Alix James posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 12 years, 7 months ago
Question 2: Have you attempted to give a sexual “dare” to someone you know in real life (i.e. not anonymously)? Was it because of or inspired by this site?
Alix James posted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 7 months ago
Question 2: Have you attempted to give a sexual “dare” to someone you know in real life (i.e. not anonymously)? Was it because of or inspired by this site?
Yes, to make him hotter, to reveal different sides of him, have him look at himself and those around him with new eyes.
Not because of this site but I’m very pleased I’ve found it. We play a game were we are in a sex club that arranges swaps for couples. I play a character who is very instructive of her and she has to obey or we’ll be thrown out. We continue it via twitter when I’m working overseas. She has to send me photographs of herself dressed as I instruct her.