
  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 11 months ago

    Red, her nail polish was what her mother would refer to as harlot red. That deep red that looked like blood when one lifted the brush from the bottle of polish and it dripped from there to the bottle again. She carefully painted each nail, ensuring that the first was dry before moving to the next. A quick coat of clear covering and they were complete. Walking to the mirror she surveyed the completed package. Pencil skirt that came past her knees but just short of her ankles in the blackest black she could find, her thigh highs had the seams up the back and she made sure their line was perfect. A small gold belt fastened at her waist where the crisp white button down was tucked in. There was not a wrinkle or crease anywhere that shouldn’t be. Her hair was pulled up in a softly coiled bun, with tendrils of her hair escaping and hanging in soft curls that framed the nape of her neck and her face. Makeup was reminiscent of the 40’s with soft colors that didn’t stand out and draw attention to anything. The only splash of real color was in her nails, they were the only thing that shouted in her monochromatic clothing choices. Sliding into the heels she concentrated on their clicks across the tiled floor of her 3rd floor apartment. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror that hung in her entry she grabbed her small clutch, black silk, from the small table and walked into the hallway.
    Lydia’s neighbor was arriving home as she exited and she heard the sharp intake of his breath when she walked out. Smiling demurely at him she nodded her head and made her way to the elevator, the shiny glass doors giving her a reflection of his eyes on her as she waited for the arrival of the car. The doors sprang open and she stepped in, turning at the last minute to catch his jaw hitting his chest when she turned to face him. The doors closed and she laughed to herself, exactly the reaction she was looking for, now if he noticed her night would be perfect. She never met another person until she arrived at the party. The valet opened her door and had much the same reaction when her long leg stepped out of the drivers seat followed by the rest of her. Lydia wasn’t aware they could move that quickly but before she knew it he was gone in her small car and she walked towards the door. Though their was a crowd lining the sidewalk they parted for her as if she were a famous star and she lowered her head to hide the giggle that was forming. Her entrance into the hall was met with stares of nearly every male person in the room. She felt like Cinderella when she arrived at the ball. Walking through the room she spotted him, his tuxedo was pristine, the bow tie was even pressed to make the creases even more prominent. His red lips were moving as he spoke to the person before him, his hand on their shoulder as if to drive his point home. The silence that fell at her entrance drew his eyes away from his companion and across the room to her. A small smile played across his mouth at the mere sight of her. Never in a million years could he have envisioned her to look like this. For a moment he had to think of who it really was, because he was certain it could not really be Lydia, at least not the one from the office. That Lydia was shy and mousy, hair pinned back in a tight updo every day, ensuring she did not draw attention. That Lydia stuttered when he spoke to her, her face turning a shade of crimson he had rarely seen before. Slowly his eyes went from her face to the rest of her attire. Stunning was all he could think of to describe her tonight, a definite surprise and breath of fresh air.
    Lydia slowed to the center of the room, choosing to keep her distance from him. Her outside coolness masked the butterflies that were currently filling her stomach, her hand reached to grab a tall champagne glass from a waiter who approached her with his tray. Raising the champagne flute towards him she smiled coyly and lifted it to her mouth, sipping slowly. Lydia knew that too much champagne and she would be tipsy, the one thing she wanted to avoid. She had a horrible habit of spilling her heart out when she was tipsy, and that is exactly what she did not want tonight. She simply wanted him to notice her and thus far it was working. A soft touch on her arm and she turned to see Jim from the office asking her to dance, taking her glass from her hand as he led her to the dance floor. Lydia’s eyes never left Jim’s, laughing at his jokes as if he were the funniest man in the place. Her hand on his shoulder and the other on the bend of his arm, her head fell back with her eyes dancing when he whispered in her ear, playfully hitting him with her purse as she called him incorrigible.
