
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 9 months ago

    I have just returned from a long, much needed vacation in a warm French tropical clime, teeming with young, nubile, and seemingly fully “expressed” women from the absolute best (or at least most ridiculously attractive) genetic lineages that Europe and America have to offer. What is it about French culture, the Caribbean clime and such a heady mix of youth, beauty, money and ambition that creates a sense that anything is possible and that even your wildest fantasies could become a reality at almost any moment if you stick around and play your cards right! Needless to say, my imagination has been on overdrive and i hope to share with you all a number of fantasies and experiments which “came” to me on this trip, but first I need to spend the time to get them all organized in my head which has been swirling from the thoughts and very real images before me (and I am sure in no small part from the intense sun, freely flowing wine, and copious amounts of food which I consumed in my efforts to “go native”). But this is actually an update to what I will call my “Lycra Dreams” fantasy I posted here before I left. This post has to do with the gloriously wonderful scent that some women possess and the unbelievably powerful effect that certain scents can have on me.

    One of the first orders of business in trying to re-enter my cold Northeast urban reality was to get myself to the gym for a much needed (and oft neglected on said vacation) post-New Years workout. Feeling, a bit more than just a little hazy, out of practice, out-of-routine and lazy, I drug my ass over to the aforementioned barre class for a decidedly non-prime time workout with the only expectation being that I would soon be in physical distress, sweating profusely and cursing myself for not having tried a little harder to curb the eating and drinking and made a little more effort to do something physical over the past two weeks. Of course I always secretly hope to be surprised by a lovely woman or two with a quick smile and an especially skimpy outfit who is prepared to show the whole class (remember this is 95% women) how hard she has been working out lately (sinking a little deeper into the stretches, raising their leg slightly higher during the lifting routines and keeping their posture especially straight (breasts protruding nicely) during the deep squat repetitions, etc.). But given the decidedly non-peak time of my class (and the seemingly endless options of which “stations” were available as I signed up on-line), I was prepared for there to be virtually no one else there. Other than a never-before-seen, perky, attractive 20-something blonde who had a good body though she was somewhat “conservatively” dressed in the requisite aforementioned skin-tight, form-fitted lycra (conservative being a very relative term which in this case meant long pants instead of short shorts and a sports bra/tank-top combo instead of just the sports bra), I was generally correct in my assumption. I will say that the perky blondes body would go from very good to absolutely fantastic if she got serious about this class, but I digress and will save my long held make-over/transformation fantasy for another day….

    I got set up and stepped out of the room to grab an extra towel and when I returned I was pleasantly surprised to find a woman who I had seen and admired a number of times taking the class before, but whom I had never been near or had the opportunity to chat up and catch her name. My dour mood brightened considerably just at the thought of her being in the class as she has one of the most sexy and incredibly fit and firm bodies I have ever seen. Bear with me while I describe what she looks like (and women don’t be haters, this woman has the genes to be sure but has clearly put in the time to deserve some seriously high praise for what she has accomplished with her body). Mid-30’s, 5’8″, long, straight brown hair pulled back into a high pony tail, olive complexion (complimented by a nice tan), big expressive brown eyes, very thin (but certainly not emaciated), and every muscle in her body looks strong, is cut and well defined. It is clear she does some serious training, but somehow her muscles are not the least bit bulky (like a body builder) or sinewy (like a ballerina). Strong but not kick-your-ass-strong. She is not dressed in a particularly revealing way, again, assuming you don’t consider the skin tight full length lycra pants and tight sports bra/tank-top combo thing particularly revealing (i guess it is all relative these days). A true physical specimen of beauty and balance and poise and somehow done in a way that only made her more attractive and sexy not less. I quickly started imagining what it would feel like to run my hands across every last muscle in that body, to lick and kiss my way down those abs, and to bury my head between those incredibly strong thighs, what it would feel like to press my chest against her back, wrap my arms around her torso and begin to rub and pinch and stretch and pull those all-natural c-cup sized tits to discover how sensitive they might be. Lastly, I had a image of that rock hard, tight, perfectly lifted ass bent over and spread in front of me as my dick pushes relentlessly against her dark puckered asshole until the head pops inside of her and I slowly begin to drive my cock in and out of her ass as she clenches her cheeks down hard every time I penetrate her hole (have you ever noticed that one of the great aspects of anal sex is the urge/feeling of trying to clench tight and stop it but not being able to?). She doesn’t want to stop these violations of her ass, but she probably knows how good it feels to try as hard as possible to stop it, and all that means is that my dick and balls would be getting squeezed hard in the most delicious way possible by this woman’s incredibly strong glutes.

