
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago

    I got an idea for an “Erotic Collaboration” while I was out on my run today. I’m not sure if it’s a good one, there was a lot of adrenaline pumping, and MrTinkertoys had put some suggestive ideas in my head just before I left, but I’m gonna float it and see what you all think.
    I’m calling it “Groundhog Day” and I’ll withhold the specifics around how it would work for now to focus on the idea behind it. The idea is this, the first person (in this case me, and yes, I have something already in mind, this is me we’re talking about afterall!) writes a part of a scene. The only people who can be included in the scene or story are people who have joined the “Groundhog Day” forum within “Erotic Collaborations” and every person in the story must be one of the forum members.

    Next person in can embellish any part of the story (i.e. draw it out, be more descriptive, etc.), add to the beginning of the story (what happened just before we got here), add to the end of the story (what happens next), OR change one fundamental element (e.g. insert or change a person, element or activity). With the idea being, you try to keep what each of us does or says consistent with what they might actually do or say based on what we know about them from their activities on the site (okay a little ‘wishful’ thinking is allowed, but it shouldn’t be something totally out of character). I suppose I could also name it “Virtual Orgy”.