
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Why do we love things that make us horny so much?

    • Does it make a man feel closer to his release? A woman more full? a path to an end or also an end in itself? Energy that swirls through and enlivens each day, every action?

      Is it about possibility?

      Maybe it just reminds us that all people are fundamentally sexual beings.

    • Ah indeed, we consistently move further and further from our primal nature, and yet it is undeniably there. I am a big believer in the idea that it is important to connect to it.

      I find that when these parts of myself remain unexpressed it affects the degree to which I feel energized and fulfilled. Plus of course, if you don’t express them, you deny yourself the chance to explore and derive all the associated pleasure that billions of years of evolution have honed our physiology to produce in relationship to them.

      Of course, even in sex, we are in many ways conditioned to bring our ‘civilized’ selves to the party (in slightly different ways for men and women, but I think still true for both). How important is it to you to connect to the primal part of yourself? to express it? to what degree do you anticipate a postive or negative reaction?

      • Agreed with you both about the primal instincts. After all, it is our evolutionarily primitive limbic brain that is responsible for our emotions and motivations, particularly those that are related to survival and reproduction. Emotions related to sexual behavior and feelings of pleasure that are related to our survival, such as eating and sex, come from that primal part of us.

        Civilization today conflicts with those primal needs. Those of us who can find some balance are very fortunate.

    • …and I AM soooo fond of that ”profound good”!! Thank God for BALANCE… otherwise I might end up like one of those lab rats that die with their tiny paw on the pleasure lever 😉

    • Thanks for answering 😉