
  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago

    I am waiting at the restaurant for about five minutes when my statuesque friend Meredith makes her entrance, causing the usual stirs and stares. We see each a few times a year. After we sat down and got some drinks, instead of the usual catching up, she starts in on her campaign to recruit me to do a boudoir photo shoot with her. She looks at me with those big, innocent green eyes and pleads with me. “Come on, Mal, you’re the only one I know brave enough to do this and I need the support. I really want to do this for Sam’s Christmas present. We can go on a shopping spree, get whatever you want, it’d be on me. Then we can get all made-up, dressed up, and get our pictures taken. I bet Adam would love seeing you as a pinup girl too.”

    I laugh, “Let me get this straight, my dog collared friend, you mean the esteemed Sam has granted you permission to do this?” I ask her sarcastically. She knows I am less than fond of Sam. I just do not understand how my MIT educated, head scientist friend is “owned” by a man and permits him to dictate what she can and cannot do.

    Meredith squirms a little, “well, it is going to be a present for him.” She then shrugs, “maybe we can take a few together. That would get both of our boys excited. I’d let you take credit for that idea.”

    “Oh I get it now. You need a fall guy and I’m it? If I’m taking the fall, you are going to put out, Meredith. I think I want us to get some new Bordelle and I think you should bring three or four of your Hermes scarves,” I smirk at Sam to myself, thinking this is great, some exercise of free will, at last.

    Meredith nods with a gleam in her eyes. “Yes, yes, Bordelle is perfect! Let’s have lunch and then go shopping.”

    After catching up and lunch, we stepped through the doors of one of the most exclusive lingerie stores in the city. I thought coming with Meredith with task at hand would make this a more normal shopping experience but the minute I step foot into the store, I can feel my neurochemistry activate and my body transporting onto a highway seeking that specific pleasure. The two of us leisurely shift through the store’s provocative “voyeur” and “peep” bras, “harness” thongs, and confetti lace peep panties. Meredith is a little quicker in deciding the pile of options to try. I, on the other hand, linger and conduct foreplay with the wispy pieces on hangers. My mind is spinning with thoughts of tits with stiff nipples and cunts salivating for cocks, and bodies entangling and banging together. The ache between my legs pulsing and agonizing by the time I followed behind with my own selections.

    I have stripped down to my own underwear in the dressing room when I hear Meredith declare her perfect selection. “Which, Meredith?” I call out.

    She asked, “take a look, what do you think?”

    I come out of my dressing room and my mouth let out a loud gasp at the sight of my friend, her breasts all but about spilled out of the shelf bra, her pussy, hips, and ass not so much contained as merely decorated by the webbed thong. I gush myself wet. Meredith holds up two different pairs of stockings, “Which pair goes better?”

    “Definitely the metal studs, very uh bondage tights.” I replied as I take the other sheer silky pair into my hands and examine it closely. “Have you and Sam, uh ever, uh, gotten naughty here?”

    Meredith giggles and nods yes, “have you? and Adam?”

    “Oh yeah, and without him. Must a fetish of mine.” I watch her roll the stockings up. “Maybe you should too, without Sam.”

    She shook her head vigorously, “oh no, no, I can’t do that.” She glances up at me and blushes.

    I give her an evil look back while thinking how much I detest Sam. Then I take the pair of sheer black stockings, I wrap them around her eyes, tying them tight behind her head as she cry out in surprise. “There, now take a look at yourself. You look really, really good, Meredith. Strut your stuff. I’m going to get my stuff and try them on here.”

    I leave her to catwalk around her dressing room through a darken veil while I retrieve my selection. I peel off the rest of my underwear, watching her admire herself. When she looks up at me, I’m naked, holding a bra I’m about to try on. She looks and blushes again. I walk around her in a circle, still naked, checking her out again, “yeah, I think you look totally hot in that, Meri.” I start putting the bra on. I stand back some, after a minute, with my hands on my hips, and legs in a wider stance. I let out a giggle, “this is already making me super horny. What about you?”

    “Mallory!! You’re evil!!” She gasps but goes back to admiring herself.

