Alix James posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 12 years, 7 months ago
I love to play with my partners pussy whenever and wherever we are. I can (and do) play with their pussies for hours on end. Sometimes it is overtly sexual and I am teasing them relentlessly or laser focused on getting them off as quickly and unexpectedly as possible. Other times its is just a light playful and (I would never say non-sexual since I am playing with their pussy) but it is more soft and sensitive and gentle – expressing my love and affection for their femininity and womanhood.
About 7 years ago, I started to tell my partners that I wanted to be able to play with their pussies whenever and wherever we are. Over time, I refined what that meant for me and it has evolved into a pretty specific set of very strong preferences (some might call them expectations but I never demand anything of someone else…my partners have to want to do what I enjoy!). I can not recall a situation in the past 7 years where I haven’t been able to run my hands on a woman’s exposed pussy for some period of time each and every time we have ever met, no matter how brief or public or non-sexual our encounter may have otherwise been.
Lets just say that I have yet to find a woman who, once they embraced the wisdom of always being in that state in my presence, did not come to find it to be a far superior approach to how they had been living before. I know that many women do that with every other man they are with, whether their new partner knows or cares or expects it or not (hoping that their new guy will come to appreciate how best to make use of their assets)!
So what to I like/prefer/expect from my partners?
1) I prefer them to be in a skirt and without panties as much as possible. If they are wearing panties, they need to be small enough or loose enough to move aside easily.2) I prefer them to make their pussy accessible to me as much as possible no matter where we are (i.e. no crossed legs, no bag or purse in their lap, keep their body facing me or facing away not twisted off to the side, etc.)
3) Lastly, I prefer that they allow me to do as I wish with their pussy and let me worry about not putting her in a compromised position (although they do often find themselves in a compromised state of mind), not making a spectacle of what I am doing, and not getting us in trouble. And I mean anything…including fucking them right then and there if I can figure out how to do it discretely.
I am always amazed by what we can do and how much we can get away with and how far I can take it without raising any suspicions (or certainly not enough to matter or care about). Just this afternoon, I met my partner for what was intended to be a brief catch up meeting where nothing sexual would happen (well…I guess in this case that means that we would not be getting naked, she would not be sucking my cock, I would not be tasting her pussy and we would definitely not be fucking).
As usual (and thankfully without me having to ask her any longer) she met me for a few minutes over lunch hour. As I embraced her, I softly ran my hands down along her lower back across her waistline and down along the crack of her ass and back up to her grip her waistline firmly. It was a fairly subtle act that I do with considerable regularity (there is something about the softness and feeling of trailing my fingers along the length of the crack of a woman’s ass that I really like).
Without missing a beat she whispered in my ear, “no…I am not wearing anything underneath my skirt…I don’t ever think I will with you again” . I smiled, gave her a look to let her know how much that pleased me and gave her a nice long kiss. It is a very hot day today in New York, so we walked slowly around the park looking for a few open chairs that we could sit in. It was pretty obvious that none of the seats we were likely to find could be considered discrete, but she way brave and allowed me to pick the best of many not so good options – right along a busy walkway with waves of people constantly filtering by. We caught up for a moment and we both expressed how much we wanted to have each other. I told her that “I have really been missing your pussy” and she told me how badly she wanted “to see my cock…and to kiss it…and to suck it – and how much she had been dreaming about my cock” since we last saw each other….
