
  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    I am now in my mid 60s (which is great, if I need cheap bus tickets!). Thankfully, my health is good, I feel and look good. I was blessed with being just over 6 feet and have kept most of my hair. I was never the guy girls went up to my buddy and wanted an introduction. I was kind of shy, very much a gentleman and always had good manners. What I did have was a secret life. Over the years I have probably bedded between 200 to 250 women and of varying ages. I found the younger ones the least enjoyable to be with. Love mature women. I digress. My life has been interesting from a suburban person’s view, from getting tossed out of school when I was 17, to military to a varied business career that from the outside seems successful. Due to many exploits, many have asked me to write of my life but I cannot as I cannot let my kids (both long married), my ex and other relatives know that I also had a secret life, a highly active sexual one. So, my friends, allow me to use this forum to come out, to share and to let my stories, all of which will be true to be out there and shared. If you approve, I will try to post at least once a week but I do travel on business and not always easy to write. I loved women, still do but now mad about one exceptional lady and my exploits of conquest are over. I had but one ambition in life after visiting my grandparents when they were in senior facilities – to make it there. To live that long and then to be the only one sitting there with a big grin on my face just thinking of the ladies who were wonderful, who felt good, who smelled good and who tasted even better. To savour a woman, to respect her and to share an intimate moment – I will be smiling

    • Would love to continue reading about your adventures. You write beautifully and clearly have stories to tell.

    • It would be an honor to hear about your stories. I am particularly interested in learning more about the emotional side of your erotic encounters, what moved you toward them, how did you both feel at the time, and the consequential impact afterwards.

      • I am not proud of the fact that I strayed as a husband, a married man but something inside of me said that I could not go on with a sameness in my life. We were very young when we married, barely 21 in my case, she younger. I continued to grow and yet she was content to play the part of wife, mother and not grow in interests, in life. I read a great deal on sex and was intrigued. I must admit, she was a willing partner but more because I wanted to do certain things rather than fulfilling her own passions, which were not strong. Eventually, after 10 years of marriage, my views on sex were more open and I just felt that if the Almighty granted us sex as pleasure, that He made it feel so good and so pleasurable that it cannot be bad. One summer, when my family was away in Europe visiting relatives for 5 weeks I went out with a friend and we just started to chat with 2 women. I will not go through the whole thing but I ended up late that night taking them home, dropping off one and then was invited up to the apartment of the other. That night, for the first time in 10 years, I had another woman and a revelation. I did not experience guilt, remorse. The next day I savoured it. The lady was not a beauty. She was a bit plain and she was Rubenesque but she had large breasts and great curves. She was a larger woman but she would have photographed well in the nude. Not fat, just larger. She was a delight and was not intimidated to do wonderful things to me and with me. That opened the door for me. What could be so bad about feeling good? I knew that I loved my wife but that was the problem, I loved her as I loved a sister or a first cousin. I did not love her enough as a partner and that was bad. For the sake of family, I stayed for many more years but I went out and had adventures and here is one thing, I have told the truth so far, I never lied to a woman. I never pretended to be separated or that “my wife does not understand me.” I remember being in a club and hearing two guys telling two ladies that their wives had been killed in a car accident and that tainted me from ever lying for these guys saying that just to con to get laid was ugly. So, in the years that followed one lady gave way to maybe 250 or more and eventually my marriage failed, not because of affairs, but because it had to as I had stopped being in love many years before (for the record, we remain close friends and share all family events).
        I guess I have insight into people and know when people lack something. I love women, cherish women. Many of my lovers were in trapped marriages or relationships and wanted a man to treat her with respect and to love them, even for one night with passion and make it about them. To this day, helping a woman climax is more rewarding for me than my own. Too many had boyfriends or husbands who climbed on, pumped, finished and rolled over. That seemed to be so common and across different cultures. A good percentage of the ladies had never given oral sex let alone received it. Some exploded the first time and it was so wonderful and beautiful.
        Today, I have a fantastic partner. Every wish is fulfilled and then some. We can walk along a sidewalk hand-in-hand and I have happiness I have never experienced. We have a very active sex life and tomorrow night, a new adventure with a third party (I shall write about it).
        Last thing, consequences – they were few as I was honest to all (I guess that is hypocritical as I was not for my wife). The business I am in, the profession allows for me to travel and for late working hours, so that worked well for me. One consequence – I would set out certain parameters up front and yet a few of the ladies did fall in love with me. I understood that as I was not the guy they lived with or had dated and I was not one of their bad experiences. It was more about what I gave them rather than who I was. I hated to hurt them but when they got too deep it was time to move on.
        Last thing, black, white and brown (I had more than one Indian lady), they were magical.

        Judge me if you will but I know this, I brought a lot of pleasure and short term happiness to various ladies and that was always my goal and desire. It was not about the sex, that was the byproduct. It was about the chase, the opening up, the releasing of wounds, of healing, of the mind.

        • Thank you very much for sharing such an important part of yourself. I did not ask my questions to make any kind of judgement but rather to learn more about your experiences.

        • Thanks for sharing this, and I think you touch on some of the reasons that attract us to a place like this. I’ll be curious to hear more of your adventures as time goes on.