Bbq123 joined the group
Your Experiments 8 years, 11 months ago
Hans Peters joined the group
Your Fantasies 8 years, 11 months ago
Hans Peters joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 11 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 11 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 11 months ago
Yes, it can hurt. A few of us here have a whole “library” thing going, so I thought it fitting, hehe.
Back quite a while ago there was a long series of posts about a fantasy in the library.
I also dared Mr X @him to carry out a dare in a library but I think that did not work out.
Then I used a “library” inside a hotel as a setting for one of my Erotic Collaboration chapters.
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 11 months ago
blissineveryway joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 11 months ago
Andinboi joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 12 months ago
Tanguera joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 12 months ago
N1ckDan9er joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 12 months ago
N1ckDan9er joined the group
Your Fantasies 8 years, 12 months ago
lovercrip joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 12 months ago
lovercrip joined the group
Your Experiments 8 years, 12 months ago
GB Dare joined the group
Your Experiments 9 years ago
GB Dare joined the group
Erotic Photos 9 years ago
null joined the group
Your Experiments 9 years ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years ago
Oh please tell us what you chose.
I decided on red this time.
But I noted your preference. I hope you found me in my black “bra” in Photo Orgy.
I dare you.
After the photos.
Taking those photos and posting them have been much of a “dare experiment” experience for me. Indeed, the experience has brought about exciting arousal and shuddering orgasms.As for how I reached orgasm? With great pleasure and release, to be concise. For greater elaboration, I believe that has been articulated here in many…[Read more]
MCouple posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 9 years ago
So as Mrs MC would say, the die is cast the pattern is set. She has left to meet her lover, well, to be determined should his abilities live up to expectations! It is strangely normal, almost as if she’s going out to see friends. She is nervous, understandably. She is eager though too, like a first date, the joy of exploring an open relationship…[Read more]
MCouple posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 9 years ago
Mallory asked about Mrs MCs femininity, I’ve thought a while about this. I think the answer is yes, for she has been surely wetter over recent months, and any talk of her playing with a new partner brings a gush of excitement between her legs, this I have noticed. And indeed, she has had a different scent, though I hadn’t put this down to…[Read more]
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years ago
WEIGH In on two thoughts from \”The International Experiment Experiment”
1. Is sexy forever?
2. Are you the type to push or are you the type wanting or needing to be pushed?-
1. If sexy is in your soul, it is forever.
2. I live a life pushing others and pushing myself. I may resist being pushed by someone else but I want it and I want it a lot with the right buttons. -
I say forget the rules, just allow for it all.
1. Yes
2. Yes🙂
A desire to give and receive and experience intimacy, pleasure, connection, want, seems innately timeless to me. Lest we let our vitality be tamped out.
Too stretch, to always set one’s sites farther, to continue to dream and strive and discover with others, seems similarly innate to me as well.
1. I believe so. The mental image of a 70 year old BEING “sexy” may not resonate with most but I can assure you that I plan on being sexy regardless of my physical appearance or age for the rest of my life!
2. I am definitely Italy the type to PUSH…and prod and provoke and challenge! Make no mistake, I AM doing it for myself, but I am all too…[Read more]
Sexy is an attitude, not a look, so yes, it can be forever.
I need to be pushed. We never know our limits until we exceed them
Welcome, Sara. Do let us know if we may assisting in testing your limits!
Oh darling. How are you. So sorry I’ve been gone–a dread illness almost took me. I’m back, I had a woman tell the world in her feminist rant that when she wore her dress to the party, one barely covering her nips, men had the NERVE to stare, the “pigs,” she said. “I wear what I wear for *me* so I feel sexy and powerful. ” My reply was thus:…[Read more]
@anais I am so very very happy to see you are back and well and as sexy as ever.
xoxo Thank you, Luv
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