    The man stood on the side, watching her every move. Where had this Lydia come from, could she really have been hiding under the facade she presented at the office. He found himself unable to do anything but follow her around the room from the side, hoping if only for a second she would look his way. When she did his eyes lit up and he would smile and wave, like a little boy with his first crush. Lydia found herself the desire of every man there, barely getting off the dance floor before someone else swept her out. Finally, she was forced to find a table and sit down, her legs feeling as if they were about to fall off of her. She felt him before he spoke, his presence embedded in her mind and psyche from months of watching him from afar. He pulled the chair out beside her and simply took the seat. His arrival made every other gentleman caller for her time disappear. Trying to feign indifference Lydia nodded politely at him before turning to watch the dance floor once more. She waited for it seemed like an eternity for him to speak. Why did he come over if he wasn’t going to talk to her, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest, certain were it not for the band he would have heard it as well.
    “Well you have certainly surprised a lot of people tonight Cinderella.”, his baritone was enough to make her panties damp.
    “Cinderella, ” Lydia laughed, ” I am hardly Cinderella, wasn’t she pretty much a slave to her step sisters and step mother? I would hardly call myself a slave.”
    He laughed at her response and nodded, leaning back in the chair putting his arms behind his head, like he was at home in his own personal recliner. Lydia struggled not to look, she knew the outline of his form from every possible angle having looked at him for nearly 6 months from her cubicle, hoping he saw her and praying he didn’t. To have him this close right now would pretty much be the pinnacle of anything she ever wanted. Wait, no, she wanted more. She wanted him to notice her when she didn’t go out of her way to be noticed. She felt this sudden nausea overtake her and excused herself quickly. Her heels suddenly the most cumbersome things she could have had on, especially on a marble floor. Much like Cinderella she ran out, her ankles curling under her and her balance questionable with every click of the heels. She made it outside and presented her ticket for her car, and hoped like Cinderella it appeared before Prince Charming did.
    The valet appeared with her ‘pumpkin’ and she slid into the driver’s seat. Lydia pulled away in a squeal of tires just as he arrived at the passenger door and reached for the handle. Her hot tears stung her skin as she drove back to her apartment. Her hair was a mess from her run, somewhere she had managed to get her shirt untucked and she was doing her best to keep herself together until she got in her own space. The elevator doors showed her just how disheveled she really looked and she dropped her head, unable to look at her own reflection. She practically knocked over the passengers as they exited, unable to get the button pushed fast enough to close the doors and prevent any one else from getting in. Once on her floor she practically ran to her door, slid the key in the lock and pushed through the doorway, kicking off her heels as she did. Her tears came quickly now, heart wrenching sobs that came from someplace deep. Lydia could not explain why she felt the need to do what she did tonight but now she couldn’t change it. The thought crossed her mind to just quit her job, not wanting to face anyone at the office Monday. Really? How did she think she would ever fit in his world? The mousy girl of the cubicle never had and never would. Walking into her kitchen she poured herself a shot of bourbon and gulped it down quickly, the burn in her throat easing the burn in her mind. Unbuttoning her shirt she walked across her floor and headed for the bath, turning on the handles the water poured out with a force she wished she could cry. Then she could move on and get him out of her head. The steam rose from the tub as she walked into her bedroom once more unzipping her skirt as she did allowing it to fall around her feet and stepping over it. Undoing the garters that held up her hose she slid them off as well leaving her standing in only the dark black panties and the white shirt and bra. She eyed herself in the mirror, her hands running down the front of her body, stopping to feel the rise of her own nipples through the thin material of her bra. Taking her hand lower still to the dampness that still lingered in her groin, one finger sliding under the waist of the panties and into the top of her moist lips. She trembled at her own touch, she should it was all she was used to, having been without sex for nearly 3 years. She stopped her self exploration and headed for the bathroom again, grabbing the highball glass from the dresser as she did. Just as she was about to slip her shirt from her shoulders there was a knock at her door.
    “Wrong door I didn’t order takeout”, Lydia who stood in the entry way yelled to the closed door.
    The baritone that sounded from the other side made her blood run warm again.”I am not delivering take out and open this damn door now.”, his tone was gruff and angry, something she had heard at the office when a deadline was approaching and no one seemed to want to work.
    Lydia approached the door, her voice and her body shaking, “Look I am okay I just got too hot and a little sick. You don’t have to come check on me, now go back to the party I am fine.”
