muratd joined the group
Erotic Photos 9 years, 8 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 9 years, 8 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 8 months ago
If all the relationships were different, but open, and equally healthy, and rewarding.
Have one, two, three, or five partners?
Is the option of “four partners” deliberately not a choice?
I would rather have five partners under the open, healthy, rewarding circumstances you described.
We all can’t be you: the luckiest man on earth.
I just didn’t think four was distinct enough to include as an option, but if four is your number, by all means take it!
I’m going for three, using the Golidilocks rationale, it’s ‘just right’ 🙂
2, no one is 100% right for each other, but should be able to add up to that with 2…not to mention the 3somes!
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 8 months ago
9. Would you rather possess control or give away control?
I understand! And like you, I want it all.
Give away. It is a more open, experiential, blissful place for me. Also, where it have the strongest experience of my femininity.
I don’t know that I would only ever want that, maybe it is the contrast, that creases the appeal of a thing, maybe not.
I also don’t like to take any experience off the table, I think perspective is so important,…[Read more]
Martin1981 joined the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 8 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
8. Would you rather have the answers or would you rather have the questions?
Questions. Our world is created by our questions. I have crossed boundaries because I had questions.
Questions, it makes more space for others to be there with you, and for possibilities you haven’t thought of yet. I think of the pliability, and receptiveness of the learner, and it want that. The one who already knows, in my mind, is more stuck.
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
7. If you could have both, but only repeat one, which would you repeat, the best oral sex or the best intercourse of your life?
This took me for a loop considering I’ve never had one without the other.
Uh….. Bravo! You must have a knack for picking the right men, or getting what you want woman!
best intercourse…call me crazy, but even the best bj I have received wasnt as good as an average intercourse…maybe I need to meet more women skilled with their mouths…
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
6. Would you rather, walk down the block with no panties, and your skirt lifted and tucked into the waistband in the back. Or have heavy pda to orgasm without nudity in public?
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
Would you rather love with all your heart, and lose them, or manage your heart, meter your love, and lose them?
I would rather manage, meter, and lose. The lost may hurt just a little less because I THINK I had a little control.
I would rather love with all my heart, and lose, knowing I did everything I could, knowing how much I can give, learning the lessons and habits that align best with the life I want most to live. There are things worse than heartbreak, and nothing better than loving with everything you’ve got.
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
4. Would you have rather have love and affection, or heat and passion?
I certainly agree with Luis that would be ideal, perfect.
I don’t have an answer to this one. Depends on the point in time, for which do I hurt and long more.
I know I have to have both, and more, there are certain things if we settle for not having, the price is too high. The question then becomes… Can you get them all from one person? For how long? What are the viable alternatives if you can’t create them all with one person forever, and you choose not to forfeit having them all. I would add…[Read more]
I longer believe you can get them all in one person forever.
I don’t think I ever believed it.
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
3. Would you rather pose nude or reveal something significant about yourself?
Posing nude is not easy but it is easier than revealing something about myself.
I would rather pose nude 🙂
Personally, a private revelation is equally hard, if not even harder.
I’d pick revealing something significant every time. Private or not. I love the the process, and the results of sharing with people in this way… And I am stillinhibit about nudity.
briantk posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
new to the site and i am exploring. this seems like a good group to be a part of.
We are a great group. Enjoy exploring and please join the fun or start some for all of us.
I would much rather have a long moment with a stranger. Let our pure sexual instincts and pleasures take over each of us. Explore what we like and dislike and then linger on each other until we are both so satiated and satisfied that we collapse in each others arms.
That works 😉
briantk joined the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
cengm joined the group
Erotic Photos 9 years, 9 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 9 months ago
2. Would you rather engage in sex with a stranger ( one night stand) or engage in a significantly long \”moment\” with a stranger?
Sex with moments 🙂
I want the rarer of the two “choices.” I want that heart stopping moment.
To be touched, truly touched, that’s what I’m looking for. To unfold at the brush of skin like a rare flower blooming. To be surfaced at the curl of fingertips around my soul. I am tired of shallow fun. I want my heart to shudder at a touch, to whisper, here, here, it’s all yours.
Beau Taplin || T h e T o u c h
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 10 months ago
1. Would you rather fuck your partner\’s best friend, or your best friend [either gender]?
Not even a contest for me: partner’s best friend. Is it really possible to rather fuck a best friend? (Of course I’m assuming we’re talking categories rather than actual people.)
Yes, we are referring to categories of people. It is possible to want to fuck your best friend although more unusual. I wonder how many become lovers then best friends vs best friends then lovers.
Is possible to fuck a best friend, and stay best friends, and have a lover end up a best friend. These can be the absolute best friends. I have more than one in each category. Love, sex, and friendship make a ton of sense together. It is agendas, and partnerships, and marriage proposals , and meanings, and commitments, and dating that make…[Read more]
Me too. Rather fuck partner’s best friend.
I could go either way with this choice. The deciding factor would be where my partner was on the whole thing. If there was a chance of them being hurt or confused, I’d stick with my own best friend.
between my female best friend and my wife’s best friend it is a difficult choice, but I guess my wife’s best friend so as not to ruin my female best friend’s friendship
blackjack joined the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 10 months ago
sexy kitty posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 10 months ago
Bathroom was very hot and full of steam. I pointed at a small bench covered with pillows and you started taking your house coat off. Spreading you legs wide you embraced the bench, lifting and spreading your ass in the air. I can see your anus and your balls covered in hair. Your vulnerability in that situation and site of your exposed manhood was…[Read more]
sexy kitty posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 10 months ago
Later that night while I was in my cabin, where I was sleeping with my friend Beth, he came to see me. Beth was sleeping and we started kissing right away. Fresh smell of grass and sweat was permeating my room I was losing myself in his arms and his kissing. His tongue was exploring my mouth, his strong arms was tightly squeezing my ass and my…[Read more]
sexy kitty posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 10 months ago
I often mentioned to Alex my old girlfriend from college. We talked about our past lovers with no jealousy or comparison just healthy curiosity that was increasing the bond between us. One day she tells me she would like to meet her and go out for a drink or two. I did not see a problem, Samantha was a nice person and since we split on good terms…[Read more]
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