
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago

    “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~The Buddha

    • Mine too, care to discuss? Tell me what it means to you? How are you different when you live this way?

    • Beautifully said, I do so love it when you wax poetic. Me thinks there is much more to you than meets the eye.

    • Layers and Layers of Surprises and Adventures and Joy Rides!

    • Question is; will you go as far as you can? Or only as far as you are asked or invited?

    • This is one of those things that has been evolving my whole life, and to varying degrees will always be a challenge. My open state is literally almost without boundaries or limits or judgement, I love everything, want to try everything, feel straight through to ecstasy, give till I’m obliterated… but as you allude to open has its challenges. I certainly can’t say I live there, but i do try to ensure it does exist somewhere in my life.

      To hold nothing back, fearlessly give all that you have in all that you do… To not be stopped by disappointment or cynicism or insecurity or embarrassment or any number of uncomfortable feelings or even very comfortable distractions… It’s tough, takes commitment, takes self-possession, patience, surrender, trust and this list too could probably go on and on ( always lots more to figure out). It is said, that deep awareness can bring you to your fullest expression of love. So I suppose this is all a long winded way to say, there is a lot worth hanging in there for… So yea, I’m standing in too my friend.