    “I am not leaving, not until I see for myself you are okay.”, he bellowed back.
    She strode to the door and yanked it open, his hair was a mess as if he had run his fingers through it a million times, he really looked, dare she say it concerned. A small smile crossed his lips as she peeked around the door at him, realizing before opening it completely how little she had on.
    “See, I am fine, you have done your duty now, you can go.”, Her hands pushing the door to, only to discover his foot was in the way.
    “Not so fast,” His hands grabbed the door and pushed it back sliding through the crack he made, “what was that all about…” His voice trailed off as he saw her in her state of undress. Her shirt open, her breasts pushed up and their ivory skin busting at the top of the bra, the black bikini underwear. Lydia raced to pull her shirt together and crouch her body down to cover it before turning and running back to her bathroom.His hand reached out and grabbed her arm before she got away pulling her back against him, his hand brushing the hair away from her cheek as she tried not to look at him. Her small hands pushed on his chest trying to break his hold, the last thing she wanted was his pity.
    “Lydia, answer me, what was in your head tonight?? Where did that side of you come from and why did you leave so suddenly.”
    She pushed away from him again and shook her head in response, “Just leave it be Mr. Combs, please. I am putting in my 2 week notice, I will train Judith to do my job until a suitable replacement can be found. ”
    “The hell you will,” His voice thundered through her apartment.

    To be continued..

    • Look forward to reading this.

    • Lydia’s breath sucked into her at the sound of his yell echoing off the walls, feeling her fury rise up in her at the absolute insolence and thought that he could control her choices. Yanking her wrist from his grasp she slapped his face with the other hand, her tears still falling like drips of hot fire on her already flushed face. Her teeth were gritted and her eyes, their normal emerald green, he could swear were black in that moment.
      “So there she is,” Mr. Cobb laughed, ” I wondered when the tiger I saw deep inside would rear its head.”
      If possible his laughter only made her more furious and her words came out like daggers. ” I think you have me confused with one of the ditzy girls with big boobs and fake hair extensions that throw themselves on your every word. I am NOT your property to tell what I can and cannot do and my resignation will be effective immediately. Good luck getting one of them to remember what 2+2 is let alone the names of your accounts.” Turning on her heel she strode back down the hallway, turning at the last second for one more line. “You apparently know the way in to my house let’s see if you can remember the way out.” Slamming the bathroom door she looked at the floor, realizing that in the tumult of his arrival she had never turned the water off. That was the absolute final straw of an already shitty night. Lydia threw back her head and screamed as loud as she possibly could before finally reaching over and shutting off the faucet and pulling the plug on the bath. Slinging open the bathroom door to head for her kitchen and a mop she walked straight into the wall of Mr. Cobb’s chest.
      “What the hell are you doing here still, are you deaf or just that damn conceited that you think you can do whatever you like?”, Lydia pushed past him heading for her kitchen, with Cobb hot on her heels.
      “Well no, I heard your scream as I was headed out and I thought, possibly, you may have been hurt or that someone broke into the bathroom window. Excuse the hell out of me for being a gentleman and ensuring you were okay.” Cobb replied through gritted teeth. “I can see my coming here was a huge mistake, one I won’t be making again any time soon, I can assure you of that. ” Turning on his heel he walked towards the door once again. Spinning at the last minute he spoke once more.
      “You know I am really not the self absorbed asshole you seem to have painted me to be. I see those girls, I have seen them all of my life. To think that I want them is YOUR belief, it is what you have spent your life assuming about every man. I am going to assume because one man hurt you we all have to pay for it. Well I am not apologizing for something I did not do. But you know what, maybe if you had not assumed you knew my type you would have seen me watch you from the windows of my office. You would have realized I only stayed late when you did. You would have noticed that I might linger over your shoulder a little longer just to catch a whiff of your perfume. But none of that matters now, I accept your resignation. Have a good life.”