[Sidebar: Our relationship is much, much deeper than sex (I promise), but this really is how we speak to each other. Also, to all the women who are wondering, I find it hard to believe that I have the greatest cock in the world (If a guy told you that you have the best pussy in the world would you believe him?), but she is a very straightforward lady and I do believe that she feels that way about my cock and let me tell you, hearing someone say these things in an earnest yearning aching way is one of the greatest things a man can ever hear – so don’t forget to tell your man or lady early and often if you love the way that their sex does it for you]
So we are sitting there and I am looking wistfully down at her cleavage and lap and without saying or suggesting or in any way asking, I see her grip the hemline of her skirt (it was one of the really long cotton jersey sundresses) and raise it up into her lap until she is sitting there with her pussy in plain view to me. Now there was a lot of fabric gathered up along her thighs and lap, and she was leaning forward slightly so her lap wasn’t completely exposed, but right there among the fabric folds in her lap and very much in the full bright sunshine she was showing me her neatly trimmed pleasantly swollen and pink pussy. I wasn’t complaining and wasn’t about to stop her or give her some reaction, so after taking a good long look, I just sat there and continued our conversation. With every minute I was more and more impressed with the sudden fearlessness of this woman. I had been showing her (in a lot more daring ways than this) that people only see what they want to see, and here she was as cool and casual as could be letting me see her pussy, I was impressed and very, very aroused by now.
The better part of 5 minutes passed and I couldn’t help myself any longer so as we continued to talk, I leaned slightly forward myself and discretely started to touch and stroke her puss. After a moment or two of casually but clearly looking at her lap and admiring her lips as they started to get wetter and wetter, and seeing them swell further and start to flair out…I went back to our conversation as if nothing was going on.
It didn’t take too long after I started touching her that she reached her breaking point – she cried uncle – she continued to make her pussy easily available (and even spread her legs a little wider apart to give me access to penetrate her if I chose), but then asked if I could continue doing exactly what I was doing before asking if I would mind if she were to put her skirt down. I had already gotten way way more out of this brief catch-up break than I ever expected and although I really didn’t care if anyone saw and, despite the dozens of people that were walking by every minute, I really didn’t think that there were that many people who would actually notice…but for those who did happen to look down at her lap (even just a glance), they were definitely getting quite view from very close range – like standing next to us – so I told her that “I would much rather be touching your pussy than seeing it, but that I really did appreciate her having been so brave and allowing me to get such a good look for so long”.
We continued catching up, and I continued giving her a mildly pleasurable teasing, not making any real attempt to ratchet it up to something that could get her off. After about another 15 minutes, we both were wrapping up and getting ready to go and so we both started talking about how I had been playing with her pussy (it wasn’t even mentioned during the previous 15 minutes). She said something about how she was pleased that I hadn’t started slapping her pussy, because it would have caused her to loose her train of thought. I realized that I couldn’t slap it in a way that I normally do (wrist action with my palm and the palm side of my closed fingers), but I might be able to flick my fingers out and up so that the backside of my fingers gave her a good slap (and no real arm or wrist movement needed). I asked her to spread her legs a little wider and as she started to adjust to do just that, she gave me that disbelieving “what are you up to look” and let her purse slide back down to the ground. I flicked my fingers out hard and fast and pretty quickly herd the soft slap of skin against her moist lips and saw her eyes bulge and back stiffen slightly as I clearly had hit the spot with hardly any discernible motion or change in how we had been sitting there.
I leaned forward and put my lips close to her ear before flicking my fingers another five times in rapid succession. I knew that she had her eyes closed, so I whispered in here ear…”I was thinking about how much I wanted to slap your pussy like this with my cock the next time we meet, but since we were out here in public would accept me slapping her like this for now?”
She nodded and I started a slightly slower but no less hard series of flick/slaps against her swollen cunt.
I asked her, “Does that feel good enough to make you cum?”, and again she gave a slight nod yes.
“Do you want me to make you cum right here in the park?”, I asked her…
A throaty “umm..hmmm” response followed.
I sat back a little so I could see her face and she was looking at me with the most serene glazed lustful expressionless face. It was beautiful and I told her so. I encouraged her to sit here and experience this. I asked her to let her body take control and to stop thinking about anything else.
I could tell she was listening and reacting to every word and quickly surrendering to the feelings that were coursing through her body.
