
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 5 months ago

    I have what could, on the surface be a fairly simple experiment for virtually everyone to undertake and actually do – like right this minute…

    Texting, chat, e-mail, twitter and other forms of abbreviated communications are great, and can be hot and sexy, and have a remarkable ability to express a very “of the moment” feeling by a sender with whatever “shot” you take across the bow having a correspondingly instantaneous impact on the recipient.

    I am talking about Sexting of course…but with a twist!

    Sexts can range from short sweet line that gets their attention (“I want you!”) all the way to a cannon shot across the bow that make them stop in their tracks (you know, something like attaching a nice clear picture of your spread, swollen and glistening wet pussy taken while sitting at your desk at work to show them you are serious).

    Now you could just Sext your partner a brief text expressing something especially naughty that you are thinking about or would like to do to them…and I would be OK with hearing back that some of you did just that (as long as you share the Sext, any resulting exchanges and the results of said Sext…

    However, to make it more interesting (and possibly much more exciting), I want each of you to stop, put your thinking hats on and push yourselves to be creative and naughty (and as graphic in your wording) as possible!

    Sort of the “Sext to end all Sexts!” Something that would not only make them “stop in their tracks”, but might actually cause them to instantaneously alter course for the shortest distance between them and the sender (hopefully not by driving the car off the road!). Setting off a small nuclear device in your partners libido which if played correctly should increase their lust and appreciation for you immensely in the process.

    This is about unselfishly giving more than getting something out of it for yourself. Obviously you have to be ready to “go” wherever you normally don’t or wouldn’t, but wouldn’t it be nice to really show them how much you loved them by going the extra mile. What would you push yourself to do or what sexual experience could you facilitate that you know (or could quickly determine) is the one thing that you know they want that you haven’t done or done as much as they would like? Maybe they have a sexual bucket list that you could draw on for inspiration (or maybe you should make said list)!

    Now, there are all different ways that people would “rank” their own sexual bucket list… For some it would the most outrageously over the top, don’t ask don’t tell, no consequences bacchanalian orgy imaginable (Mr. X included a few examples of such tails in his lovely book, oops, I mean tales!). Others might have more…sublime…desires (like say… a “no mess” blowjob under his desk at the office)… Whatever it is, adopt that you only live once attitude, and go buy that dildo harness and get ready to peg your man like there is no tomorrow.

    Couple of extra ideas…

    Spice it up by making it a limited time offer…”be home in 30 minutes and you can do X to me”

    [No not that X, just “X” as in “fill in the blank” – although come to think of it there may be quite a few people who would like a shot at Mr. X]

    Offering up something outside your usual comfort zone or that you have never done (swallow his cum or don’t begrudgingly conceded to anal sex…offer to give it to him on a silver platter and let him plow that ass!).

    Take your time to make the text extra crude, using graphic language and/or attaching a photo or video to get your dripping wet wantonness (please share those too!). Don’t think that a wildly out of character lewd or explicit or salacious expression by you isn’t in itself a huge potential turn on…it may do more to turn them on that what you are actually offering…

    I am going to do this tomorrow and I will share my results with you all…but I tried to put myself in your shoes (or more specifically the shoes of a prospective recipient) and imagine what would it would take to get me to stand up and walk out the door the very instant I received such a text – a full on Don Drapper “cancel all my calls and meetings for the rest of the afternoon moment” – and I came up with the following…

    “I want your cock in my ass right now! I have a bottle of lube and have two fingers already stretching me out to take you the second you get home. Make it home in the next 30 minutes and I will start by sucking your cock dry making sure to swallow every last drop before assfucking your cock until you beg me to stop!!!”

    If I got that Sext, I would pretty much drop just about anything and rush home, but if they included a picture of said bottle of lube and some extra evidence of their asshole “preparedness”, my guess is that I would run out of even the most important business meeting of my entire life!

    I also imagine that I would either be home in under 15 minutes and/or she would have to bail me out of jail after getting arrested for excessive speeding…

    Make us all proud with what you are willing to do and how raunchy you can say it!!!

