
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 10 months ago

    I love the idea of challenging someone to expand their sexual boundaries which is what resonates so strongly about this website for me (thank you very, very much Mister X). But it is not just the idea of doing someone daring or outside your comfort zone, it’s the psychology of thinking through the act and making it happen. I love all of the specific experiments (and hope to contribute quite a few ideas in the near future), but I also love the idea of directly challenging someone’s entire relationship with their own sexuality and if they are willing to consider it (which unexpectedly I have found fewer people who are actually willing to “think” too much about it).

    I connected with a woman recently who was looking to have an affair. She claimed to have had several over the last several years and to be exploring her sexualityand to have found each to be rewarding for different reasons. But when i asked her to tell me what her ideal lover would “look like” (figuratively speaking) she had a real difficult time describing it (depending on how this goes, i may be referring her here shortly for some inspiration). Though understandable at some level, I also found it quite odd. Although I guess you could get somewhere by taking a number of random trips until you started to find your way, but for myself, a clear idea of what I am looking for, and then planning how to achieve it seems so much more present and mindful in having a rewarding experience.

    A group like this, of like minded open and adventurous people does wonders for sparking the imagination and affirming that many of the “naughty” thoughts, feelings and ideas pepole have had are not only normal, and understandable, but also that others share the thougts, have done (or have plans to acheive them) and that there are so many twists and variations on a theme that can let someone know that these are admirable and rspectable goals which should be realized and luxuriated in. For those of you well on your way to realizing your full sexual potential, what I am suggesting will not seem like a challenge at all, but for those new to this or just scratching the surface of your sexual journey, my simple question is this:

    Write down on a piece of paper what, in a perfect world you “need” to be sexually fulfilled.
    Ignore for the moment all of the societal, moral and personal issues/obstacles and just say it.

    Next, write down what it is that prevents you from expressing or living out or even imagining what acts would help meet that sexual need.

    Lastly, post those answers here on this forum, knowing that Pugh someone may judge you or criticise you, you have finally and truthfully expressed it in a way that is anonymous and that their thoughts/expressions ultimately don’t make your feels any less real.

    Who knows, maybe you will find that more people share and support you in your struggles than you would ever imagine.

    To take it to the next level, share your answers with someone you know. Though also a risk, no one can fault you for being honest and you may be amazed at how different that person relates to you knowing what a deliciously exciting and naughty sexual being you really are! Trust me the older I get the more I realize that most people are significantly more attracted to excited by sexually thoughtful people versus those who have completely repressed and shut down their sexuality.

    Enjoy your reflections!

    • Interesting thoughts, James, and a great experiment. I hope others will join in – there’s something incredibly erotic (and potentially transgressive) about expressing exactly what you want (though I will add that in my opinion sex is often not about finding what you think you want, but finding you want something that you could have never expected before. In other words, extending the self rather than confirming the self. Again, hope others will chime in.