
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 6 months ago

    I love the idea of a massage turning overtly sexual and then just becoming a completely no holds barred animalistic ravaging of one another…

    But I also have a fantasy about this one particular massage therapist who I see on a regular basis. She is a really stunningly attractive young woman about 25 year old, who has the most flawless almost luminescent skin and an amazing naturally tall but thin and delicate body which has been toned by hours of yoga and all manner of biking, surfing, padding, etc. She never wears any make-up (doesn’t really need to if you ask me) and is very quiet and centered in a totally chill bohemian way.

    Anyway, she is a great massage therapist as well, but she does have a down on her luck, woe-is me perspective on life, and has clearly fallen (sometimes hard) for the wrong guys – and by this I don’t mean the “bad boy” who doesn’t treat her well and is always in trouble, I mean the dumb, unattractive, got nothing going on at all, high-school stoner types.

    Her personality is so clearly submissive, but because she doesn’t put out a particularly sexual vibe, it comes off as almost embarrassingly meek and I am afraid to say it, not very smart.

    As I have gotten to know her, again just as a really good, intuitive, massage therapist, I have had the chance to rib her gently over her seeming futility with men. I think she is hot and I always find ways to compliment her on her really cool easy-going personality, groovy feel-good vibe and utterly incredible sleek and toned body.

    I also never miss a chance to layer in a pretty heavy dose of sexual innuendo not in a creepy come on way, but more to see if she is really as innocent and naive as she comes off. My verbal provocations always lead to bright red, blushing embarrassment, but she always comes back in such a self-assured and open way, and with really thoughtful and complex response that is laden with almost the same sexual innuendo and double entendre I am often floored by what she says not because it is explicit or acknowledges my own innuendo, but precisely because it almost too perfectly matches and carries forward the game seemingly without realizing it! It seems almost inconceivable to me that she isn’t totally in on the joke – but I have never caught even the slightest hint of a sly knowing smile or coy glance to confirm my suspicions.

    If she is playing along, thenI have to believe that she is anything but a prude, that she must have a seriously vivid imagination and – based on the clear enthusiasm which she displays when speaking about anything sexual – a very strong deep seeded desire to put all of her wants and desires into practice. [Where were women like these women when I was younger?!?]

    Her seemingly hopeless sexual inexperience has to be a result of hanging out with these complete zero boyfriends, yet at the same time she seems to have no problem being completely open and unashamed of her own thoughts despite them trending way beyond vanilla, while not perceiving even pretty blatant sexual overtures.

    I have often fantasized about what it would be like to have her soft, lithe hands work further and further up my inner thighs sometime – the thought of which has on occasion produced a seriously prominent and impossible to hide hard-on which, given the thin cotton sheets she often uses in the summer time, must leave very, very little to her imagination about what is going on my mind! The thought of her long, thin fingers warm from all the friction gently sliding up and over my balls and onto – and then wrapping around – my dick is just so damn tantalizing… and thinking of her seeing my excitement and deciding to strip down herself and climb up on the table and straddle me while she lowers herself onto my cock!!! WOW – pretty much almost males fantasy about a massage…

    Thats where this fantasy starts to get a little different…

    She is almost always wearing some kind of sleeveless lycra bodysuit under her “spa” uniform so you can catch vivid glimpses of the form of her breasts and torso (even if not the flesh underneath it) due to the poorly fitting “spa” uniform with oversized armholes, and in true bohemian style she does not wear any strong perfumes or deodorant allowing the distinctive of her body odor which is not overly strong and curiously not offensive in the least to waft over and around my nose over the course of 90 minute massage. I have commented before about how much I love the distinct smell of women and how some people seem to give off a scent that is perfectly tunes to other people noses and she is definitely one of those people for me! Using Mr. X’s “layers” of attraction/arousal, laying there naked and relaxed, under thin cotton sheets, on a warm summer day, with a beautiful young woman rubbing oil into sore muscles, with her wearing close fitting clothing, her own sweet and softly pungent scent (which has a strong and undeniable hint of her sex) is in and of itself a particularly delicious fantasy, but lately, I have been consumed by a fantasy in which I take control of the situation and making her my number one “debasement” project.
    And this is where the real fantasy begins…

    I want to confront her and admit directly that she has very specific sexual appetites, make her acknowledge that despite those strong inclinations, without someones guiding hand, it seems questionable whether she will ever be able to create those experiences on her own, and lastly, to tell her that I understand and appreciate who she is and what it is that she wants and needs and that I am someone who could help lead her there.

