
  • mintpint posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 11 months ago

    One experiment I’d love to try some day is hooking up with someone that doesn’t speak English, like not at all. I’d love to meet some beautiful French woman and through just sheer chemistry wind up in the alley behind the wine bar (where else do you meet French women) making out and removing clothes. So the experiment is this – if you remove language can you still manage to pick someone up?

    • Everyone speaks beer.

      • The idea of having that immediate attraction with someone is intoxicating. Receiving signals so strong that no words are necessary is at the heart of desire. I have been in a situation where there was a language barrier, and the heat exchanged in the glances was combustible.

        Also, for future reference, je parle francais. đŸ˜‰