    Yes dear reader, those thoughts (and frankly many, many more) come upon me in a mere instant and the urgent jolt of electricity it sends to the head of my cock (which subsequently causes a firm contraction of my balls and jump in my cock) starts the process of getting hard and my imagination flowing. Now, I am hardly dressed in skin-tight lycra, but trust me this is no place for a man to get a raging hard on as it would be completely inconceivable that your arousal status (and instant reputation as a full on perv) would be instantly and incessantly observed by everyone in attendance (the embarrassment and humiliation of being in such a situation is enough to spark thoughts of a whole other type of “fantasy”). With that realization in mind, I mentally check the growth in my loins and take some pleasure in the knowledge that soon, I should be feeling a few drops of pre-cum oozing from the tip of my cock, which will inevitably come to coat the head producing some delicious lesser erotic sensations as the constricting fabric of my work-out shorts glide back and forth across the underside of my dick as the workout progresses (I like to keep it up not down:)).

    Anyway, back in check and focused on getting ready to begin, I look up to see said “Workout Goddess” moving straight towards where I am sitting and I see her pirouette and drop that perfect ass down on the mat next to mine. Obviously I could not have been more thrilled with my luck at a chance to get a closer look (and in this class i mean much much closer) look at this incredible creature. Knowing that each “station” is pre-assigned I don’t even begin to think there was anything to such a coincidence, but I am now only too happy to put my own best effort into my workout in an attempt to “inspire” her to bend and stretch a little deeper, kick her leg a little higher, spread her legs wider, and to keep her chest (and those lovely breasts) full and forward throughout the routine (isn’t it interesting how “competitive” non-competitive work-outs can become?) Then, a second later, it hit me. You know how when someone walks with a purpose and then stops suddenly, the wake of wind which their body created continues on? Well, the instant after Miss Workout Goddess (or I should say Mrs. given the rock on her finger), took that glorious seat, I was hit with the trail of wind she was creating and felt my heart skip a beat (on this point, I am not joking, I do think that my heart skipped a beat) as my nose will filled with the complex, vibrant scent of this woman. I have found that there are some woman who just posses what is, for me, the most intoxicating and animalistic-ally arousing natural smell. I really don’t know much about pheromones, but I do know that scent in general is especially powerful and evocative for me. It always has been (I still have vivid and arousing flashback to the first time I ever had sex whenever I smell Pert Shampoo). I am instantly flooded with memories of vacations and experiences and food and drink and, not surprisingly, incredible sexual experiences when I catch a whiff of an interesting smell. Well this woman had it. It was dark and sharp and mixed in with a whole other range of smells like her lingering perfume, shampoo, soap, laundry detergent which made it hard to pinpoint what she smelled of, but it was very distinctly there and shouting at me from less than 2 feet away and was filling my mind with the most vivid image of her yet as I sat there with my eyes not even on her. For someone who really likes scents and smells and the joy and pleasure that they can bring me, I felt like I had just won the lottery. Not only is there this incredibly beautiful woman in my class, she is sitting next to me about to bend and spread and push that body into stunningly revealing positions right before my eyes, but she is one of those rare creatures who sends my olfactory senses into sexual overload. Plus, I detect a slightly stale, musty, musky, salty “note” to her scent. I shouldn’t have to explain what thought that evokes in me, but this scent (which can honestly range from mildly attractive to god-awful in most people) was literally smelling like the sweetest of perfume to me. I knew in that instant exactly what her sex would smell like, what she was likely to taste like and how completely wonderful and intoxicating I would find spending several hours with my tongue and nose pressed against her glorious cunt! Not only that, I knew the the hotter and sweatier she got over the course of this workout, that her scent would become more pungent and acrid and intense. Normally those would not be a good thing, but in this case, it would only enhance and increase my attraction and arousal. It was feeding right back into my “Lycra Fantasy” from before…