    I’m thinking yes I am, as I go up behind her and I yank the stocking blindfold tighter, causing her to yelp a little, “I bet you want to, Meredith.” I sit down on the nearby chair, bare-ass, leaning back, and I spread my legs apart. “I bet you want to, Meredith,” I repeat. I lean over and grab her handbag and remove her cellphone.

    Trying to figure out the camera app on her phone, “touch yourself, Meredith,” I commanded. I snap a picture of her.

    “WHAT are you doing???” she whimpers with her hands on her stomach.

    I snap another picture. “Touch yourself, you better do it. Or I’m going to send this to Sam.”

    Her hands move down further. Click.

    One of her hands moves up to grab and squeeze a breast. The other hand is between her legs now. Click.

    “Give yourself an orgasm, Meri.” I go to her text messages and quickly find those with Sam. In 15 seconds, I send him the last photo of Meredith with a short message: “She’s with me. Mallory.” Mentally sticking my tongue out childishly at him, I toss the phone back into her bag.

    I bring my feet up onto the edge of the sofa chair. “Come stand front of me, Meri,” as I push a finger into my cunt.

    She comes and stands right in front of me, staring down between my legs as I work my finger in and out of me. Her hands now by her sides but I can hear her breathing hard. I am ready to explode into a hot orgasm but I slow myself down. I want to give Meredith a show now. I finger myself. Then I withdraw my finger and suck it into my mouth. I finger myself some more. Just before I put my finger into my mouth again, “are you just going to watch me?”

    Meredith’s hands slowly move up to her breasts. Her fingers expertly knead the soft mounds while her nipples appear to be growing on their own. I watch her now; I have to admit I love seeing the female body. I smile at her lazily while I move my finger slower, in and out. I have to really slow down with my breathing to control myself. I shift my legs wider and hang them over the arms of the chair. “DO IT, Meredith, TOUCH yourself, give yourself an orgasm,” I bark at her now.

    Her hands quickly move down and under the thong. “Push your finger in, FUCK yourself,” I snap harshly. I watch in amazement as she follows my order and moves her finger in and out frantically; her whimpers and moans filling the room. Very interesting. I leap out of the chair and get behind her, yanking hard at the stocking that covers her eyes, almost snapping her head back. Her fingers and cries become delirious. I shove my fingers into her gorgeous red mane and pull her over by her hair to the trio of mirrors. I toss aside the blindfold then. One hand still gripping her hair and forcing her head to stare into the mirrors, I move to her side so I can admire both of us. The harder I grip her hair, the more frenzied her fingers. I pull hard again at her hair, “fuck your finger, cum on it.”

    “YOU TOO!!! Let me see you!!” she pants and moves her hips faster.

    I oblige her, quickly working myself up to sexual hysteria. The two of us are staring at each other, watching ourselves. I pull her hair again, this time harder still and spaced a few seconds apart until she reached her orgasm. Hanging on to her by her hair, I follow and let myself have my own.

    We leave the store soon after that, buying everything we pile up, without trying the rest on. As I hop into my cab, I tell Meredith, “Count me in on the photo shoot. That is, if Sam doesn’t ground you and forbid you to go outside ever again.”

    • This is a very sexy story. As a slave myself, it also prompts me to want to chime in on that topic. Let me pose a question.

      If you gave someone everything you had and you received more than you ever had (therefore more than you gave) and more than you ever imagined having, such that you then gave them pieces of yourself (think physically, emotionally, and spiritually) and you found that you were better, happier, stronger, and more capable as a result (and assuming you were in a healthy, amazing place on these three fronts to begin with)… what would you then give?

      If you stop there, what is it that stops you? Fear? Lack of Trust (in them or yourself)? With this person are those responses justified?

      Master/slave relationships are in many ways like any other, including the idea that, if you are giving more than you are receiving, it is a good idea to take pause and re-evaluate the relationship.

      One difference however, is that these relationships are often mischaracterized. For example, it is often assumed that the slave is manipulated or that her ultimate self is not actualized. What is more rarely assumed, is that the slave is so rich and fulfilled because of her giving, that she chooses her servitude freely, eagerly, and out of awe.