    My results will be up tomorrow…

    • Ha! Yes, I’ll be quite pleased if the sext dare is to “do X” to someone. I’ll go ahead and start making preparations. I really like the idea of speaking/writing/sexting past your “comfort zone”, and I’ll be eager to hear what you and hopefully others devise.

    • So I will go first…oh, wait, no one else but Mr. X seems to have even seen this…so let me kick this off by sharing my Sext…AND…to prove my point, I already have the privilege of being able to share with you the result!!! (which I will admit even I am astounded to be able to say).

      First, I do have to set this up a little bit…no there were no preparations or advance warnings for my “target”, this was truly and completely out of the blue for her… but I do think it is important to note that when I actually sat down to send it, I realized that as a guy sending this to a woman, that a particularly salacious or lewd or graphic Sext wasn’t in and of itself guaranteed to hit the proverbial sweet spot. While such things can and do get her motor running, because of the complete shock factor if nothing else, I would still need to introduce some storyline…some romantic notion…some touching bit before smacking her between the eyes with a shot of my erect penis greeting her during her morning meetings. Also, it is important to know that she works in a very professional setting. That is important, because she does have responsibilities and obligations which might make a Sext exchange difficult or require her to change gears a bit if she was in the middle of something. It is also important because she works in a high pressure, male dominated field and she really doesn’t have the privilege or opportunity to hole up in her office, so she would need to stay remarkably composed and outwardly indifferent no matter what I sent – actually another aspect to exploit…

      So, without further ado…I present my Sext:

      ME: Was just outside. It is beyond glorious… We always dream about stealing away and having lunch together in the park on days like this. Interested?

      HER: Sounds nice, we’ll see, working through some stuff.

      ME: While you are thinking about it, let me tell you about the dream I have been working through myself…

      It is the middle of the work day, it is warm, the park is packed but there are plenty of shady little corners we could tuck into, you are wearing a skirt and blouse and we are going to meet for that long talked about lunch…but…just before you leave, I asked you to meet me without wearing your panties…

      I tell you to leave work and focus only on how the breezy warmth swirls up and around and between your legs as you are walking to meet me…

      Your are probably wondering how I would even know if you followed my instructions, but I will know because you are going to show me by positioning yourself in such a way as to give me an clear and un-obstucted and anything but fleeting view of your crotch…

      Not only that, whatever position you take, has to give me easy access to be able to touch your sex…

      You are going to open yourself up and show yourself to me, not for a second, but for the whole lunch…neither one of us will even care is someone else walks by and sees, because it is so crowded and in New York people just don’t stop and stare like that…

      Not only that, but you are going to let me touch you…feel you…probe you. Again, neither one of us will care even though some nameless stranger may see (or infer) exactly what I am doing to you because we will be so casual and non-chalant about it that the few who do notice will disbelieve what they saw…

      Just imagine the feeling the sun and the breeze on your skin as my hand works it way up your thighs…slowly, casually, deliberately…until you feel the rough warmth of my hand make contact with your pussy…

      Stroking and rubbing and squeezing your lips…teasing you…all with as little movement and as few outward acknowledgements of my ministrations as either of us can sustain…

      My fingers circling and spreading and searching for the telltale signs of your arousal before starting to dip in and out of your cunt…

      You will be sitting there allowing me to show you how much I love you, how much I crave and need your pussy…how much I want to bring you pleasure…how aroused I will be having your offer your cunt to me in broad daylight with people all around us…and knowing how hard I am going to fuck you later that evening!

      Is there any chance you could help me work through that at lunch instead?

      HER: Wow! I am panting and thankful to be wearing a skirt right now. I just read this and couldn’t see straight for a moment. It feels naughty and wonderful to know that no one else has read this but me. I can’t decide if I want to sneak you away first thing when we get home or let the tension build until after the kids are down.

      ME: Decisions, decisions, decisions…but I was serious about meeting you for lunch. I know exactly what you are wearing today…I commented on it as you left remember? I also know how it could be hiked up a bit without looking unusual allowing you to give me a better view of what I am about to touch…and I do expect you to show me at lunch! So where are we meeting and when?

      HER: My aren’t we fired up. What time could you get free for lunch?