    Just as I suspected within minutes, everyone in the class was panting and beginning to drip with sweat. Thankfully, this shit is hard work, so no matter how turned on and aroused I was getting, the physical exertion was keeping my best friend from becoming a problem. But, the experience was sublime, the visual of this woman bending over (at some points with her crotch and ass less than 2 feet from my face), of seeing the lycra stretched to the max and revealing the small lacy “workout” thong that didn’t begin to fully cover the full lips of her pussy which protruded in all their pale smooth, glory on either side of the centerline seam of her workout pants (truly one of the absolute best visuals I have seen here yet!). Hearing her breathing become full, increasing, becoming deeper and harder and then finally ragged and distressed as certain movements become to hard to continue. Seeing the sweat beading along her brow and beginning to trail down her cheek to her neck and into her cleavage until it started to “stain” the fabric in half moons below her breasts. Seeing that sweat drip to the mat as we are holding some torturous pose with our heads hung for what seems like hours and imagining the metallic, saltiness of her sweat hitting my lips and tongue as if she were on top of me and having worked up such a sweat as we were making love (God those types of multi-hour non-stop love making sessions can’t happen enough in life). Finally, having wave after ever increasingly strong wave of her feminine essence enter my nostrils. About half way through the routine, I realized that this woman was no longer emitting a melange of various scents and lotions and potions, but was exuding the undeniable scent of sex in all its strong, enveloping, powerful glory! There is no doubt that others are noticing this smell (whether they know where is is coming from or not) and I can’t even fathom that every single person must be having some erotic thought, however fleeting, as they first catch that smell.

    Now this is a hard class and these are serious workout enthusiasts. By the end of an average class, the whole room will have taken on the standard aroma of a gym – foam floor mats, rubber dipped weights, wood from the floor and bars, perspiration, body oder, the faint scent of a womans sex and (speaking truthfully) the pungent, acrid smell of ass. All of those scents were present, and maybe there was just something about this particular woman which resonated with me, but by the end of this workout, this woman’s raw and unfiltered personal essence was the by far the most noticeable smell in the room – the dominating and unquestioned star of the show. My mind and my senses were on overdrive as I took in long deep breaths as we began to lower our heart rates (I can’t imagine mine actually went down one beat per minute) cool down and stretch at the end of the routine. Again, the sweet, smell of her pussy, the acrid smell of her ass, the salty metallic scent of her sweat were all just right there wafting over to me with every movement she made. Lets just say in response to anyone who thinks that having sex after a workout would be gross or limited to some basic fucking, that I would have taken all the time in the world and literally licked every inch of this woman’s skin (neck, cleavage, underarms, inner thighs, ass crack) and tongue bathed every possible crevice and orafice until it was completely clean. I knew there were the “closet showers” (again 100% private and not in a locker room) right around the corner and I would have given anything to catch her eye and suggest we put them to good use right then and there. I knew all to well that even if we did shower until we were both spotless that this woman’s scent was so strong that it would still be discernible on my fingers, lips, nose, checks and cock for hours (if not days) after we were done. And truthfully, I would relish every single feeling that it would bring to catch a hint of her still on me hours or days later…

    So to any woman who has a hang-up about how they smell – body odor, sweat, feet, pussy, ass – just remember that these strong unmistakeable scents are you in all your glory, there are certainly limits to how far you go to embrace them (you should certainly bathe and practice good hygiene), but make no mistake that at least this guy finds them to be an unbelievable turn on and an integral part of the overall sexual experience. Trust me when I tell you that I can remember more about the way women’s pussies, asses, underarms, hair and breath smelt than almost any other physical detail about the women I have slept with. It literally and figuratively stays with you long after the acts.

    So does anyone want to work up a good sweat and then lick, suck and fuck each others brains out?!? Definitely a big time fantasy of mine. Also, here is to those women who have the magic scent – extra points to anyone who has it and knows it, I would love to hear about how you discovered it and how you have used it to good effect? I would also love to hear from anyone else who loves the sense of smell as a part of sex as much as I do or who also shares a hot and sweaty post-workout fantasy such as this. Cheers!

    • My God. It’s such a pleasure to have you around, James. You write beautifully and so vividly that I’m right there in that gym with you, lusting along beside you. Well done. May 2012 hold a closet shower in it for you.