      Lydia stood there, her mouth hanging open as he walked out of her door. She could barely catch her breath, her mind spinning like a potters wheel over all he had just revealed to her. Part of her wanted to run after him, but another part told her to stay, he was just another man, with just another line and promise he didn’t intend to keep. The thoughts of cleaning her bathroom were gone and she slumped to the floor looking on the door he had just exited. Tomorrow she would go get her stuff and be done. That was that, but part of her could not help but think she had just made the biggest mistake of her life and her heart beat in time to the sound of the water still dripping from the tub in the other room.

      • Lydia remained on the cold floor, her tears flowing down her face and dripping to the fabric of her white shirt. Her mind was racing and the thought occurred to her that she need not wait until Monday to clean her desk out, her keys granted her access anytime she wished; After all it would not be the first time she had gone to the office after hours to work on something. Pulling herself from the floor she ran to her room and grabbed a pair of jeans from the hanger and slid them over her frame, sliding her feet into soft tan flats as her toes peeked out the leg of them. Taking a look at herself in her dresser mirror she tried her best to pin and tuck in the wild hair that greeted her, looking as if she had just had wild sex for hours. Wiping her face quickly, she grabbed her keys and her clutch and headed back out the door. The elevator took forever as did the trip through the parking garage to retrieve her car. The drive to the office was quiet, the streets seemingly deserted at this early hour, surprising for a Friday night. Pulling into the office garage she greeted the night guard with her badge from her visor as he lifted the gate. Up 2 ramps and she pulled into her usual spot closest to the stairwell, practically sprinting through the garage and up the stairs to the steel door that stood before her. Behind it was the place she had worked for the last 10 years of her life, outlasting 3 new ‘bosses’ who had come and gone like the seasons. Mr. Cobb had stayed the longest, and she knew why. He was easy to get along with, not afraid of rolling up his shirt sleeves to jump into a project that was driving everyone else insane. The door seemed heavier than normal, perhaps it was the heaviness of her heart. Feeling like leaving was a huge mistake Lydia was a woman of her word, she walked through the hall into the large office and headed for her desk.
        As she walked Lydia looked over the space she had grown to love working in, her eyes making a mental picture of every nook and cranny as if she would never see it again. As she reached her desk she slumped into her chair, thinking how long it had taken her to convince Mr. Cobb how much better these desk chairs were for all of them. She closed her eyes and imagined the sounds of the space full, the phones ringing, the click of fingers on keyboards hushed tones, the smell of coffee brewing nearly every hour in the station on the other side of her wall. In her meditation she never heard the footsteps behind her, but she felt when someone turned her chair around, and her eyes opened to see Mr. Cobb standing over her in her chair. Before she could catch her breath or move from her spot his strong hands were on either arm rest his face mere inches from hers as he leaned in and kissed her deeply. His tongue parting her still pursed lips before feeling her muscles relax beneath his kiss. Lydia thought to fight at first but her own mind betrayed her. How many times had she imagined this very scenario in her mind, those moments when the office was a buzz and she slid into day dreaming for that split second. Wondered how his mouth would feel pressed into hers, would his stubble graze her skin or would she even notice. His mouth was hot and she felt the want in his lips, it was raw and unabated in this moment, she felt her body relax and her hand instinctively went to the back of his neck to pull him in closer to her. Lydia was torn between running and giving in and in this moment giving in was her only choice. Her body cried out at his touch, the moment when everything she had dreamed about became a reality much better than what she had imagined. Mr. Cobb pulled from her, his blue eyes piercing into hers, her hand went to his face, tracing the jawline as she looked back at him, her dark eyes flecked with gold and green and still red from her earlier breakdown.
        “I should have done this much sooner. I would have done it had I known the feeling was mutual. You were always so cold and protected, I could only think you were not interested or gay.” His last words leading them both to giggle. Before she could stop herself her hands went to the starched white shirt he still wore from the party, removing the bow tie that he had undone earlier, her fingers unbuttoning the collar and exposing the tan skin beneath as her mouth kissed that soft spot. Mr. Cobb closed his eyes and felt as she worked his shirt lower, pulling it loose from his perfectly pressed pants, before finally grabbing her hand and stopping her.
