osted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 8 months ago
I do not know exactly what category to put this into so please accept that. One of the most erotic events that I witnessed was by pure accident. I have been to some wild parties, seen a fair amount of open and explicit sex and have participated. One of the more erotic adventures was when I went to walk my dog. It was a very hot summer’s night and around midnight. I was coming along a power corridor and decided to cross through a short path that lead through bush and trees and was a boundary to the local park. I came out of the darkness and was in the shadows. My dog was on a long leash and enjoying the semi forest with his nose down and running around. It was a very still night. A car came into the empty parking lot a few hundred feet away from me and parked. There was one large light at the end of the parking lot. I could see well but no one could see me. A man and a woman walked from the parking lot along the boundary line treeline and found a nice grassy area under a large oak tree. They looked around cautiously to ensure that they were alone and then he lay down. At this point they were less than 100 feet from me with the parking lot light behind them. I could see clearly and he opened his pants while she reached under her billowing summer dress and pulled off her panties. She climbed onto him, sat on his cock and start to rock and then fell into a steady rhythm as she arched her back and threw back her head without losing a stroke. It was gorgeous. Two fully dressed people. I could not make out their faces fully but I could see them in the throes of passion and suspected that they were having an affair. It was beautiful to watch and I just stood there. Just about the moment when she appeared to be climaxing my dog barked. They froze and I acted cool and said something to the dog and made some noise in the leaves. I came out of the treed area where I had been standing and they were sitting now side-by-side. I walked along, cane beside them, said what a beautiful night it was and kept going. I got to the sidewalk out of the park only to see their car leave. No skin, nothing explicit but overall, the heat of the night, the stillness in the air, the backlit arching of her back and her pumping – and I still get an erection when I recall that evening.
Beautifully described, and as I find myself repeating, its all those little details that turn one on – the tree line, the billowing dress, the backlighting. Really great. Thanks.
This is a beautifully described story. There is something about the long, slow heat soaked days of summer that always turn me on…and to come across such a pure and unadulterated display of two people who can not contain their sexuality and embrace the sultry eroticism of being outside at night on a hot evening…I would agree that it is hard to imagine a non-participating scenario that would sum up my own personal brand of sensuality. Thanks for sharing that with us all.
Thank you – never know if anyone is out there, reading. Would be great to see a simple Like button like on Facebook to encourage postings
This is a great idea, and I’m going to try to figure it out ASAP. I absolutely love your updates from the edge of possibility, and I’m sure many others do too. It would be great to give them an easy way to show that.