
  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Sex & MusicSex & Music 11 years, 11 months ago

    Queen Esther: [in Xerxes’s chambers, walking towards the stool]
    King Xerxes: [standing in the shadows] The scroll is on the stool. You may begin when ever you are ready.
    Queen Esther: [glances at the stool and back towards Xerxes]
    King Xerxes: [pacing around] Is there a problem?… Did they not tell you I weary at this procession of candidates? I simply wanted someone to…
    [stops and looks at Esther]
    King Xerxes: Wait. You were the one who read to me before. You tried to beguile me with love stories. Did you not think I had the sense to see through your little parable? The arrogance, you speak to me as I were this Rachel, in need of help to look after my father’s sheep!
    Queen Esther: My lord, I meant no disrespect.
    King Xerxes: [walking towards her] And this is how you come to see me? Your only adornment before your one night with the king.
    Queen Esther: It is, your majesty.
    King Xerxes: You consider yourself of so little worth, that I could purchase your love so cheaply.
    Queen Esther: I was taught… that when you visit a King, rather than expect a gift, one should bring one to lay at his feet.
    [removes her necklace and offers it to him]
    Queen Esther: This is my most valuable possession in the world. It is my past, my present, and my future. And all of it is yours.
    King Xerxes: [takes her necklace and turns away] Some would call you foolish, indeed. As they would call your Jacob. Of all commodities, love is the easiest… and the most cheaply purchased.
    Queen Esther: [considerate] If it is for sale, my lord. It is not love.
    King Xerxes: Even you…
    [moving closer]
    King Xerxes: Even you must have a price.
    Queen Esther: I am neither a buyer nor a seller of love.
    King Xerxes: [earnestly] Suppose, my lady. A man offered you a more treasured gift. Say a kingdom.
    Queen Esther: [near tears] The only gift I would accept is your heart.
    King Xerxes: [taking her hands] Than it is yours. And you didn’t have to serve 7 years to get it. Tell me, Esther of Susa. Who are you really? Tell me of your people. Teach me of your ways.
    Queen Esther: My father told me it takes the glory of God to conceal a matter. And it takes the honor of Kings to search it out.
    King Xerxes: Than marry me and we shall spend an eternity discovering this ‘truth’… together.