
  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 2 months ago

    Lately, I’ve fallen in with a group of bicycle adventurists in town, hence my significant late-night absence. Go figure, I end up sneaking in quietly and immediately needing a shower for non-sexual reasons.

    I entered my first race this weekend and saw one of my social group in a different light. Granted, I always found him attractive and when he leads a ride, he tends to ride hard and fast. There was just something about how he rolled into the parking lot behind the bike shop in his blazing red jersey with a cocky grin on his face… even when he stood still next to his bike he looked fast.

    Fast forward to the race’s after party, he left a bit early, giving everyone a hug on the way out. He had done rather well, placing in the top 10 that night (as for me, well, not too bad for the first time, even though I didn’t finish all checkpoints in the 2 hour timeframe). It might have been the tide of adrenaline we were all soaked in or he may have been emitting stronger pheromones that night, but I confess I probably lingered a beat longer in the hug than I usually do (I usually have a thing about people touching me in public, particularly people I don’t know all that well).

    So, here’s the fantasy part of it. Even though I know he doesn’t work as a messenger anymore, I have this fantasy that he has to deliver some piece of sensitive information to my office. Once again, he swaggers in, dripping in sweat. I can barely hold the pen to sign for the package. He whispers, asking when my lunch or next break is and then it more or less ends up with me unzipping him out of his jersey, hiking up my skirt and both of us going at it in the mail room… hard and fast, of course.

    Or, after work, for whatever reason, the usual group ride has dwindled down to just him and me. We tool about town for a bit before finding some secluded wooded area at sundown and let nature take its course.

    Apparently, there’s at least one study suggesting that sexual desire decreases when riding a bicycle. I may just have anecdotal and not statistical evidence, but I can say that at least in my case, that is patently false.

    • Great. Love the specificity of this.

    • As a daily cyclist, I would like to comment that the study discusses the decrease of genital sensation due to increased, constant pressure. I can attest that it is not a good idea to expose genital tissues to that kind of constant pressure on a regular basis. Riding does NOT reduce sexual DESIRE. Exercise increases testosterone levels along with libido. Additionally, all those neurochemicals released during exercise is very mood-enhancing. It is not surprising at all that after your race, you are horny as hell, in a great mood, and want to fuck long and hard. Add a hot dude emitting the same neurochemicals and you soaking in his pheromones, and OH MY GOD!!!!!

      • Point taken. After awhile of skimming abstracts, they tend to blur together to the point where I’m not sure I’m even reading and properly procesing information anymore.

        I suppose that would be one excuse for me to let a handsome, virile cyclist get in my personal space: ask him to assist in measuring my inseam and sit bone distance for my saddle to ensure a proper fit. Not to mention alternating between riding a bicycle and riding a cyclist might make for a great workout routine.

        I seriously can’t stop imagining him, racing past with the bold bravado of a matador in his red jersey. Perhaps there’s a reward waiting for any woman who can catch him. It’s enough to make a lady get the vapors and clutch her pearls… or grab her helmet and riding gloves.

        • I say grab your helmet, riding gloves AND bring the pearls to catch him. I can give you a few ideas on using the pearls to entice and pleasure him.

          • Oh, don’t encourage me…

            Or please do…

            • I would encourage some anecdotal testing on the impact of cycling on genital sensation with the pearls, made slippery, and gliding between your genitals at vary pace and with different pressure.

              • Absolutely. Think we should be impeccably scientific about this.

                • Brief update: I finally caught up with him… perhaps not actually during a bicycle race, but just as well.

                  Just a brief taste of what we’ve been up to: On a rainy ride back to my place, we were at a stop light waiting for the left turn signal. He asks me to move a bit closer and kisses me, fiercely, bitingly, then growls “I can’t wait to eat you out.”

                  I about fell over on my bicycle in time for the light to change.