    I imagine the above conversation being what is said during our usual playful banter as we both get ready for the massage. But instead of laying back and closing my eyes, I would stand up from the table, allowing the towel to drop to the floor, take her soft cool hands in mind and start to address her very calmly, directly and sternly. She is standing there (beat red of course), but completely frozen – her wide, unblinking eyes hardly able to comprehend how the conversation had even turned to this topic, or become so explicit, much less how I was standing there before completely naked and calm and confident and spell out to her what she needed, why that was OK, and how, if she could find the courage right here, right now, at this very moment, that the fantasy that she has been holding inside of her for so long could come true and that she would finally be able to feel and experience and learn whether it is just a crazy fantasy (that she can call on when in a pinch) or whether it is something that is a crucial part of her and that she really does need to bring into her life once and for all…

    I would tell her the following:

    “We have approximately 80 minutes left on our appointment. The room has everything I need to make her deepest darkest desires come to life…tables and chairs which can be adjusted and maneuvered to place her body in almost any position imaginable….sheets and towels and robes to tie her wrists, bind her ankles, gag her mouth, and strap her to the table and hold her in those positions…hot wax, heat creams, cooling lotions, ice, hot towels tweezers and other beauty implements and other devices that I was sure could be put to good effect.

    If you are interested in learning about these thing, that you must first ask for help, that is the first step to revealing herself. This path requires that she let go of those inhibitions that she must allow herself to be fully exposed – in every sense of the word – to me…

    You will be naked, and expected to hold herself so that your tits and nipples are held out high and proud so that I can touch and feel, and pull and pinch and twist and squeeze them…

    You are to stand on the table for my inspection with your legs wide apart and you are to hold them there, keeping them spread wide apart and open throughout the session. If you cannot obey, then I will surely tie and strap and secure them in a way so as to ensure that I do have complete access. Access to your cunt and your asshole, each of which will be available to be used by me however I see fit and you will be unable to stop it…

    I will gauge your arousal by how wet you cunt is getting, by how hard you are panting and by how completely you are unable to control your body and thoughts and its reactions. You don’t need to express these things unless I ask, but if I do ask a question, then you must answer any and all questions I have truthfully and completely and openly no matter how personal or embarrassed or ashamed you may feel about those thoughts or feelings or answers.

    I am going to explore her deepest darkest wildest fantasies and your honesty in doing so is mandatory.

    If there is ever a time that you do not wish to continue, or that you cannot take any more of the what I am doing to you, then you are to say the word “massage”. That is your safe word and i will stop whatever I am doing. If you do use the safeword, then I will stop what I am doing, help to make you comfortable, and get you cleaned up and dressed, but, I will also get dressed myself and I will never see or visit or speak with you ever again.

    I would look her in the eye, step in closer and ask: Do you have any questions? Do you understand everything I have said?

    Do you want my help?

    Do you need my help?

    Are you ready to submit to me?

    Then, remove all of your clothes, fold them nicely and place them on the stool by the door, and to climb up on the table with your hands held on top of your head, look straight ahead and stand with your legs wide apart and so that I can inspect you before we begin our lessons…”

    It IS just a fantasy…and it IS a little intense…but the girl is for real, the descriptions are for real, my instincts and beliefs about her are for real, and you know what?

    If I ever get the guts to stand up and confront her about it…to say what I imagine saying above…then I am pretty damn certain that she would be standing on that table with her hands on her head, her tits held up high and proud with her legs far apart with her pussy thrust forward at nose level, waiting for her inspection…

    Knowing this person, seeing her in the flesh on a regular basis and imagining that this could become “real”, that Mr. X is one of those additional “layers” to the fantasy that drives me mad with lust and desire.

    It is a damn good fantasy…I am just struggling with how I would introduce “my slave in training” to my wife once I came home!!!

    • I love this. I think that there’s something to be said about fantasizing about a real, specific person and a situation that may potentially come to fruition. Plus, I just think that your particular fantasy is incredibly sexy and it’d be interesting to see how she’d actually respond were you to proposition her like this.

      • Not really knowing her, but having learned as much as I have through gentle polite conversations, it really is astounding to me (and a big time turn on) to know that such “blank canvases” do exist – The personal connection is no doubt a huge part of the fantasy, and lately I have been finding that I have gotten to know all sorts of new people in this way – finding a way to really connect with them on a much deeper level – often with a sexual overtones – simply by being nice and making sure that I always make a point to go over and talk to them when I see them, not allowing the conversation to be about small talk or the weather for more than a brief moment, always showing sincere interest in them and by keeping an emotional distance which comes off as non-threatening or lecherous. I am amazed by what people have been telling me and how connected and personal these people have become – like we are part of a small club of people who can actually admit and share their understanding of how the world works and what people are really feeling. Its authentic, completely without any expectations and, other than fuel for the fires of my fantasies, is largely not part of any “game” to get them into bed – although that possibility must be lingering there for each of them at some level based on what we always seem to talk about…

        Thanks for finding it sexy, I often wonder if I am about to cross any lines – I am learning that I should have more confidence in where my imagined lines are and care less about offending someone.

        Trust me I would like to find out as well, but another part of me thinks that it would be really intense and not able to isolated to a one time thing given her inexperience and presumed strong positive reaction to it. It will be interesting to see if anything changes for me now that I have actually put these thoughts out there…

    • What a sexy fantasy, James (and quite daring and honest, actually), and what a wonderful description of that woman. If she ever got ahold of that text, I think the words would do the work for you. Me, I always want to be consumed by a massage, to give over control and just let it all happen, but your fantasy turns the tables completely until the massage is basically irrelevant. Interesting (and sexy!).