Group Sex Game: Round One

Woman in mask for a group sex orgy.Alice’s erotic adventures this week have only reaffirmed my belief in the vast untapped potential of the sex-crazed among you, by which I mean all of you, assuming you’re human and breathing. So in honor of your sex craziness I’m inaugurating a simple little game to keep the collective blood flowing. I’m calling it the Group Sex Game, and here’s how it works:

1) I’ll post a modest little experiment on the blog from time to time and give you a while to accomplish it.

2) When your mission is accomplished, you’ll respond in the comments here with a quick summary of how you did it – just a few sentences to give us a snapshot of the moment. (It occurs to me that you could all lie about your exploits, but then what would be the point? Where’s the fun in that? So we’ll all trust you to be honorably horny.)

3) As always on this site, anything you post will be kept entirely anonymous. Choose a pseudonym if you like, but stick to it so we’ll know who’s who.

4) Anyone who’s added their comment when the next round begins will be eligible to continue on, and eventually, round by round, our contestants will be narrowed down to a winner. And what’s the prize, you ask? I have no idea, but I’ll be happy to hear your comments about that too. At the very least, an inestimable honor will be bestowed upon your head, and your fame will spread throughout the land.

Got it? Now – my hope is that as many of you as possible will throw your hats (and other things) into the ring, so I’m going to keep these experiments/challenges extremely doable, even if they’ll occasionally be nerve-racking (this is about sex, after all, which is often nerve-racking). I’ll also be careful to propose experiments that men and women will be equally capable of doing. So, for the first week of this Group Sex Game, here’s your assignment (this idea is courtesy of Margot La Ravaudeuse, who writes her own sexy, heady blog).

1) Go to the Casual Encounters section of the Craig’s List site (under personals at Pick another city if you’d rather not post to your own.

2) Post a specific search for someone who will fulfill a specific sexual fantasy of yours. Push it as far as you can, out to the limits of the most delicious fantasy you can imagine living with someone.

3) Upload a screenshot of your post into the comments section here, or if you’re not technologically inclined at all, include a link along with the text of your post.

4) Enjoy the responses you get.

Easy, right? Well then have at it, everyone. I’ll be very curious to see how many of you are up to the challenge. Good luck!


Need to catch up? Read the Sex Experiment from the beginning: Table of Contents

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51 thoughts on “Group Sex Game: Round One”

    1. Yes, I imagine that men, in general, will have less response (I’ve never tried it, but I will), but the point is really to put your fantasy out in the atmosphere (and then to share it with us!). So don’t let that stop you, Loverboy. You’d be a formidable contender, if I’ve learned anything from reading your blog (link at his name, by the way).

  1. I can’t wait to see what response I’ll get.
    Girls always have an easier time on any website. I have a way better time meeting people on okcupid than any of my male friends, except my slutty ex, but he is as cute as I am.

    And thank you, You reminded me of my favorite one night stand.

  2. I did this once before, a few years ago. In terms of my relationships I’ve always been a straight male, but I’d consider myself bi-curious. I’ve always been equally open to MMF threesomes as MFFs, and I love snowballing when my girlfriends give me head. I posted to CL asking for any gay male willing to let a straight guy give him head, just to experience being on the other end.

    (I got maybe a half dozen replies, including two from the same guy)

    1. Great, Dreamer, but I’m going to play referee here and insist on a screenshot or a link. Also, we need more competitors, people, so please forward/tweet/etc. this post if you’re inspired.

  3. I’m VERY curious to see how this pans out. My original idea was something more like publishing erotica on Craigslist, where actually carrying out the act described is totally optional (which is why posting in your own city is totally optional), but I am super excited to see what comes out of this. SUPER.

    1. Thanks to you, Margot. I’d say that carrying out the act IS completely optional, and very few, if any, will. Hopefully we’ll get even more people writing in to “heat up” the competition a bit. Thanks again.

  4. I’ve read over your blog in just a few short hours, finding myself wet as I read about your exploits with your wife. As I came to the end and saw this challenge, I could not help but join in the game.

    With out further ado, my posting:

    1. Love this, Tori. Love the way you write, love your daring. Be sure you’ve got plenty of space cleared in your e-mail account, because it’s going to fill up.

  5. I agree with Loverboy, it’s almost impossible for a man to have any real answer. By the way, here my “homework” from old Europe.

    1. A+ on your homework, Eba, and I think that one of the few things sexier than a sexy secretary is a sexy secretary from old Europe. I’ll be curious to see if you get any responses to this.

    1. Well, well Wife10. What a wonderfully specific, delicious description. I’m wishing I was in the neighborhood to make an MF with my F.

      1. Ok, I worked up the nerve to post this, and when I pull up the casual encounters listings, mine doesn’t show up, and I’ve had zero replies. What a letdown. 🙁
        My spirits are lifted by your wishes, though.

    1. Great, Justme. Love the specificity (and the generosity) of that “under the desk”. Funny that you’re not the first man on here with an office/secretary fantasy – must be in the air.

    1. Nevermind, Wife10. The game was played, and it was played well. I don’t know much about CL, but as with Reds below, maybe some regular CL user could advise.

  6. lucky for me the fantasy aspect is just finding a beautiful, temporary stranger (& heading outdoors?)

      1. I did something tonight which might exclude me from further play, but I really hope not…forgive me. I noticed that my ad wasn’t showing up, so I reposted something similar in another city…and my results were immediate. Points for ingenuity?

  7. So here it is, one of my fantasy (as it is one for my wife!). I wonder what kind of proposition we will get out of this.

    Also, my wife will do the same exercice. From what I heard, this will be a fun ad too! 😉

      1. 10 answers in a day. She is quite popular, my wife!! 😉

        I will make a post on my blog with tidbits of those answers for your reading pleasure. 😉

  8. À mon tour! 🙂
    I’m Diablotin’s wife and hope I will do as well as him for the number of answers 😛

    (I wonder if the people from Boston will have interesting response to give…)

  9. One of my fantasies is having a stranger control my orgasm… here is my post. BTW have never posted on CL before and wonder what city it posted in.

    Now can I still stay in the game ,it isn’t friday yet. 😉

  10. As the willing subject that’s been alluded too, I couldn’t help but add a belated entry to the fun….

    I don’t expect any non-spam replies though, but still, sharing is fun. 😉

    1. Love your charming modesty here, WS. I think you’ll like the second round, and though our readers have proven to be BORING when it comes to your experiment, I promise we’ll eventually come up with something. SOMEBODY HELP THIS POOR, BRAVE, EAGER MAN! WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR? (maybe caps will help)

  11. I know this is a VERY belated response, but I found your page and have enjoyed reading all about you and your wife’s adventures.
    I can’t believe I actually did this… but I’m glad I did! I posted it earlier this evening and I already got 33 responses, which is quite exciting!

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