
  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 2 months ago

    This is not an experiment, per se. My friends and I don’t share openly share our intimate experiences. I had to tell this to someone though because this is a true story that ends in my personal disappointment. Who would be more understanding than you great people?

    After work on Friday, I went to the bank and a gas station to fill up my vehicle. There weren’t any plans made or pressing places where I needed to be, it was just me and some idle time to do whatever I wanted. The weather had turned a bit cooler as the sun started to set. I went home and changed into clothes that suited the cooler temperature. Then, I got an idea. Taking advantage of this rare instance of alone time, I hopped into my refueld vehicle and ventured my happy ass to an adult toy store.

    The closest store of this kind is about 64 km or 40 miles away from my home. The entire ride there, I was extremely excited. I suppose I was a ball of sexual tension because on my drive, I was more aware of the the bumpiness of the road. I could feel the moisture start to build between my legs. I was really doing this and I couldn’t believe myself. Mr. Lurking and I have been talking about getting some toys but the opportunity to do so, hadn’t presented itself. With him out of town, I needed to do this. For the present state of my need for release and for future use with him.

    Not through lack of trying, I’ve never fully climaxed. I don’t know if it was just me or an issue that happened in my past or my own mind blocking me from experiencing what many have described as earth shattering nirvana. I have been so close, so many times, but never fully went over the edge. Utter disappointment, I tell ya. I’ve not been, that girl, to fake an orgasm. Though Mr. L and I have been together a long time, we’ve never been experimental in the bedroom. Everything is changing, now. I am growing out of my shy shell, finally!

    I arrive at the adult store with a number of ideas I plan to come home with. I walk into the store, the second time I’ve ever been, and I am immediately overwhelmed. I have no idea the difference between this toy and that plug or those beads, balls, whips and chains. I was like a kid walking into a toy store… Well, it is a toy store of sorts! I was approached by a very helpful sales associate, who could probably sense that I was a newbie. A shy newbie. She showed me the latest and greatest toys on the market. I had a dollar amount in mind that I planned to spend but I convinced myself it was worth spending a little more on something that will certainly bring years of enjoyment.

    The sales lady directed me to the proper cleaners, lubricant and any other extras I may be interested in. I was ready! I go to the checkout counter to finalize my purchase. The sales lady announces my total, $202.35 (not exactly, but not too far off.) I reach in my purse to hand over my payment. My credit card isn’t there. And I have $43 in my wallet. Enough for the toy cleaner and lubricant but what good is that with no toy? I was so disappointed and sexually frustrated, it was ridiculous. My rare chance of alone time to pull off a task like this was nothing more than an entirely too long car ride. I used my credit card to get gas earlier and slipped it in the pocket of my shorts. The shorts that I changed out of because the weather was growing unseasonably cool. This was just my luck. The entire drive home, I was so mad at myself and the weather! It was a beautiful night outside but Damn, Damn, Damn!

    When I arrived back home, I checked the shorts in my dirty clothes hamper. Yep, my card was safely stowed in the front, right pocket which was reassuring. Losing it at an unknown location would have just sucked.

    The next, logical thing I could do was get online to replicate the purchase that I had just attempted. I enjoy shopping online, especially looking up savings codes…every little bit helps, right?! I logged onto an online adult store, added my selections to the virtual shopping cart. I was ready to checkout. Upon checkout, I was awarded with a few bonus items and free shipping since my purchase was over a certain dollar amount. I proceeded to check out, entered my savings code (that worked!) And there was my total, $135.12! What?! The only good thing that came out of this experience was the fact that I saved $67ish dollars and have extra goodies coming. The bad part, I have to wait 5-7 business days. By then, Mr. L will be back and he will be able to control my pleasure via wireless remote!

    • Ha! Love that last sentence, and love the adventure. Because the adventure is everything, after all. Will be very eager to hear what new, naughty things you get up to.

      • I hate it when I do something silly like that! I hope that your delivery comes soon, and then so do you!

        • Thanks fellas. I’m looking forward to my delivery too. Luckily, I was assisted at the store by a very knowledgeable saleswoman, who also happened to be a lesbian… I think she would know what a lady would like. đŸ˜‰

          /p/ When I fessed up to Mr. L, I wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. I told him by showing him the locking toybox I purchased Sunday afternoon. We have curious kids in our home and I wouldn’t want them to find mom and dad’s play things. He was pleasantly surprised and thought, more hoped the goodies were in the ‘goody box!’

          /p/In the meantime, we’ll keep playing with eachother. I like that we’re getting rougher.

          • I suggest a romantic dinner out with both of you dressed up. I dare him to dare to go without panties, with the remote control toy, and he has the remote in his pocket. Do you think you’d make to coffee and dessert?

            • Not knowing what my reaction would be, I’d have to test it out extensively first! I’m not a coffee drinker but I can certainly become the dessert!

    • Well…are the 5 – 7 business days up? We need an update. LoL

      • The 5-7 business days are up. Just my luck, I got sick and was physically incapable of any kind of fun. Since I’ve gotten better, I started playing solo or with Mr. L. I still haven’t reached the big bang but I am getting close. I know it! He does enjoy this remote better than the one for the television!