        “Wait, Lydia, just wait.”, his voice was soft and broken between having strength and being barely above a whisper. ” First of all my name is Levi, not Mr. Cobb. I need to hear you say that.”
        Lydia looked into his face, realizing that he was just as needy and scared as she was about what was about to happen, but needing to know she needed him as a man, not as a fantasy that one plays in their mind of screwing the hot boss.
        ‘Levi, Levi, Levi,” each time she said his name her lips would land upon his flesh somewhere, first his cheek, followed by his neck and finally the top of his breastbone, her tongue sliding out easily and teasing him even more. Standing up straight he extended his hand to her and she reached out for him. Pulling her body into his, she could feel his arousal already as he pressed her hips into his. His mouth finding her neck, his breathing whispering past her ears sending jolts of electricity through her body. His lips found hers again, his breathing as erratic and stilted as hers, both trying not to act to excited and failing miserably.
        His arms guided her backwards to the edge of her own desk, one arm swept everything from the surface sending it careening across the pathway to the floor. His other lifting her with ease to the desk as his mouth never left hers. Never breaking contact in some way he slid her pants from her body, her own arousal obvious even through the jeans material. His mouth left hers as he kissed his way down her, his hands unbuttoning the starched blouse and exposing her breasts to the cool of the room. He knew those erect brown nipples had more to do with him than anything else and his mouth went to them hungrily, hearing her moan and squirm beneath him. His free hand went to her damp crotch, a thin strip of soft hair acting as an arrow to lead his hand to her lips. Both swollen and his fingers pinched at them softly at first, before sliding between them and realizing her body was already trembling. He could feel her heartbeat in the walls of her wetness, his finger barely sliding in as she arched her hips up to him, her legs spreading slightly to allow him freer access.

        • This is a very, very good story! Thank you for sharing what you have written so far and I look forward to seeing where this leads… I am loving your descriptives and narrative and…of course…who doesn’t appreciate the inherent tension of the workplace setting!!! Please continue…

        • A soft moan escaped her lips at the feel of Levi actually being that close to her, seeing her this vulnerable and wanting to make her more vulnerable. His free hand traced the raise of her breasts circling each dark hardened nipple slowly, making her tremble with the intensity of his touch, when his finger would move away his tongue would replace it, teasing and licking her in places that hadn’t been aroused in forever. Her own hand was wrapped around the back of his head, her fingers pulling him into her as she twirled them in his thick hair. When he finally kissed his way to the top of her groin she felt her own angst at his next move. How often had she imagined just this scenario in the privacy of her bedroom at home? Thus far reality was outweighing anything she could have pictured in her best fantasy of them. Using the fingers of his hand he spread open her swollen pink lips and his tongue licked leisurely from the edge of her blood engorged tunnel, the first of her juices already glistening there, even in the darkness of the office. Slowly his tongue tasted of her, Lydia’s legs quivered at his touch, and Levi dared lick slower, from the very edge all the way up stopping just short of her unhooded clit, each time he would hear her catch her breath as he came that near and stopped just short. One last stroke before his mouth wrapped around her pulsating pink orb, his finger back inside her walls feeling the spasms of release tighten and loosen and her body seemingly draw into a mass of shaking heat. Her nails dug into his shoulders, her voice was breathy and weak and Lydia felt the hot tears of orgasm sting her eyes, rolling slowly down the side of her face as she struggled to pull away. The whole moment more than she could handle. Before she could get far from his hands he grabbed her waist and pulled her up to him. With his free hand he had removed his pants and stepped into her body, his entrance making her walls scream with the width of him alone and the arousal of her once more. She had not even come off of her orgasm and his entrance made every nerve return to their state of before, humming so loudly she was certain she could hear her own bloodflow through her body, rushing to her throbbing walls. Levi moaned with how tight she was, standing for a moment to enjoy the feeling of her velvety slickness as it wrapped around him so tightly he thought he would never get lose, before loosening just enough to allow him freedom, then tight once more. Wave after wave washed over her and him as her shoulders lifted from the desk, her back arched deeply to the point she looked to be in a backbend. Levi held her back higher, pulling him closer to his own hot flesh, her small beads of perspiration visible in the light of the moon that came through the window behind them. His mouth found hers as he placed her legs around his waist and kept his engorged cock deeply inside her. Packing her to the door of his office a few feet away, swinging the door open with his one free hand and laying her down on the soft couch beside the door. Her hands touched his face, as she bit her lip with the first of his strokes, slow and sure, each one going so deep she was certain she would bust wide open, and not caring if she did. His eyes locked with hers, his face one of a softness she had never seen before. His throat tightened as he tried to speak, “Lydia, oh God, Lydia, why did I wait so long to tell you, show you. I should have just taken you that first day.”
