
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    And for something that is REALLY HOT! I offer these…

    • There was a second photo…I promise…an upload error I presume. I will attach it later! Have a good weekend!!!

    • Okay James, I have to tell you, you’ve taken me on quite a ride with all this activity lately. I did try your tumblr recommendations… Got to ‘pussy massage’ and have been positively squirmy and ravenous ever since. Now you post this, and it’s like being plugged into a steady memory stream of delight. I’m realizing a man’s hand sliding across the bare, vulnerable curves of a woman’s belly, hips, thighs and ass to expose more flesh, and delve slowly, delectably, skillfully into her soft, hidden slopes… pretty much drives me crazy. I think you may have pushed me over a new precipice… I am suddenly obsessed with pussy visuals, and while I have always loved pussy, I’ve never been one to seek out photos, porn, or what have you particularly for this purpose. I have also decided after much deliberation, that I do indeed myself have a very cute pussy, and need to send M more pictures of it. You are indeed a most interesting devil!

      • Thank you mrs lake. It seems that truly good minds DO think alike!!! There IS something to be said for a particularly intimate view of a beautiful pussy. I think that is true regardless of the activity, but yes, there is an aspect of certain highly “expressive” visuals of a woman’s cunt which can capture a whole higher level of interest and arousal for me. There are not many photos which can do that, and this it is a fairly limited universe, but when I see something like this…it brings on a whole range of arousals!

        For instance:
        The excitement of touching and exploring and discovering a woman’s state of arousal and “readiness,
        The sexiness of a woman who allows herself to stripped down and bent over and exposed and vulnerable and available to his to explorations while he is still clothed,
        The surprise and embarrassment which a woman might experience she has become especially aroused in response to some unexpected or unusual sexual or non-sexual stimulus – for instance being tied up in such an elaborate way with no other “advantage” having been taken of her (at least not yet!) and her partner “discovers” just how aroused she has inexplicably become,
        The slow sensual sensations which dextrous probing fingers can create while rubbing and slipping and sliding over and along and around the pliable swollen flesh of a woman’s folds,
        The pleasure that a woman can be produced which just a single finger is inserted within her,
        Something that feels really good but doesn’t progress to the next level (maybe he is just toying and playing with the firm muscled flesh of the entrance of her pussy without ever actually pushing past and parting that flesh granting her the sensation of feeling him buried it deep inside of her)
        The frustration and anxiety and maddening insufferable ache that can be created when someone is relentlessly toying and teasing and taunting a woman in a way that is highly pleasurable and wildly arousing but insufficient to deliver her release!

        Yes, I can think of LOTS of incredibly pleasurable things that I would do with a woman in this position…and it is all from a single picture

        I imagine that you have already imagined quite a few things that might be going on here yourself.

        Care to take a wager as to which one of us can come up with the greater number of more interesting or different things that a man (or for that matter a woman) might be doing (or able to do) should they find themselves in such a position?

        One hitch…the only way to play a game like this for real isn’t to talk or write about it but to do it. I always find that my creativity is at its absolute peak under such circumstances. I am sure that yours likely is as well.

        Plus it is not hard to imagine what might be on the table (pun not intended but definitely appropriate!) as the likely “prize” for the victor!

        I already know what I would claim of you as my prize…and yes…I really am looking forward to claiming it!!!

        With that said, anyone care to make a wager?


        PS: In the interest fairness, I would like to point out that I am not really sure that either player would have all that much to loose under such rules…

        PPS: Oh…and if we need a third party scorekeeper, I am sure we could get @Mallory to be an impartial judge to observe and maintain the official scorecard of different “treatments”! Come to think of it, this could always be made into a three way contest! I like the idea of being able to both participate AND observe in such a competition. And hey, I know I would be overjoyed to allow all the “spoils” to go to the victor of that match. May the best player win!!!

        • First of all, “maddening insufferable ache” indeed!!

          Now, as for this wager… Do I have this straight. You get me over your lap for a time, but then I GET YOU over my lap to do as many things as I can conjure and impart in my time? Cause that just got interesting! Oh please tell me you’ve been naughty!

          • Well…that isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but on second thought, maybe the construction that I first suggested was a bit…one sided! It did require a woman as the “test” subject. By my narrow way of thinking that would have been YOU! But In hindsight, I do see the complication that would present when it came time for you to demonstrate your undoubtedly prodigious skills and creativity in the same way.

            It strikes me that there is a distinct difference between all of the different types of pleasure that could be administered to a woman in this “predicament” versus what could be administered to a man, even if the end “result” were essentially the same. Two sides of the same coin I suppose, but not exactly what I had in mind.

            On reflection, I do think those differences might necessitate an impartial third party judge. So in either case, it does seems as if a third party “judge” would be more of a necessity than an option were it to be a proper contest (or is it an “improper” contest?!?).

            My first suggestion is that we solicit a female volunteer as our test subject…someone whose only obligation would be to allow themselves to be stripped down, placed over each of our laps (say for 30 minutes each), possibly with some other…constraints…or restraints…(all of which would be negotiable of course), and make themselves passively available to allow us each to bestow each of our skills and creativity and imagination upon them with the goal of helping us determine which among us might succeed at delivering our subject the maximum amount of pleasure in our allotted time.

            Before considering any of the other alternatives, I suggest we offer such a luscious, indulgent opportunity to this deviously delicious little community (and any adventurous soul you or I might otherwise know) who might like to participate in our little contest.


            Who here likes the idea of being stripped down, tied up and made available for lake and I to use as our “means to an end”? [and there are soooo many meanings which could be attached to that to last phrase as to boggle the mind! “Means to an end” indeed!!!]

            More importantly, is there anyone here who might like to volunteer to actually do it? (And apologies to the broader community in in advance, but on this one I believe discretion may be the better part of valor, so a private message to either of us to explore THIS aspect of the challenge further seems perfectly appropriate!).

            If you accept the construct of my dare mrs. lake, then it seems fitting that I repost it in the Experiments section to attract the greatest level of reaction (and potentially responses).

            I am looking forward to your favorable reply lake, as well as everyone else’s…thoughts and reactions (or responses) to such a dare!

            Till then…


            PS: As to your original suggestion…I am not ruling out such a possibility…just exploring the possibility of a true competition for the time being! Plus, who says we couldn’t do both!!!

            • PPS: I like the idea so much that if you are inclined to proceed mrs lake, I may post this dare on a few other sites which might appreciate the deliciously naughty possibilities imbedded within it!!!

            • PPPS: I do suppose the “passive availability” aspect is up for debate as well…but…to crib from another famous quote, It goes without saying, “What happens in New York WOULD of course stay in New York!”