it.