          Lydia matched his strokes, her hips coming up to him as he pulled back, the distance between their bodies never more than an inch at any time. With surprising swiftness she pulled herself free and now stood before him, in one move getting her footing and pulling him onto his own back. Her long legs went over his body, his cock standing tall as she slid herself onto him, the feel of her want spilling out and covering him with their sticky sweetness. He moaned at the feel of her above him, his hands pulling on her waist, his face lifting to take her nipple in his mouth. Her next orgasm was more powerful than the first. Her body tossed in the waves, her hands digging into the flesh of his chest and abdomen as she squirted her nectar all over him. One last thrust from him and she fell over him, her hair covering his shoulder, his hands on her back providing her some help in keeping a rhythm. Levi felt his own building and despite his best efforts his thick liquid shot out of him with such force she even felt it deep inside her. Both of their moans of pleasure echoing off the walls that surrounded them and coming back into their own ears as if they were in a theater. When he was empty he held her on him as he kissed her face, the tears that were salty mixing with the sweat that was not upon her head, her hair wet for a different reason, now loose and a tangled sexy mess. His lips were still hot on her skin, her nerve endings were still on edge. He pulled her face up to his and looked deep in her eyes, ” Now what was it you came here at this hour for?? Because if it was to quit , you are fired, no relationships between corporate and workers.”
          Lydia jumped off of him, feeling the blood rush to her face, indignation rising. How dare he do this to her.
          Levi knew he had to speak quick and pulled her back to him, her fists once more swinging but not before he quelled her anger with a deep kiss, ” but you don’t have to worry about money or a home because after tonight what I have is yours, and as my co partner this relationship is perfectly acceptable.”
          Lydia laid back beside him, the tears coming once again, the smile on her face soft and pleased. “I think that will be just fine Levi, but you will have to address me as Ms. Scott when we are in the office, you know so the others don’t talk.”
          His rich laugh filled the room as he said, ” simple I will fire them, or let them talk about how damn lucky I am to have gotten my head out of my ass when I did, before what I needed more than anything walked out without a fight from me.”
          Lydia laid her head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat, feeling him pull the cover from the back of the couch to cover her as he walked to his office door and locked it. Returning to her side he laid beside her once more and played with her hair. “So tell me Ms. Scott, what do you want to do now?”
          Lydia lifted the blanket and lowered her head under it as her lips wrapped around his still recovering malehood, his breath escaping in a slow sigh thinking this would be a long night..but well worth it.

    • Definitely get the angst and the risk she takes to step so far out of her comfort zone in the first story… and the way it shapes everything from there. Great story to have in mind with holiday parties just around the corner đŸ™‚

      • Ahh yes, is there really anything more fraught with the conflict between logic and emotion than the office holiday party? It reminds me a bit of a high school dance where there is a room FULL of people attracted to someone else and every one of them (or at least the vast majority of people who aren’t lucky enough to already be in a relationship) are hoping to finally find a situation where that expression can be made, received and (with any luck) reciprocated in a way that seems so impossible to do in an everyday interaction! The office hierarchy and professional behavioral norms and expectations a perfect analogy to the seemingly rigid social structures and complex interrelationships and undeveloped modes of communication of youth (only with bigger long term consequences). Thank you Ms. lake for making the connection to the season at hand!

        • Indeed… the forbidden fruit you yearn to pick (or be picked by), to taste… day after day, so close, and yet… Well, at least we have fuel for the fantasies… so so many fantasies, and as we’ve seen, oh so good!