      ME: For you…like that…right now!!! Although I did get the impression that I wasn’t the only one fired up about my dream. I am excited that you are ready to give me a nice good look at your pussy and let me finger you until you cum. We can grab some lunch and share…well..yourself, with me!

      One other thing, I need you to step off the desk and go to the bathroom and remove those panties right now! Don’t reply until you can send me a pic with them wadded up and in your purse beside your desk… Then tell me what your timing is to meet!

      [After 30 minutes with no reply whatsoever, I sent a follow-up reply]

      HIM: I will allow that there may be a good excuse for your absence, but otherwise the insolence of not following directions needs to be redressed at our lunch – and that doesn’t mean you can put them back on!!! Without a good explanation, now I want to see a picture taken from beneath your desk looking up your skirt and giving me the pleasure of seeing your pussy right now. I know it can be done discretely, just make sure to turn off the flash and turn down the volume. For the picture to come out, you will need to spread your legs far enough apart to allow in enough light so that I can make it out clearly…

      Now get snapping shutterbug and let me know what time we are meeting!

      HER: Here u go. Delete once received

      HIM: Mmmm…Beautiful. Your lips appear to be swollen and pouting (as your face no doubt was when you got the message), and the way that your inner labia have started to flair and split apart suggests that you are intensely aroused not only by what I have already said, but from the fear of what and how I intend to follow through on that.

      Is that correct? Are you turned on? Are you a little (or a lot) nervous meeting like this? Is your pussy wet?

      Does it excite you to think of how naughty you just were sitting there without your panties and taking a picture of your cunt?

      I bet you can smell your sex…

      I bet others can too!

      If someone else smells it, they probably wont put two and two together because it is so rare (not many women around) and unthinkable and seemingly out of context in your office…

      Can you imagine all those men sitting around you and catching the faintest whiff of your sex and getting turned on but not having the least clue as to why?

      Does it excite you to know that everyone around you may be smelling your sex but not knowing or recognizing it as such…just randomly getting hard and feeling aroused on a Friday morning??? (random arousal does happen like that for guys)

      Can you imagine them finding out that you were sitting at your desk right now, what do you say…”panting” with desire, not wearing any panties, dripping wet with arousal, filling the room with the smell of your sex, about to meet me at the park, where you are going to expose your pussy to me to show me that you followed my orders, after which you are going to make your cunt available so that I can feel and tease and play with it as I see fit throughout lunch and then let me finger fuck you until you cum sitting right there among all those people in the park?

      Do you realize how incredibly turned on every one of those guys would be right now knowing all of that?

      Tick-tock. Will I be seeing you sometime soon?

      • Wow. Love everything about this. Love the self-dare, love her reactions, and love hearing the “voice” of another couple. And now I’m going to stop “loving” to read that result.

    • And the results…

      First things first…Yes, she really did take a picture of her pussy while she was sitting at her desk and send it to me. Yes is did look exactly as I described in my text. No, she has never ever done anything anywhere near that daring or salacious much less sent it to me during the work day, so I knew whatever I had said, must have been pushing some button very very hard for her. And lastly no, I did not delete it but…sorry guys…I will not be posting my woman’s pretty swollen and wet pussy for your enjoyment…I am keeping that newly password protected little treasure all to myself.

      Second, we picked a place to meet and off I went her. Around the time that she would have had to leave her office to make our planned meeting time, I started getting a series of phone calls and texts from her trying to talk to me… I assumed that she was starting to freak out and wanted to talk this through more rationally, but I really didn’t want to “talk” about it in case she tried to beg off or offer some other solution and knew that not reaching me would probably add to the intensity for her (I was just hoping it didn’t push her over the edge and piss her off)

      Anyway so we meet and the park is literally jammed with thousands of people… We grabbed a quick lunch at a place across the street and I took her hand and led her onto the big grassy expanse… We kept to the edges where there were some trees and bushes and we could at least sit down with one side of us shielded from constant view. I suggested we sit down sitting up with our knees bent and her propped up on elbows with her head tilted back as if she were catching the sun…just like everybody else in the park. We were both wearing sunglasses and I was sitting in essentially the same position but facing the opposite direction so that we were side by side with our heads just below the others knee level…She of course was positioned so that the only thing that could look up her skirt sitting that way was a bunch of hedges. The skirt itself, though hiked up slightly, worked remarkably well at both allowing her to casually spread her legs, but in also keeping the potential visibility very limited…essentially to me and those hedges…

