The International Experiment Experiment

0010We’ve begun a new series of dares with extraordinary women all over the globe. Readers Sweet Soumise in Paris and CC in Los Angeles have each asked for a monthly dare, and we’re posting their responses on Fridays throughout the month. Want to join the experiment? Just write Mr. X with your results. We dare you.

This month’s dare is based on Mona’s Experiment Experiment


Dear Wandering Hands,

I feel as if you’ve begun to transform the world with your sexual certainty, and it’s a world I want to live in. Let’s just put it this way: you inspire me, and that’s putting it mildly. But sometimes even inspiration requires a little help. Which leads me to this month’s dare….

Yes, this month I’ve decided I need help. I need first-hand intelligence, so to speak. So here’s the first part of your erotic experiment: get laid.

Yep. You read that right. A bit demanding of me? Perhaps. But then I know you have a man (men?) and figure you won’t have too many problems getting laid. That’s the easy part. Here’s the potentially hard part: get the man in your bed to give you a sex dare.

Yes (notice that there are yesses upon yesses with you?), at some point in your sexual interlude, I want you to ask your lover, whoever he is, to give you a challenging dare. This might be made easier if he knows more about our strange relationship, but that’s up to you, and up to whether he’s the type that needs pushing or the type that pushes you. Whatever happens, I want to know about it (of course). I want to know what he does to your body, and how your body responds. I want to know what he makes you feel like doing, and exactly how your lust leads you to do it. And then I want to know what the dare is, and how you succeed (or fail?) at it. Of course I can hardly imagine failure when it comes to you, but whatever happens, sexy is forever.


Mr. X

Need to catch up? Read the Sex Experiment from the beginning: Table of Contents

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2 thoughts on “The International Experiment Experiment”

  1. I can’t wait to read what dare CC was given and how she got laid. And as I read your dare, Mr X, I ponder a couple of questions that I might post to survey people’s thoughts:
    1. Is sexy forever?
    2. Are you the type to push or are you the type wanting or needing to be pushed?

  2. Coming soon from CC! And as far as your questions go, I’d say that sexy can definitely be timeless, but that it can also come and go. And I think we all like to be pushed, and if we push another, we’re secretly longing to also be pushed back. Would be curious to hear the opinions of others.

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