
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 10 months ago

    So lately I keep starting stories, but not finding the time to go back and finish them, so I’ve decided to just post the beginning of this one as part 1 to put some pressure on myself to go back and finish the ending. We’ll see how it works, here goes…

    I was a hot, swirling, unsteady mess. Master had worked me to a froth over and over, but forbidden my release… even while I had served his on a golden platter along with a side of my tonsils and buckets of heavy saliva.

    I was on my way to my lover’s office with strict instructions from Master. I reviewed them in my mind. How and which parts of his body I was to use, what level of pleasure I could give, but more importantly what pleasure I would take. Some of the instructions were challenging, not in terms of my limits, but in terms of what E and I normally achieved together. But I trusted Master and if he wanted to take E and I to a new level, then I was the last person in the world to question his decision. I also wasn’t one to underestimate what I was capable of when it came to pleasing him. So here I was walking down Broadway with hot, swollen lips and damp panties reflecting on the outcomes Master had demanded and the rules I was to follow while achieving them. Often I’ve internalized his directives by the time the words have passed his lips, but when they are extensive it warrants careful review to mine the words for subtleties both to ensure nothing is missed and because I know Master appreciates depth and creativity in my execution. While I was running through different scenarios with E that might get the required results, I wouldn’t exactly say I was planning the next two hours. It’s more like, I set my mind in motion then just show up. Somehow my instincts always manage it from there, often surprising even me.

    When I entered E’s office it was as Master’s slave; confident and certain, with a throbbing cunt ready to burst. E noticed something was up immediately. He was still in the process of getting his first sentence out, when I draped myself over his desk. He quickly abandoned that effort grabbed the back of my neck and locked me into a deep and passionate kiss. When he paused to smile down at me I mentioned that I was feeling particularly naughty today. His response was an eye lock coupled with an exhale that sounded part growl, part purr, and as it rolled through me it started triggering the landmines that Master had spent the afternoon so carefully laying. My breath caught and I was consumed with need, the strain of going a second longer without my release was suddenly unbearable. His next touch was meant to pull me up so he could strip my dress, but even that bowed my spine and I wrenched myself to press more of me against him.

    • We want more! And I want to understand the relationship to E much better.

      • The relationship with E is long-term (multiple years) and just sex… oh and the sex is only vanilla.

    • Thank you for the prodding… ahem, I mean supportive engouragement 🙂 I had not planned to be such a tease about this, but oh well, that is sometimes the way things go. Here is part 2 of what is apparently going to take at least one more part to finish.

      Our mouths were once again probing hungrily, tongues slipping in and out over glistening lips. He lifted and I was half on half off the desk afterwards when he unzipped my dress and pinched the hook on my bra open. When He pulled the dress down the bra and panties came with it, and in a blur I was naked. Still writhing, still growing more unbearably desperate by the second, with the need to have his attentions fully focused on my pussy clawing its way through me with more and more determination. ‘Breath’, I thought to myself, anxiousness welling, beginning to stumble over my thoughts, ‘there must be at least a few minutes left?!?’ Master had insisted that my first release be within six minutes of my coming through the door… six minutes and at his hand, my own must not be on my body.

      As E purblindly stripped off his clothes, I pushed back up onto his desk and let my legs fall open to him. I could hear myself panting. Feel the blush spreading across my chest and belly, as I sat there leaning back on my arms staring at him intently. This was Master’s pussy; nearly bare, glistening, inflamed… and pounding in a frantic rhythm alongside the thoughts in my head, ‘strict orders!’ Suddenly my throat was constricted, “Let him know what it feels like to own this pussy.”, Master’s words echoing through me.

      And then E was touching me there. He had one hand on my pussy petting it tenderly; the other pulled his arm around me leaving it curved behind my back. I was going to scream, some part of me already was screaming. I let him know, let him see it bare, see just how much I needed this, had to have this. ‘How much time left?!?’, I thought, ‘a minute? two?’ He was kissing me again when he first slid his finger between my lips, and I whimpered into his mouth. My hips shot up. He pushed down. ‘Oh fuck yes, the pressure of it!’ More sounds escaping from both of us, low sounds coming from somewhere deep inside. He was working me now, circling between and splaying my lips, with big circles that spread my wetness, and tugged alternately at my clit and my entrance. I heard the word ‘please’ whispered from somewhere.
      I looked at him, his eyes were nearly as wild as mine, and then I was cumming. The release racked my whole body, I have no idea how long it was till I was looking at him again. His face wore a calm otherworldly mask. He was half wrapped around me and staring gently down at me. I blinked and realized the hand on my pussy was still there and starting to move again.

      • May I have two scoops of vanilla ice cream please?

        • I am not sure which I love more…the vanilla portions or the still not entirely clear and decidedly NOT vanilla aspects of this story?

          I am choosing to withholding revealing my “taste preferences” until I read the last installment, but I can say that I find this to be a really interesting development!

          As for YOU, Mrs. lake, it seems as if “NOT vanilla” is wholly insufficient to capture your particular brand of HOT!

          • Oh I do indeed savor a rich, creamy vanilla… of course if the option to add hot fudge, banana, nuts, strawberries, and whipped cream is also there… well then my answer is yes, yes, and oh yes.

    • Now you know I want to know what’s happening when you get to the last sentence of part deux below!

    • ooohhh I did enjoy these questions 🙂 and YES I made the time (whew!!)

      While Master does sometimes enjoy watching, it is not part of things with E. To my knowledge Master does not directly know and has never seen E. Of course he knows beforehand where and when I am meeting him and has access to my contacts, so I can’t say that as an absolute certainty. I also have a set of standing rules for when I see him. One of those is no video or pictures with E without an explicit directive or permission beforehand (which I have never gotten, so he wouldn’t have seen him that way).

      Another is that I scribe everything that happens when I am with E and deliver that promptly to Master (i.e. what we say, what we do, what I think, feel… everything). If there is time, my preference is to go straight to a nearby Spanish restaurant afterward to write and enjoy a steak and glass of red wine while I do.

      Unless I break one of the standing rules, there is not a direct reward or punishment… other than the fact that Master will definitely let me know what he is and isn’t pleased about. From there the actual reward\punishment is built into any special directives that I might get for the next time I’m going to see E. I know what you are thinking… this means there can potentially be what feels like a LOT of time that passes between when i’ve disappointed Master and when i have that chance to redeem myself… so yes, I am VERY motivated not to disappoint.

      • Hmmm… Am I the only one who finds the fact that every detail of your escapades are “scrib[ed]…promptly” for your Master a very… promising … revelation?

        I am willing to bet a fair chunk of change that I am not the only one who would enjoy seeing those;)!

        No pressure…

        • I second that.

          • you two ganging up on me for this prompt did make me smile a very big smile… and that your interested is indeed titillating… but there is too much of me in those scribes, too much that belongs solely and exclusively to Master.

            I do promise to finish the story however… and Yes M James, I have remembered that when I do, you owe us some more information about your ‘taste preferences’, which after your last post I am ever more anxious to hear about!!

            • James, you are an unbearable tease who on rare occasions lets loose on a fascinatingly vivid glimpse into your “taste preferences.” I’m in agreement with lake!

              And Nicole is now ever more panting with longing as she sits and waits for you.

              • Okay i FINALLY finished this story. Thanks for the ‘push’ everyone. I hope you enjoy. I am going to publish the whole thing in one new post, because going back through it, i don’t think it makes sense if you read the parts seperately… though I warn you, it does end up being a bit long.