      When I got settled and in position to finally inspect how good (and naughty she was), I was greeted with the most remarkably well let, perfectly framed visage of the entirety of her crotch. It was as if someone had a spotlight trained directly on it giving me the most incredibly unexpected view of every last detail. And oh! the details were delicious…no panties…and the most enticingly swollen, puffy, red pussy pouting and aching for attention that was literally glistening with wetness all along her crotch and its folds from how aroused she had become.

      I was absolutely stunned that this woman who has never done anything of the sort…ever…had actually responded to my Sext with such enthusiasm.

      She seemed very concerned about me touching her and what that would look like, but I proceeded to position the lunch bags drinks and wrappers around us and simply allow my hand closest to her and from my elbow which was propping me up in a seated position fall between her legs while otherwise I just went right on talking to her and looking at her a I at my lunch!

      She was so arouses that I knew it wouldn’t take long, but I really wasn’t in any hurry so I simply gently and softly, stroked, spread, pulled, pinched pressed and dipped my fingers in and out of her for at least 15-20 minutes. As I was finishing my sandwich, I rested a little further down and let my head fall back as if I were getting catching some rays, I suggested she did the same as I was about to make her cum…

      And then I did just that…

      She basically collapsed down off of her elbows as she started to recover from her orgasm…it was beautiful and all I could have asked for!

      But here is where it totally didn’t go as planned…

      She told me to turn around and resume our original positions only with each of us reversed so I was now facing the bush. She turned the tables and started to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my suit pants and drop my zipper. I was not about to stop her, but I was also fairly concerned that there was no possible way for this not to be incredibly obvious to anyone looking in our direction. Not only that, but there was a group of young professionals (men and women) right behind me, and although the park had started to thin out from the lunch time peak, they were still only about 15 feet away!!!

      At first she simply used her hands to play with my dick in much the same way I had done for her…I figured there is absolutely no way she will be able to discretely put her head in my lap.

      I was right, there was no way to discretely put her head in my lap…but that didn’t stop her from doing it! I couldn’t believe it as I casually (or at least as casually as I could) looked down at her mouth and tongue circling and swallowing my cock in broad daylight in the middle a still very crowded park at lunch time. It was absolutely fucking amazing…. Not only that she could tell that I was close to cuming and stopped only short enough to say, “don’t worry…cum in my mouth and I will swallow you to not make a mess of your suit”. Are you fucking kidding me?!? What sexual monster have I unleashed. She sucked every last drop of cum and continued going for quite a while as I got softer and softer in her mouth… I thought I was going to pass out right there. It took me almost 5 minuets before I could speak.

      She just leaned back and started to catch a few more rays before our lunch break would be over…

      Needless to say Sexting may be my new all time favorite activity!!!

      PS: I have no idea who saw us or what they saw! There is no way someone didn’t see her head bobbing up and down on my crotch, if not actually see her pumping my dick with her fist and sucking it in and out of her mouth…but you know what, even if they did see, nobody said anything to us, neither one of us cared, and so fucking what. I literally stood to zip up my pants and buckle my belt and we both walked arm and arm out of the park onto the busy street without ever even looking around to see who was staring. You have got to fucking love New York City!!!

      • Oh man. Fantastic. I love how she “turned” on you, and as you can probably imagine, that fearlessness in public is a particular turn-on of mine. It’s really gotten me dreaming of NYC parks and the possibilities of picnics. It makes me nostalgic for the big city – not necessarily my city, but YOUR city, where the women wear short skirts without panties and give blowjobs in the parks.

        Am planning to read back through this a couple of times over the next day in order for all the wonderful details to sink in, and I encourage others to do the same.

      • I’ve always wanted to visit New York City, and this is simply another reason why! Loved reading your and your lady’s adventure in the park. I’m always so inspired by this site each time I visit đŸ˜‰