Fucking the teacher: a reader responds to her experiment

A hot student is fucking a teacher on a desk.Several days ago I received a sexy e-mail from a fearless reader. We hit it off, both got horny in the process, and then she asked if I would give her an experiment of her own. I was happy to oblige, and now she’s written back. And I’m more intrigued than ever. She does know what I like. First she thrilled me with a description of her naked body. I’m going to keep that to myself for the moment, but to set the scene: she’s in her twenties, exotic looking (and obviously very attractive), with full breasts, taut skin and lips that are (I’m paraphrasing here) made for blowjobs. Is it any wonder I’ve been distracted lately? So, without further ado, here’s her fantasy, and how she responded to the experiment:

Mr. X,

As cliché as it may seem, fucking a teacher or professor has always been a fantasy of mine, so this is a detailed vision of what I’ve always wished would happen.

It’s 3:00 pm and last period just ended. I’m sitting at the desk getting all of my stuff together when my teacher asks if I can stay after class to discuss something. I oblige and walk up to his desk once everybody has left the class. I take a seat on top of his desk facing his chair. He gets up and closes the door. Confused, I ask him what he wants to talk about. He pauses and tells me that everyday in class he can’t concentrate because my shirts and skirts are always too short. I’m in shock. I don’t think my clothes are inappropriate ever. The teacher slowly slips his hand up my leg towards my pussy. I ask him bluntly if he wants to fuck me. He doesn’t even have to answer because I can see the hunger in his eyes for my body.

I hop off the desk, push everything on the desk to the ground, roll down my panties, throw them at him, and with all of my clothes still on, lie down on the desk with my legs wide open. He doesn’t skip a beat and races, tongue out, to my pussy. I’m so wet by everything happening, he barely has to touch me before I feel like I’m going to cum. The teacher takes his tongue and licks my pussy from bottom to top, them from top to bottom. I scream at him to fuck me with his tongue. He happily obliges and he sticks his tongue inside of me, pumping it in and out of my wet pussy. He then brings his tongue up to my clit and sucks on it lightly. Then, he sticks his fingers in my mouth and I suck them and put as much spit as I can on them because I know those fingers are going inside of me.

He starts with one finger pumping, whilst sucking on my clit, then two, then three, but my tight pussy can’t handle more than that. He’s moaning all over my pussy, and my cunt is vibrating with his moans. I’m running my fingers through his hair pushing his head closer onto my pussy. All of a sudden he stops takes me off his desk and barks at me to suck his cock. On my knees, I seductively pull down my teacher’s pants, then his boxers, and his big cock is staring right at me. I bring his cock into my warm mouth, wrapping my lips and tongue around his beautiful cock, and try to deep throat it, but my teenage mouth can’t handle it. I suck and thrust back and forth. He has his hands on my head guiding me to his cock. He is staring in my eyes and I’m staring right back into his. I stop sucking and tell him that if he doesn’t fuck me right then I’m leaving.

He savagely rips off my top, my bra, and then my skirt. He carries me back onto the desk and lays me down on my back. He takes his cock and rubs it over my pussy, until I’m screaming at him to put it in me. He takes his cock and enters my pussy. My vagina clenches around his cock, and I’m moaning so loud I think someone is going to catch us fucking. He pumps his cock into me quickly, then slowly, then quickly again. He pulls out and turns my body around to fuck doggy style. He enters me from behind and with his hand on my ass, fucks me harder than he did before. I’m looking back at this teacher of mine enjoying my young pussy, and I ask for permission to ride him. He pulls out again and lays down on the desk. I climb over him and stick his hard cock back inside my pussy. With one hand holding my hair up and the other holding onto his chest, I go back and forth on his cock, then he takes his big hands and holds my hips to fuck him up and down. I can tell that one more pump will cause him to explode inside of me, so I get off of his cock and the desk and tell him to cum all over my tits. He takes his cock in his hands, rubs it a bit, then my teacher’s cock pours hot cum all over my tits. I grab his face and make out with him. I pull away, tell him thanks, and put my clothes back on.

So there is my story, and I hope you’ve already cum by this point….

Dare/Challenge Continued:

So, I printed out my fuck story and put it in an unmarked envelope. A place I frequent is this bar close to my home, so I brought my fantasy when a few friends and I went out. It was about 10:30 pm when we got there and about midnight when I left the envelope. Usually the Ladies room is packed, so I snuck into the Men’s room when I was sure nobody was in there. I took the letter and put it on top of a shelf  that is under the mirrors by the sinks. I snuck out again and went back to hanging out and drinking with my friends. As soon as 1 AM hit, we went to a dance club, and I had forgotten all about the secret letter.

Next week, I’ll be back at the bar and I must admit, I’m excited and nervous to go back there. One part of me wants it to be read and spoken about with others, and another wants it to be thrown out and never mentioned with anyone.  We’ll see next week how these things work out.

Mr. X thank you for the sexual release you’ve given me. I really hope we can continue this. And I really hope you enjoyed my fantasy….



Need to catch up? Read the Sex Experiment from the beginning: Table of Contents

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9 thoughts on “Fucking the teacher: a reader responds to her experiment”

  1. So turned on right now by this. You are a master and she is a lucky lady. I hope one day I will have a partner that will be willing to try my wants and needs on for size.

  2. Thanks, Gigi. I’m sure you will. Sometimes those wants and needs seem far, far away, and sometimes they’re closer than you’d expect. Sometimes, maybe, it’s just our perspective that can change everything.

  3. An excellent victory, Mr X, and such a fun experiment to challenge and toy with. One has to wonder how far your wife dares to tread – or how far you will led her.

    LP x

    1. No limits, Lady P. That’s the goal, at least, but part of the game is pushing just far enough, but not too far. And then little by little the limits are moving. Thanks for your note!

  4. This has been fantastic! I’m reeling with thoughts of how to create this type of scenario myself. If successful, I’ll let you all know….. I’m at a weird crossroad with my wife, excited by, but also fearful of the possibilities. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Johnny. We’ve been at a crossroads too, actually, until it got to the point where I thought: well, what the hell. The experiments could have driven us further apart, I’m sure, but interestingly enough they’ve brought us closer together (as you probably sense in the one above). Let us know how it goes!

  5. No limits, Dear HIM. That’s the deal!
    et puis maintenant que je sais ça, je ne m’ inquièterai plus de comment il va me déchirer ma culotte et mes bas 😉
    “Then I thought of the little pocketknife he uses as a keychain, which has a little miniature pair of scissors on it.”

    1. Oh, Ludie. I do understand that, and I think I like you. I’ll be sure to bring along those miniature scissors. We’ll be able to say that your underwear and stockings died in a good cause.

  6. I know this is an old post but I wanted to say that this one and #13, and #8 as well as the masseur ones are my favorites. They really get me going. I’m purring with lust right now.

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