      • Please do not mistaken this little story for any judgment, disrespect, or misconception on my part, lake. I personally find truths in many different things, many different ways of life. It is very possible that you and I both believe in the knight’s quest, that life is not about winning or losing, controlling or submitting, but being true, being passionate to one’s purpose, finding and creating authentic relationships and most importantly, discovering and living our authentic self.

        From The Impossible Dream – Man of LaMancha


        To each his Dulcinea
        That he alone can name…
        To each a secret hiding place
        Where he can find the haunting face
        To light his secret flame.
        For with his Dulcinea Beside him so to stand,
        A man can do quite anything,
        Outfly the bird upon the wing,
        Hold moonlight in his hand.
        Yet if you build your life on dreams
        It’s prudent to recall,
        A man with moonlight in his hand
        Has nothing there at all.
        There is no Dulcinea,
        She’s made of flame and air,
        And yet how lovely life would seem
        If ev’ry man could weave a dream
        To keep him from despair.
        To each his Dulcinea…
        Though she’s naught but flame and air!

        • Knight’s quest indeed!! and aptly put… oh and, Dulcinea is definitely going to become part of my vocabulary going forward.

          Based on what i’ve read i would not imagine otherwise about you (though i appreciate and understand your response… even had some concern that my response would come across as defensive when i wrote it. i don’t think that i was feeling that way, i think that i just caught a spark while reading your story and wanted to express those ideas), though I have found myself speculating in regards to some things I do imagine about you. If you have any interest in knowing those [insert sly grin here] feel free to shoot me a message 🙂

    • HOLY SHIT! If this isn’t every man’s fantasy of what their partners are doing when they meet up with their girlfriends, then something is wrong with them!

      It’s not?

      Then let me rephrase…This is pretty close to what I would like to imagine MY partner is doing when she meets up with her girlfriends!!!

      There is only one thing that I can think of that would be better than receiving a portfolio of boudoir photos of my lover for Christmas (doubly so if she decided to include her attractive friend)…BEING in the pictures with her (or in the middle of those two women when those photos were taken)! I admit that wouldn’t be quite the same, but it would be a hell of a lot of fun for me! On second thought, I guess that would no longer qualify as a surprise OR a gift (more like a memento!).

      But seriously, I am actually trying to figure out how I could allow my partner to do this and not feel incredibly jealous – which is almost certainly how I would feel. If it were a spontaneous indiscretion which I would probably forgive or understand how there wasn’t an opportunity to discuss it and or get my approval beforehand. Something about this is more calculated/planned which I would almost certainly want to talk to my partner about first and have a chance to approve/condone and that I might resent if it weren’t discussed in advance.

      How about this? I could probably see my way clear of my partner being sexual with a close girlfriend and me not being a part of that or the photo shoot on the following conditions
      1) My lover would have to present me the photo album dressed just as she was (or wasn’t) in the photos
      2) If her girlfriend was also in the pictures, then her girlfriend must also be there to present me the photo album just as she was (or wasn’t) in the photos.
      3) To remove all potential misgivings and avoid any lingering resentment, my partner and her friend would offer to “re-enact” each of the pictures from the album, one by one, the people, the poses, the attire, the acts involved and they should allow me to look closer at each picture and imagine what it makes me feel like or what I want to see or what I want to do and then offer to allow me to “jump into the picture” and do exactly what I imagined when looking at the photo.

      If she did all of this, I am quite certain that I would be more than happy with my “gift” and all would be forgiven and certainly never forgotten!!!

      • Ummm may I suggest for your consideration that a woman who would risk your jealousy and wrath for this particular gift, bestows it to you with a great spirit of generousity and selflessness in pursuit of your pleasure.

        Stay tuned as M eredith’s photoshoot unfolds.

        • But of course…What was I thinking?!? My jealousy would be as much about missing out on such naughty escapades (or at least witnessing them) as much as or (likely) even more than any feelings of possession. Lets just say that the dressing room and the photo shoot would both rank high pretty high on my voyeuristic “fly on the wall” desires as anything else. But, you are very gracious to consider other parts of the story. I can’t wait to discover what those might entail!!!

    • Love it, Mallory. Got me thinking I’d like to see you give a few more orders, and I would love to put this up front on the blog if you’re game. Let me know, and please don’t leave that dressing room.

    • Thanks, Kristye! Stay tuned, there is more.