Erotic Photos Public Group Active 3 months, 1 week ago A place to view and post astonishingly erotic but always tasteful photos that you find around the web. Please include sources wherever possible. Group Admins HomeForumMembers 191Media 13 All13 Photos13 Videos0 Music0 tumblr_lltb0kBv3l1qa8m3eo1_500 Mallory 04 July 2014 This one reminded me of the pearl thong I encouraged @lake to wear. Goes perfectly with those heels. lake 04 July 2014 Growling… I do do do like EVERYTHING about that! 05 July 2014 There’s a variation for pearls that includes too stockings and Jack Daniels. Mallory 05 July 2014 Forget the Jack Daniels. I have all kinds of naughty thoughts for the cigar and candles. lake 11 July 2014 Those line up the back stockings are STILL some of my all time favorites, love them in nude as well… Something about them is just always sexy to me.
This one reminded me of the pearl thong I encouraged @lake to wear. Goes perfectly with those heels.
Growling… I do do do like EVERYTHING about that!
There’s a variation for pearls that includes too stockings and Jack Daniels.

Forget the Jack Daniels. I have all kinds of naughty thoughts for the cigar and candles.
Those line up the back stockings are STILL some of my all time favorites, love them in nude as well… Something about them is just always sexy to me.