I will give her credit, she didn’t collapse or alter her composure much if at all, as she started to drift off into another place as I flick/slapped her pussy over and over and over again.
We were already very close together so her resting her head on my shoulder as she started to peak, didn’t look too obvious. But I could hear her make a couple of powerful gasps for air and felt the sharp rhythmic convulsions of the muscles in her pelvis as she started to orgasm…
Fuck was it beautiful….
I noticed that a guy across the walkway was looking at us and after making eye contact, it seemed that although he suspected that something was going on, he couldn’t really figure out what had happened. My look caused him to look away.
I thought to myself, how is it possible that a guy 4 feet away who watched her holding my arm tightly lowering her head into my shoulder and then agains my air, undoubtedly heard at least one of her sharp gasps for air and then witnessed her look at me with big teary, glassy eyes couldn’t quite figure out what had happened. Amazing. But true.
PS: I didn’t have time to describe what she was doing to my cock through my pants with her hands the whole time…maybe another day…, but it was much less discrete than what I was doing to her
PPS: Just like I prefer to have her pussy available to me whenever we are together, I do believe that turnabout is fair play (for a woman who is bold enough to take advantage of it) and I have told her that I will never stop her from grabbing my cock and pulling it out of my pants and doing whatever she want to it whenever and wherever she wants. Hearing what she did to convince herself that I was dead serious is also a story for another day, but lets just say she knows all too well that I am deadly serious with my intention to make good on that and that if she had taken my cock out right there in the middle of the park and started to suck me – as uncomfortable as that would have made me – I am not entirely convinced that I wouldn’t have let her do it…
PPPS: After she orgasmed, she took my cock in both hands and lowered her lips to the distinct bulge in the lap of my slacks (the guy across the aisle definitely saw her do that, so I gave him as bold a “so what” face as possible)…Based on the look in her eyes, I actually became concerned for the first time that she would do something a little too bold and I might have to edit our activities to avoid a police intervention (we were basically on 5th Avenue for Chirst’s sake)!!! Thankfully she didn’t pull that zipper down and I was able to relay this newest of escapades to you…
I read this several times and have had all day to think on it. You know I love hearing about your experiences and this was no different–in fact I became and am quite aroused, perhaps more so than usual from reading it.
I personally love it when my pussy is played with, and love when my partner is aroused enough to stimulate me in public, even if it is through pants lightly under a restaurant table or the like. The idea that they are so turned on and desirous of my pussy that they can’t even wait until somewhere a little more private is extremely sexy to me. I also enjoyed reading your “stipulations” because while you ask what may be a lot of them (in public in a skirt with no panties) you also emphasize trust that you will exercise discretion in how you go about it to keep both parties safe (and out of jail!) as this appeals to my “safe, sane” side when it comes to sex.
However, it was reading about your adventure with your lover that really did it for me. The fact that she was able to get herself ready for your touch without provocation, that she was willing to open herself up to you in such a public place, and finally that she finally said fuck it and came to orgasm in a public park, in full view of passerby–picturing this scene has turned me on immensely. Hopefully you and your lady continue having encounters like this, and you continue to share them with us!
You can not imagine how much I appreciate not only your thoughts on my “adventure” but also sharing your own feelings and experiences. It was quite an experience and I am invigorated with the thoughts of where to take it from here.
I know exactly where you were and next time, if you can share with us ahead of time, I might be able to fulfill my voyeur fantasy (okay, okay at least in my imagination)! I am learning so much from you. I am going to start employing that bold face “so what” look immediately in response to some stares I’ve received since I have been following orders to walk to and from work without panties.
You do?!? I would love to have you watch some time…
Thanks for the encouragement (if I get much more I will wind up in jail!)
But what really caught my eye, was the phrase “orders to walk to and from work without panties”!!! WTF? Uh…I think someone owes us all a bit of an explanation…
Care to elaborate? (and come on people…how am I the first to catch this?)
Yep, I’ll second James on that necessary explanation.