ForeignLove posted an update in the group
Experimental Books 12 years, 10 months ago
X! My word how I’ve missed our little remarks about each other – I used to be ForegnSexuality but I lost that account’s password earlier this year! – I’m glad I remembered where the name originated from and where I could find my fix of limitless perversions <3.
Yum. You can change your name as many times as you like if we get a new photo every time! Very nice to have you and your limitless perversiona back around, FS/L , and also very nice to have you half naked.
Half naked is the best thing I do at times <3! I don't know about a new photo EVERY time I change my name 😉 But I'll try to post some new ones for your pleasure soon!
How about a new photo every time you bend your fingers into a heart, cute one?
Eep! That.. That would mean about 20 a day!! I really enjoy expressing my emotions through my fingers, I do it for my sexual ones too! 😀